Longxi is governed by Di Dao, and Didao is in the northwest.

"Sir, we have been away from Didao for five days."

A group of people were riding horses, Ying Ziyi's subordinate Li Ergou said.

Outside the Great Wall, this era is indeed desolate. As far as the eye can see, the green fields are vast and one with the sky.

"Hey, let me go. I thought Didao was desolate enough, but I didn't expect that there is a mountain higher than the mountain here."

Unlike the prosperity of Guanzhong, the land of Longxi is sparsely populated and is half-cultivated and half-grazed. Qin people and Hu people live together. Over the past hundred years, the Hu people here have adapted to the life of the Qin people and have gradually become indistinguishable from each other. Beyond the Great Wall, there are often nomadic Hu people in this area.

"Look at the terrain here, surrounded by mountains to the north and south, and the Yellow River running through the city from east to west. It's really a strategic hub!" Ying Ziyi sighed. This is a typical basin

"Yes! It's just that this is already the border area of ​​Longxi County, and there are often hostile Hu tribes. We have to be careful." Li Ergou expressed his worries. He still didn't understand the reason why the young master brought them here. What is it.

"Yes!" Ying Ziyi nodded, pointed at the sky, and said loudly: "I have a dream!"


"I want to build a city of my own here!" Ying Ziyi vowed.

With a pop, Li Ergou fell off his horse and fell hard.

After Li Ergou tidied up his clothes, he shouted, his voice changing the tone, to vent his surprise: "Build a city?"

"Yes!" On top of the colt, Ying Ziyi looked at Li Ergou calmly, as if he was a fool.

"But there are only about a thousand of us including slaves!" Li Ergou said.

"So what?" Ying Ziyi said arrogantly.

It was said that the city was to be built, but in fact Ying Ziyi took out the drawings planned from the system. All that is needed to build is a small fortress.

He ordered people to dig trenches, build walls, and build fortress facilities, including new warehouses, areas where soldiers lived, the main city where Ying Ziyi lived, public areas, stables, arsenals, and a series of other facilities.

The location that Ying Ziyi chose passed through a tributary of the Yellow River. The surrounding terrain was relatively flat, with luxuriant water and grass, suitable for farming and grazing. On the left, there was a large forest.

Construction began with digging trenches. The slaves that Ying Ziyi bought from Xianyang took his specially made shovels and began digging. Under Ying Ziyi's special incentives, the excavation project went smoothly. Ying Ziyi had promised in advance that after the construction of the city was completed, these slaves would be free and become the first residents of the city.

Soon, a square trench was dug. When the wall was built, water from the tributaries could be directed through the trench to serve as a moat. It is convenient for defense against enemies and daily water use by residents.

After that, the wall was built, and the wood dismantled and transported from the car was used as the raw material for the wall.

Two wooden boards were placed on the land behind the trench at certain intervals. Rows of wooden pillars were laid in the middle and tied with ropes. However, the gaps between the wooden boards were filled with loess and compacted. According to this distance, they are piled up layer by layer.

A wall built in this way is no less solid than a city wall made of stone. Moreover, it is easy to obtain materials. For Ying Ziyi, this is the most suitable construction method now.

About two months later, the entire wall was completed. Ying Ziyi plans to start building facilities in the city.

Located in the center of the city is Ying Ziyi's residence, a small long building with three floors. The first floor is the hall, where you meet with your subordinates and handle affairs. The second floor is Ying Ziyi's private residence. The third floor is a small watchtower extending from the building to monitor the city and its surrounding environment.

This main building, to sum it up, is simple but practical.

Ying Ziyi built a series of longhouses for soldiers around his residence, in which lived the one hundred Qin soldiers brought by Ying Ziyi and more than 80 strong men selected from the prisoners of war from the Six Nations. Soldiers, used to guard the main building. Next to the main building, arsenals, warehouses and stables were built to store items and weapons, and to raise war horses.

On the outside are ordinary residential areas and public areas. The two are separated, and the public area includes a bathhouse, toilets, and a tavern. In addition, there are some areas that have been reserved by Ying Ziyi for other purposes in the future.

Five months later, a small town has been basically built, a small town located on the edge of Longxi County. Ying Ziyi named it Wuchecheng, which means a city built with five carts of treasure.

Among the slaves that Ying Ziyi bought, there were men, women, and some smart children. More than a thousand people moved in, but compared to the size of the small town, the number was still too small. The buildings in the entire city are sparse, and there is still a large area of ​​open space available for use.

In addition, as early as the completion of the wall construction, Ying Ziyi had already ordered people to cultivate farmland outside. Coupled with the purchased cattle, sheep, chickens and other livestock, two months after the construction of the wall was completed, the small town had basically achieved self-sufficiency. Of course, this assumes that the population no longer increases.

The reason why Ying Ziyi wanted to build this small city was to provide a supply base for the caravans passing through the Silk Road in the future. In the future, if he has the ability, Ying Ziyi will build many such fortresses along the Silk Road, and the scale will be much larger.

But before, it was to build a caravan, a caravan of its own.

It happened half a month after the wall was built. At that time, the main building of Ying Ziyi's residence was only half built. He had to live in a wooden soldier's longhouse next to the main building.

One morning, Ying Ziyi was sleeping, dreaming of the beautiful life of being surrounded by people in Jicheng. A group of Qin soldiers came in a hurry and disturbed Ying Ziyi's sweet dream.

When Ying Ziyi yawned and sat up from the bed, Li Ergou was standing next to him, standing upright, directing two soldiers to carry a fat man in.

"Sir, when we went out on patrol this morning, we found a caravan and were detained by our people. This is the leader of the caravan."

Ying Ziyi looked at this fat man with a cunning look on his face. He said expressionlessly, "Pull him out and fight!"

"Yes, Young Master!" The soldiers on both sides prepared to faithfully carry out Ying Ziyi's orders. But I heard the fat man say, "Sir, spare your life, I'll do it for you."

The soldiers on both sides looked at Ying Ziyi and signaled whether they wanted to fight, but Ying Ziyi continued: "It's better to pull him out and fight!"

When the fat man with a bruised face came to Ying Ziyi, he said tremblingly: "Master, I already said you'd fight, why do you still hit me?"

"First, I don't like spineless people. Second, who knows whether what you said is true. Third, you disturbed my sweet dream."


In this way, after the fat man experienced the brutal torture and torture under the feudal communist system, he finally told the truth.

The fat man's surname was Jin, the third eldest in his family, and he was originally a businessman in Weiguo. But what is different from ordinary businessmen is that one of his ancestors has been to the Western Regions. It is said that he once worked as a royal merchant under a great monarch in the west, and he was very prosperous for a while. Later, after the monarch died, his generals rebelled and divided up the monarch's huge territory. Fatty's ancestors also returned to the Central Plains to avoid the war.

Just like the beginning of all stories, by his generation, his family was already destitute. In his ancestral home, Fatty accidentally found the books and diaries left by his ancestors that recorded the folk customs of various countries in the far west, and he learned that there was still a vast land in the west. The fat man was not an ordinary person. He decided to go out and have a try. After selling his ancestral home to raise a sum of money, he went west alone.

The fat man has traveled farther than the Western Regions. It is said that the country was established by the generals of the original king. It has lasted for hundreds of years. The buildings, customs, and language under its rule are all very different from those of China. Five years later, Fatty returned to the Central Plains again. During these five years, Fatty learned the languages ​​​​of various places in the Western Regions, became familiar with the customs of various countries, and understood the landforms along the way. After selling the novel Western specialties, Fatty made a fortune and became a veritable rich man. But he didn't stop there. Perhaps because of his natural adventurous spirit, Fatty organized a caravan again and ambitiously prepared for a second expedition.

That's this time. At first, everything went smoothly, but on the way home, they were robbed by a group of barbarians. Maybe the fat man's caravan had too big a target this time and was targeted.

Fortunately, these barbarians only seek wealth and no harm. Although the fat man lost all his money, his life was saved.

"It's unreasonable. It's okay to bully me." After hearing this, Ying Ziyi stood up and said indignantly.

"It seems like we just met." Fatty Jin muttered. Fatty Jin secretly wondered if there was something wrong with this little kid who looked completely different from the other.

"How many people are there on the other side? Where are they from?" Ying Ziyi ignored the fat man and continued to ask.

"There are more than five hundred people, they should be small nomadic tribes nearby." The fat man said quietly.

"Come here, send me troops. Send me three thousand soldiers from Didao. I really can't bear to see such lawlessness." Ying Ziyi's actions were quite akin to justice.

"Three...three thousand people!" The fat man was a little frightened.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for my love for the nine big ones in my childhood. Do you love flying? Da Da Da Da, the night piano music is Da Da Da Da Da, and the moment is always a big reward~~~~~~~~~~~~

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