Late at night, Qin Palace.

The damaged piece of amber is now placed on King Qin's imperial case.

Ying Zheng's hand carefully rubbed and felt it. At this moment, under the throne, a dozen steps away, a shadow secret guard was reporting Ying Ziyi's latest information.

"After the Fourteenth Young Master left the palace that day, he sold the five carts of property to merchants in the city. During these few days, the Young Master ordered his personal guards to collect armor, tents, seeds, and horses in the market. Return them Yes, the Fourteenth Young Master also purchased 500 slaves in the market and selected 300 prisoners of war from various countries from the military camp."

Ying Zheng waved his hand and signaled his shadow secret guards to go down. It's not that Ying Zheng didn't know that there was something fishy about the Ancestral Temple, but he chose to let it go and exiled Ying Ziyi to Longxi. One is that the person who planned this conspiracy obviously wanted to drive Ying Ziyi out of Xianyang City. He wanted to see how the situation would develop next, so Ying Zheng followed the trend in order to find out the man behind the scenes. Both were due to Ziyi's attitude in the palace at that time. Some of Ying Ziyi's recent actions showed that he was doing something purposefully. As for what you are doing? Ying Zheng couldn't see clearly for a while, so he became even more curious.

The matter about Ying Ziyi was just a small matter after all. Ying Zheng couldn't focus all his attention on it, because there was a more urgent matter in front of him.

Attack Wei!

Wei was the first country to become powerful among the seven heroes of the Warring States Period. When it was at its peak, it was based in the Three Jin Dynasties and marched into the Central Plains, overwhelming the Qin State to the point where it was almost breathless. Later, Qin and Qi successively implemented reforms, but Wei began to decline. Under the attack of the two countries, the Wei State suffered repeated defeats. In the Battle of Hexi and the Battle of Maling, the Wei State was defeated one after another, and its national power has plummeted since then. The capital was moved from Anyi to Daliang, unable to prevent Qin from moving eastward, and its own leadership position among the Three Jin Dynasties was replaced by the more powerful Zhao State.

Wei Liaozi walked in from the side of the hall, and as usual, he bowed his hands to Ying Zheng.

In the process of Yingzheng's unification of the world, there were many capable people and strangers who helped him. However, the one whom Ying Zheng trusted the most was Wei Liaozi in front of him.

"Mr. Wei Liao, now that the land of Yan has stabilized, it's time to attack Wei. I wonder what your plan is, sir?"

"Wei is the place where the four battles took place. Daliang is the most fortified city in the world. It cannot be attacked by force."

Due to a fatal mistake in the strategic deployment of Wei State at that time, it transformed from a first-rate powerful country into a small country today, huddled in a corner, but that corner was the richest region in the world. Daliang, the capital of Wei, was also one of the largest and strongest cities in the world.

"Yes!" Ying Zheng nodded and agreed with Wei Liaozi's opinion.

Only Wei Liaozi continued to say, "The capital of Wei has enough food for ten years, plenty of soldiers and armor, and the lives of the people. If you want to attack Wei, you can't conquer it by force. It's better to let the army surround the city and then attack it with water."

"Water attack?" Ying Zheng asked.

"I have been paying close attention to observing hydrology recently and calculated that in two years' time, the water volume of the Yellow River will skyrocket. During the flood season, water will be diverted to pour into the beams. In this way, our army can win without a fight. But..."


"Daliang is located in the Central Plains, surrounded by plains and rivers. The rivers are densely covered with rivers and lakes, and the land is extremely fertile. The Wei State was very powerful at the time, so it moved its capital here. With the help of Wei Wuzu, the strongest army in the world, it is easy to attack. However, now, if our army It will take a long time to besiege the city and dig rivers. The cheap attack also means that I can go and the enemy can go. By then, it is possible for Qi and Chu to send troops to assist Wei."

"This is indeed very possible. On the battlefield, the situation is changing rapidly, and even good generals cannot completely grasp it. However, at this time, Qi and Chu are facing domestic crises. We, the Qin Dynasty, may not be able to take advantage of it. As long as we delay it for a while, we can destroy Wei. , the other two countries are not worth worrying about.”

"Your Majesty Mingjian."


Weidu, Daliang.

The scene in the glorious Wei Palace is still the same. The old king is mourned by the new king, and the new king takes the throne. King Jingmin of Wei passed away, and his son King Wei assumed the throne. But this King of Wei ignored the affairs of the country after he ascended the throne, but spent his days singing, dancing, and indulging in wine and sex.

A side hall in the Wei Palace looks inconspicuous. The surrounding vegetation is sparse and it looks like it hasn't been taken care of for a long time. An old woman wearing a black robe walked into the hall with three girls.

The hall was dark, with no candlelight at all. The old woman walked to the center of the hall and wondered what she was reciting. Suddenly there was a bright light around her. The three girls couldn't stand the bright light in front of them, so they closed their eyes one after another and covered them with their sleeves.

When they opened their eyes again, they were in a strange space, surrounded by stars, and behind the endless darkness, there seemed to be endless secrets.

"I came to you for one thing only." The old woman sighed, "The Kingdom of Wei is going to fall!"

The three girls looked at each other. Although their eyes were full of worry, they believed deeply in what the old woman said.

The old woman is the most skilled divination witch in the country. Even she cannot remember how old she is. She only remembers that she is a descendant of King Wei Huiwen, and it has been a hundred years. The old woman's divination was effective and she was respected by the kings of the past dynasties.

"what should we do?"

"Xiaohe, Xiaohu, and Xiaodie, you three are the last descendants of our lineage and my most outstanding disciples. The demise of the Wei Kingdom is imminent, and the people of the Yin and Yang family will never let us go. Go west until we The end of what is known, this is the final revelation.”

"Ximian? Is that the Qin State?"

"The revelation of divination is absolutely correct. There is a person there who can change your destiny." The old woman's voice was hoarse, but no one could doubt it.

"Who?" Xiaohe asked.

"That's an anomaly! An anomaly that can change the world."

Dozens of green, faint flames suddenly appeared around the four of them. In the firelight, dozens of people wearing red robes and strange masks appeared.

"These spiritual warriors are the last strength of our sect. I will hand them over to you three now."

The old woman's body began to rise slowly, and flames burst out around her. "Your features are too obvious. If you go west to Qin like this, people from the Yin and Yang family will definitely notice you. Now, I will release all my power to cover up your features."

After saying that, the raging fire enveloped the old woman's body. Soon, the old woman's figure was blurred and invisible, and only a few ashes were scattered in the space.


Qin State, Yuyang County.

Jicheng, the former capital of Yan State, has now become the seat of Qin State.

At night, a group of people took advantage of the darkness and sneaked into the prison under the jurisdiction of the Yuyang County Prison Supervisor. Soon, the team left again. At this time, there was one more person beside them.

Soon, an alarm was sounded in the prison, and soldiers of the Qin Army began to patrol the streets.

This team of people was very familiar with the terrain. After twists and turns, they came to a remote alley. After passing the corner of the alley, the group stopped.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Sheng Qi." Liu Bang stood sideways on the wall, throwing the dice in his hand, looking cynical.

"Is it you?" Shengqi's eyes widened, as if he didn't believe that the person in front of him would appear here.

"Don't be surprised that I will come to rescue you. This is the order of Xiakui." Liu Bang smiled and put the dice away. "Let me rescue you and let you complete a task."


"Ying Ziyi!"

"Him? In the past, all the six members of the farm could do nothing to him, let alone me now."

"Today is different from the past. In the past, Ying Ziyi had a hundred thousand troops at his disposal. Now, he has only a hundred Qin soldiers beside him."

"what happened?"

"Ying Ziyi was exiled to Longxi by King Qin for his crimes. Xia Kui thought this was a good opportunity." Liu Bang touched his beard and smiled.

Sheng Qi glanced at Liu Bang, who was about to turn around and leave, and asked, "You don't seem to think so?"

"It doesn't matter what I think. By the way, Juque has been delivered outside the city. Don't forget to take it."

"Where are you going?" Shengqi asked.

"I heard that there are some pretty good gambling houses in Jicheng. It's a rare trip and it's at public expense. Of course I want to see them." Liu Bang waved his hand and his figure disappeared into the darkness.

~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you Qianyan Xixue, do you love flying? Great, the method is 20% great, the little angel of Jin'ao is great, the girl-controlled loli will be greatly rewarded~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please recommend and collect~~~~~~~~~~~

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