Who plucked the strings of time, and why did the vast sky vibrate? Is this fateful malice or a prelude to the end of the world?

In the mysterious palace of the Yin and Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi, protectors, elders and other high-level officials gathered together. The void changes, and the star map that heralds changes in the sky has become a mess.

Yun Zhongjun thought hard and couldn't figure it out, and said irritably. "It's messed up, it's all messed up, why on earth?"

"The star enters Kui's stomach, the white tiger roars, and there will be a war in the west."

The Moon God frowned slightly and continued to explain: "However, the lone star is shaking and the scenery is shining brightly, but there is a sinister aura faintly permeating around the guest star. Why is the celestial phenomenon so chaotic?"

"A disciple just came to report that the Nine Pan Tongtian Yi just issued a warning sound." Xiangjun walked up and said to the crowd.

"The Nine-pan Heavenly Instrument is the most precious treasure of my Yin-Yang family. If the celestial phenomena hadn't changed drastically, it wouldn't have happened like this?" Mrs. Xiang shook her head. Although she knew that the celestial phenomena had changed, she didn't know where it started.

"The door of time and space has been opened, and the fate of this thousand years has finally changed because of one person."

Just when everyone was at a loss, Donghuang Taiyi's magnetic voice sounded. Under the gaze of everyone, he gave the answer: "Ying Ziyi."

"That odd number!" Mrs. Xiang murmured slightly.

"What exactly did he do?" Xiang Jun said.

"This is a huge crisis, and the inherent order of the earth may change as a result. However, amidst all the dangers, only one person's prediction is still so clear. In other words, it is still as chaotic as ever."

"Since these changes in the celestial phenomena are caused by one person, how should our Yin and Yang family deal with it?" Yun Zhongjun asked.

"It rises because of him, and it will also die because of him. We don't need to take any action before the fog is gone. You all go down!" Donghuang Taiyi gave the final instructions to everyone.

"Yes, Your Excellency Donghuang!" Everyone bowed down and left one by one.

Donghuang Taiyi stood alone at the end of the long road and sighed softly. He has been standing in the position that symbolizes the highest status of the Yin Yang family for a long, long time. Reaching the top level of Onmyoji, the limit that people can reach, is a state that countless people can't even get a glimpse of even if they spend their entire lives.

Breaking through the limits of heaven and man is the highest goal of the Yin Yang family. However, this is easier said than done. Coming from ignorance and youth, experiencing lingering love, hatred of country and family, Donghuangtai walked towards the mountain step by step, never stopping for a moment. There are many crises along the way, and one wrong step will mean irreversible failure. Countless talented seniors of the Yin Yang family have fallen into disgrace on this path, either entering the devil's path or ending up with hatred.

Finally, he reached the top and saw scenery he had never seen before. However, this seemingly magnificent journey has become his biggest obstacle. The limit between heaven and man is only one step away. This step cannot be taken no matter what. Because there is no way to go at the top of the mountain.

Even as a small group of people who are the most top beings in the world, to a certain extent, this crisis is still beyond his ability to intervene. Out of helplessness and unwillingness, Donghuang Taiyi said: "Ying Ziyi, this dispute is not something that mortals can easily get involved in."


Where the Yunshan Mountain is swaying, on the top of the peaks, a man is lying down. The mountains are miserable, but with cranes as friends and green pines as companions, I feel at ease.


This is a road that no one has set foot on for many years, leading to the top of the mountain. The stone steps are already covered with moss and are extremely smooth. If an ordinary person walks up them and is not careful, he is afraid that he will fall down the cliff on one side. Song Longzi, the head of the Taoist Tianzong, walked on it, step by step, for two hours. Finally, he reached the top of the mountain, looked at Bei Mingzi lying on the pines, and said hello.

"There are ominous omens looming in the distance in the west, and people in the sect are panicking. Junior sister Xiao Meng, who is in seclusion, has been in a rather unsatisfactory situation recently, and there are signs of breaking out. I wonder if Master has any instructions?"

"Xiao Meng has a connection with that person's life, and their fates are intertwined. This is something that happens in this year, which is quite strange. Now that person is in a dangerous place, and it is normal for Xiao Meng to have an unstable Taoist heart."

"Then what should we do?"

"Pure and comfortable, without worries. Xiaomeng was confused for a while, but he will soon understand. Neither Xiaomeng nor Taoism can get involved in this crisis of heaven and earth."

"Disciple understands."


"Ah, ah, ah!" Ying Ziyi was riding on the pony, on his way back to Wuchecheng.

But along the way, he had sneezed more than once.

"Who keeps talking about brother?" Ying Ziyi said secretly.

The Wuchacheng City is already in sight. The outer city walls have now been built, and the residential facilities inside have also begun to be built one by one. First there were houses, then shops, restaurants, blacksmith shops, and even a prostitute. The farmland outside the city is full of green crops. Although Ying Ziyi ordered to increase the progress of land reclamation, the food produced in Wuchecheng is still not enough to consume the 20,000 people in the city.

In the internal trade of Linglong Chamber of Commerce, in addition to purchasing valuables such as Shu brocade, it is also responsible for the task of transporting grain, grass, baggage and armaments.

Every month, hundreds of carts of grain enter Wuchucheng. Apart from daily expenses for residents, most of it is said to be stored.

Wuchecheng is located on the border of Qin. In order to prepare for possible wars, Ying Ziyi had already ordered the construction of large warehouses and expanded the arsenal to store more food and armaments.

When Ying Ziyi entered the inner city, he was inside his main building. The black bear immediately gave him a bear hug and was very excited.

"Master, you have been gone for so long, and I miss you so much."

"You want me to grill the skewers, right?" After peeling this thing off, Ying Ziyi knew the virtues of this foodie very well.

Ying Ziyi told Xiaohe and the three girls beside him: "No more words. You three will tidy up the house. I, the young master, have to go to bed first."

These days, living in the open air, Ying Ziyi misses that comfortable and soft bed very much.

At this moment, Zhang Han walked in, his eyebrows furrowed and his face full of sorrow.

"Young Master!" Zhang Han saluted.

"What's the matter?" He was tired from the journey. Although Ying Ziyi seemed to be going to sleep first, Zhang Han couldn't ignore it.

"Our patrolmen discovered a small group of barbarians during their patrol."

"Is that all?" Ying Ziyi asked. "Or are you worried about something?"

"I suspect that's a sign of a large-scale invasion by the Hu people."

"Why do you say that?"

"After the patrol came back and reported, my subordinates went to investigate in person. That group of people was very strange. Although they tried their best to hide it and pretended to be idle herdsmen, my subordinates still noticed that they were all warriors who were good at bows and horses. I went to check again today and there is no trace of these people."

"What you mean is that the barbarians have set their sights on Wuchecheng, and those people are the vanguard sentries."

"It's very possible." Zhang Han looked at Ying Ziyi and saw that the other party was still beating Haqie listlessly.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid the barbarians will come soon. Send the order and order the soldiers from the military camp outside the city to immediately enter Wuchecheng to garrison. After that, the city gates will be closed tightly and a curfew will be imposed in the city. The Linglong Chamber of Commerce will also suspend all commercial activities."

"Yes, Young Master!" To Zhang Han's expectation, Ying Ziyi did not have any surprises and issued the order calmly. This look reminded Zhang Han of the time when the 400,000 Yan army was wiped out by the Yishui River. Zhang Han couldn't help but be inspired and bowed to obey the order.

"I want to see if the barbarian's scimitar is sharper, or if the tortoise shell of my Wuchecheng is tougher." A flash of light flashed in Ying Ziyi's eyes, but it passed away in an instant. After a restless day, a man walked up to the second floor and went to sleep.

~~~~~~~~Thank you Emperor for the big reward~~~~~~~

~~~Thank you for loving flying? Dada, ask the peaks and climb the forest Dada, the sages from all directions are Dada, ywueric will give you a big reward~~~~

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