Today is the day of sacrifice. The three ministers, nine ministers, civil and military ministers have already prepared. They are gathering in the square in front of the palace. The Qin Dynasty respected the virtue of water, and their clothes were black. From a distance, they looked like a dense mass of darkness.

It was still early and King Qin had not yet appeared. After a while, these people will go to the Ancestral Temple under the leadership of Ying Zheng. Along the way, there were already guards from the Qin Palace guarding the whole road. Clean the roads, keep away the people, and ensure that the sacrificial process is not disturbed.

Hu Hai and Ying Ziyi left the palace gate early through the pavilion guarded by guards on both sides.

"Brother Ziyi, let's be careful not to be discovered by them."

In front of the Ancestral Temple, Hu Hai said cautiously. There is a road ahead, I entered it last time.

The road Hu Hai pointed to was a small hole in the corner of the wall. Hu Hai spent some effort to get into the wall of the Imperial Ancestral Temple. Ying Ziyi dug out some soil from the entrance of the cave. It was still new. The entrance of the cave should have been dug not long ago.

"I know the guards of the Forbidden Palace and their patrol routes. Be careful and it shouldn't be difficult to avoid them." Hu Hai said proudly as the two entered the Ancestral Temple.

"I'll go. This guy put so much effort into trying to punish me. He even remembers clearly the patrol routes of the guards at all times."

Hu Hai brought Ying Ziyi to the gate of the Imperial Ancestral Temple, quietly opened the side door, and walked in sideways. Ying Ziyi was watching from outside, still hesitating. Hu Hai thought he was well hidden, but a child could clearly remember the patrol route and the order of the guards, and led him through the heavily guarded Ancestral Temple to the gate without being discovered. This in itself is not an ordinary thing.

Early this morning, Hu Hai came to him and said that he would take him to the Ancestral Temple to see the treasures. Presumably Zhao Gao did not dare to harm him openly. At most, he would frame a crime to drive him out of Xianyang.

But when things came to a head, Ying Ziyi hesitated. As a villain, greed for life and fear of death are the most basic characteristics, and Ying Ziyi is no exception. What if Zhao Gao made a mistake and one or two assassins were ambushed inside?

"Brother Ziyi, why don't you come in? Don't be discovered." Hu Hai's voice was a little anxious.

"Brother is here." Ying Ziyi shouted and walked in.

Entering this palace room, Ying Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief. He found that there was nothing else inside except some tablets, and there was no way to hide anyone. Hu Hai pulled him and walked forward.

"Did you see it? This is the treasure I'm talking about." Hu Hai pointed to a piece of bright yellow oblate opaque amber resting on a low square pillar in the center of the tablets on both sides.

On the mahogany shelf, the surface of this piece of amber is smooth, smooth and smooth. The clever thing is that its shape is round, but it is not artificially carved. It is really a miraculous workmanship of nature!

"This piece of jade was obtained by Mu Gong when he was hunting. He thought it was a good omen, so he enshrined it here. It is said that since this jade was enshrined here, no one needs to clean it, and the room is always as clean as ever. The ancestors thought it was a miracle." Hu Hai told Ying. Ziyi introduced.

Wait, Ying Ziyi realized something was wrong. Why is the function of the piece of beeswax mentioned by Hu Hai so similar to the exquisite pearl mentioned by Gai Nie?

Could it be?

Ying Ziyi looked at the piece of beeswax, but did not notice a strange smile on Hu Hai's face. He quietly took two steps forward.

Hu Hai took out a small bottle from his sleeve robe and sprinkled the white powder inside on the bright yellow silk cloth on both sides of the memorial tablet. Soon, smoke began to appear on the silk cloth, and sparks appeared.

"Fire!" Hu Hai shouted and fled out like flying.

Oh, let me go, what's going on? Ying Ziyi raised his head and looked at the flames not far away. In the empty palace, there was no trace of Hu Hai.

The person who put the blame here is too casual. Doesn't he have any professional qualities at all?

"Ha!" Looking at this gap, Ying Ziyi patted the beeswax with his small hand, and he was full of energy. Only the slightest cracks appeared on the smooth surface of the round amber, and Ying Ziyi licked it inside. After digging, I found an emerald green bead embedded in the broken layers of amber.

This is it, Linglong Pearl. Ying Ziyi put the bead away.


The door is open.

An old man walked in from the door, followed by several guards.

"The fire hasn't been put out yet." The old man's wrinkled skin trembled up and down, but his dark eyes only stared at Ying Ziyi, not caring about the fire at all.

The fire was small and was extinguished in a short time. Ying Ziyi could only hear those attendants saying to the old man: "Mr. Changping, the fire has been put out."

"Ying Ziyi, do you know that even with your dignity as a young master, it is a serious crime to enter the Ancestral Temple secretly, igniting candles and almost burning the deceased king's spiritual tablet."

Oh, let me go, this old shameless guy, I didn’t start this fire.

At this time, a sharp-eyed guard said a few words in his ear. Lord Changping's expression changed drastically and he ran to look at the piece of amber on the pillar.

Looking at the slight cracks on the amber, some places have been broken into pieces. Mr. Changping, who was full of momentum just now, seemed to have been drained of strength, and sat down.

"what's going on?"

A majestic voice sounded outside, and Brother Zheng, led by the Three Gongs and Nine Qings, had arrived.

"Your Majesty, Qiong Yu is ruined." There was even a hint of vibrato in Changping Jun's voice.

Ying Zheng walked into the palace room, glanced at the broken amber on the square pillar, then looked at Ying Ziyi, and asked, "What's going on?"

"I don't know. Before Lord Changping brought people in, Qiong Yu was fine. Then they were in a hurry to put out the fire, and it ended up like this." Ying Ziyi spread his hands and said shamelessly.

"You...!" Changping Jun pointed at Ying Ziyi, his nostrils flaring.

"Your Majesty, spare my life! Your Majesty..." When Ying Ziyi said those words, the people around him brought in by Lord Changping had already begun to kneel down and beg for mercy. At this time, they understood something deeply. When gods fight, little devils suffer.

"Your Majesty, the Fourteenth Young Master sneaked into the Imperial Ancestral Temple today and accidentally knocked over a candle, causing a fire. Following the king's order, the veteran came to the Imperial Ancestral Temple to arrange everything. He smelled a fire and brought people in to put out the fire. The servants were careful, even the pillars dedicated to Qiong Yu None of them have come close. It must have been the Fourteenth Young Master who destroyed him first, and now he is slandering him." Lord Changping took a deep breath, sat up on his knees, and explained the cause and effect to Ying Zheng.

"Mr. Changping, you are already a lot older, why are you still falsely accusing a child? I am powerless!"


"Okay! Now is not the time to argue. Everything should be done first, and then the consequences."

Brother Zheng deserves to be called Brother Zheng, he is calm and generous and has good command. Although this sacrifice felt a little hasty, but after a set of procedures, there are still some etiquette.

Qin Palace.

Ying Zheng sits high on the throne, with civil and military officials on his left and right.

The central culprit was Ying Ziyi.

Hu Hai knelt down next to Ying Ziyi and said with tears in his eyes: "Father, today brother Ziyi said he would take me to a fun place, and then the two of us sneaked in through the hole next to the wall. The Imperial Ancestral Temple. After entering the palace, brother Ziyi accidentally knocked over the candle, causing a great disaster. Hai'er escaped first because he was afraid, and Hai'er didn't know anything about it after that."

After saying that, Hu Hai wiped his face and wiped away his tears, with pure tears still shining on his tender face.

"What do you think this matter should be like?"

Lord Changping walked out of the train and said, "It has been made clear that the Fourteenth Young Master broke into the Ancestral Temple and caused a fire. It has also been made clear that he failed to fulfill his responsibilities as an elder brother, seduced a weaker brother, and acted recklessly."

After Lord Changping finished speaking, Wang Jian walked out of the train, "The Imperial Ancestral Temple is heavily guarded. How could the Fourteenth Young Master bring the Eighteenth Young Master through without being discovered? This matter is suspicious, please think twice, Your Majesty." "

At this time, Meng Wu, Xin Sheng, Li Xin and others also stood up from the train, "Old General Wang is right, please think twice."

Most of the military generals in the court also came out of the train to plead for Ying Ziyi.

Lord Changping was willing to take the risk and said: "Others can do this, but I have doubts. But the Fourteenth Young Master is different. In Yishui, he defeated the Yan army of 400,000 with an army of 100,000. He was able to avoid the heavy guards, so he No surprise.”

At this time, many civil servants also came out of the train and expressed their approval of Lord Changping.

Ying Zheng had different opinions on civil and military matters. He looked at Prime Minister Li Si again and asked, "Li Si, what do you think?"

"As Mr. Changping said, the matter has been made clear. However, although the Fourteenth Young Master is smart, he is still young, so it is normal for him to be careless." Li Si said, not wanting to offend either side.

"Fusu, what do you think?"

"I think...I think...Prime Minister Li Si is right!" With Lord Changping on one side and his younger brother on the other, Fusu had a hard time making a choice, and finally said something straight.

"If you are guilty, you should be punished." Ying Zheng finally defined this matter.

"My son asked me to be exiled to Longxi." At this time, Ying Ziyi's clear voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

"Oh?" Brother Zheng looked at Ying Ziyi and asked, "Why?"

"If you live or die for the benefit of the country, how can you avoid it for the sake of misfortunes and blessings?" Ying Ziyi straightened his throat and shouted out with a sonorous voice. Coupled with his serious appearance at the moment, he looked quite righteous.

Hey, you committed a crime and were exiled. Why are you acting like you are loyal to the country?

Down below, many courtiers were muttering in their hearts.

"Accurate!" Ying Zheng said, his deep voice resounding throughout the hall.

ps. A friend pirated my novel and changed the name without even changing the introduction. Thinking about it, I’m really a little excited~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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