"Bibi Dong! The current level of the poster is quite famous. The current hatred value is 9915 (red)."

The annoying system sound rang in my ears. After more than ten days of unremitting efforts. Ying Ziyi realized that it was too difficult to increase the hatred in Xianyang Palace.

It's not that there is a lack of people with high hatred values ​​in the Qin Palace. On the contrary, there are quite a few people with high hatred values ​​in the Qin Palace. But Ying Ziyi found that he was in a dilemma. Because the hatred value of the people in the Qin Palace is either too high or too low. Like ordinary palace maids and guards, their hatred values ​​are all red. Ying Ziyi lasted for more than ten days and basically did all kinds of damage.

For example, spying on the palace maids taking a bath, feeding laxatives to the horses in the stables, and laying traps on the roads that the patrolling guards must pass...

But after more than ten days, little effect was achieved. Ying Ziyi spent a lot of effort, but only grew a few dozen points.

There is another type whose hatred value is too high. Plot characters like Zhao Gao and Li Si are always blue or indigo. Although this is a great death system, Ying Ziyi does not want to die before leaving the army.

It’s so depressing! Walking on the long volleying road, looking at the beautiful scenery of the setting clouds and solitary swans flying in the distance, Ying Ziyi let out a long sigh, "I thought I was a great villain, but now I have fallen to this level."

"Brother Ziyi, are you back?"

A tender voice came over, and Hu Hai walked over step by step. Holding Ying Ziyi's hand, Hu Hai's young face was filled with an innocent smile.

"Brother Ziyi, I heard that you were very powerful in the Yan Kingdom. You beat a group of Yan dogs to pieces. Hu Hai hasn't seen you for a long time. When will Brother Ziyi play with me?"

I go! Movie king! If he hadn't looked at the hatred bar on Hu Hai's body, Ying Ziyi would have almost been deceived by this guy. No wonder Fusu was so miserable by this girl in the end.

"If brother Hu Hai wants to play, brother Ziyi can do it at any time!" Ying Ziyi also smiled innocently, and he reached out and touched Hu Hai's head.

"Then it's settled. In two days it will be time for my father to lead the ministers to perform sacrifices. Then let's sneak out and play!"


From the perspective of others, this is really a beautiful picture of brothers and sisters. But who knows, life is a play, it all depends on acting skills.

Watching Hu Hai's retreating figure, bad water began to rise in Ying Ziyi's stomach. Ever since he punished the boy last time, he has always stayed away from his brother every time he saw him. How could he come to his door this time?

There is a problem, it is too problematic!

"By the way, Gai Nie!" If you have any trouble, go to Gai Nie. The best sword in the world is useless if you don't use it. Ying Ziyi rushed to find Gai Nie. He had rarely reported to him recently because he was searching for Jing Tianming's whereabouts.

But the strange thing is that Gai Nie was waiting in Ying Ziyi's bedroom early today.

"Mr. Genie, why are you here?"

Gai Nie hurriedly saluted Ying Ziyi, "Sir, when I was looking for my old friend's son, I accidentally discovered something strange in the snare."

"Sure enough, there is a problem." Ying Ziyi said secretly. There are spies all over Xianyang City, but with Gai Nie's skills, the surrounding area should be safe.

Ying Ziyi felt relieved and asked: "Something strange?"

"Yes, Luo Wang's changes are related to the sacrifice to heaven two days later, but I don't think Zhao Gao dares to rebel. Any move beyond the ordinary scale cannot be hidden from the eyes and ears of the King of Qin. Zhao Gao obviously also knows about this matter, so Luo Wang's The scope of this operation was very small, and only one or two not-so-important attendants were temporarily replaced. If I hadn't tracked it carefully, I wouldn't have discovered this matter."

Ying Ziyi was pacing back and forth, seemingly thinking about something?

What are Zhao Gao and Hu Hai going to do? He doesn't know, it's not a good thing anyway. The best countermeasure now is to cover your head and sleep in two days, just ignore them. However, with the way Zhao Gao does things, he must still have a backup plan.

At this moment, a friendly voice sounded in Ying Ziyi's ear.

"Dong, the side mission 'Lord of the Linglong Pavilion' has started. Those who are going to be entrusted with great responsibilities by heaven must first conquer Cangcang City, fill the palace with gold and jade, and have minions everywhere, and only then can they be promoted."

The whole thing is so literary and artistic, you can't say that as a villain, the principles are the same as those of bandits. You must have money, guns, and food, but only in order to rob money, guns, and food.

"Bidong! The poster explained it correctly."

Side quest Linglong Pavilion Master.

Completion conditions: The first poster has a power. (undone)

Completion conditions: The second floor owner has more than 100,000 power resources. (undone)

To complete condition 3, possess the treasure Linglong Pearl. (undone)

Reward for completing the mission: the title ‘Lord of Linglong Pavilion’.

"Sir, do you know what Linglong Pearl is?" Ying Ziyi asked.

"Linglong Pearl?" Gai Nie's expression seemed a little surprised. He didn't understand why Ying Ziyi asked Linglong Pearl at this time, but Gai Nie still answered honestly. "The Linglong Pearl is also known as the Dust Bead. It is said that if placed in a palace, it will keep the room spotless no matter how long it takes. It is a legendary treasure from many countries in the far west."

"The land of the far west?"

"Yes, in the vast land west of Min County."

"Have you all left the Great Wall?" Ying Ziyi murmured. You know, in this era, the area around the Great Wall is already considered a desolate place. After leaving the Great Wall and heading west, there are basically no human beings except for the occasional hunting by the Hu tribe.

Ying Ziyi thought for a while, but if he went further west, it would be the Western Region in later generations. At this time, the Xiongnu did not have a single family, and it was not the Xiongnu who had the final say from the Pamir Plateau to the Hetao. The one who has the final say should be Dayuezhi, the Xiongnu's strong enemy in the west.

At the moment, all of Great Qin's strategies are aimed at developing towards the Central Plains. The ministers in the DPRK and the Central Plains do not know that there are many wealthy countries in the far west.

Thinking about the huge profits brought by the Silk Road, Ying Ziyi felt a little excited.

"Young Master?" Looking at Ying Ziyi who was inexplicably in a strange mood (that is, YY), Gai Nie said.

"It seems that this matter has something to do with me. Zhao Gao is probably trying to deal with me?"

"Master, what's the countermeasure?" Gai Nie did not express doubts about Ying Ziyi's guess.

"Since you want me to leave Xianyang so much, then I'll leave." Ying Ziyi said nonchalantly. Anyway, the hatred value of this place cannot be attracted.


Ying Ziyi picked up the Yuanhong given by King Qin from the weapons rack on the side, held it in both hands and handed it to Gai Nie.

"Mr. Gai Nie, a sword should meet a hero. If you put this sword here with me, it can be regarded as a treasure gathering dust. If you want to find the son of your old friend, the road ahead will be full of dangers. This sword can be a great help to you!" "

Gai Nie didn't say a word. For a long time, he picked up Yuan Hong and said, "Young Master is so kind, I will remember it."

PS. After watching the latest episode of Qin Shi, I felt completely spartan. It was full of bad things! Let’s not talk about the use of the Macedonian phalanx with a few crooked nuts. Meng Tian's golden fire cavalry looks like a heavy cavalry in appearance, and it can actually be defeated by other people's light cavalry~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you Qianyan Xixue for the big reward~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to book friend 160108090327780 for the big reward~~~~~~

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