"Ah! I slept so well!" It was already dawn, Ying Ziyi got up and stretched out. Next to him, Ahe was holding a copper basin and stood respectfully.

After Ying Ziyi freshened up under Ah He's service, he knelt down on the big bed and Ah Hu began to comb his hair. Adie served breakfast, a plate of side dishes, a bowl of corn porridge, and two plates of pastries.

The feeling of having three sweet little beauties surrounding him since early morning... But Ying Ziyi said that as a determined and promising young man, he would never be corrupted by the sugar-coated bullets of feudalism.

Just when Ying Ziyi was in pain and happy, a horn sound interrupted Ying Ziyi's beautiful life.

"What's going on?" Yingzi Yiqing asked.

Li Ergou hurriedly ran up, "Sir, the barbarians are coming...!"

"These grandsons...!" Ying Ziyi muttered.

An old bronze door was opened, and what appeared in front of everyone was a long staircase. Ying Ziyi and Li Ergou walked up to the third floor of the main building. Compared with the structure on the first two floors, the structure on the third floor is not very large and can only accommodate more than ten people. However, the towering tower-like structure has determined its purpose, monitoring the surrounding movements.

On the plain outside Wuchecheng, the barbarian cavalry galloped and roared in teams one after another with astonishing momentum. The sky meets the horizon, where the mountains overlap, smoke and dust billow, and more troops are approaching.

"Sir, look at the flags. This Hu people's army should be from the Xiongnu clan, with at least fifty thousand in number." Li Ergou observed it and said.

Li Ergou has been in the army for many years and can be considered an excellent general, with at least some knowledge. "The main force of the Xiongnu is far away in the Hetao, thousands of miles away from here. Now even if they don't come out in full force, they have used at least half of their strength. This time, it seems that they will not give up."

"Fifty thousand Huqi, you really think highly of me!" Ying Ziyi smiled and ordered Li Ergou: "Call Zhang Han and Gong Shuyi."

"Yes, sir."

When Zhang Han and Gong Shuyi walked up to the third-story watchtower, Ying Ziyi stood facing the wind with his hands behind his back, full of X.

"Sir!" The two of them clasped their fists and saluted.

"Yes! Hu Qi came from the north with overwhelming momentum. We only have 3,000 soldiers in Wucha City. This is the time when our sincerity's survival is at stake. The whole city is united in its determination to fight against the outside world, and we must not be hasty."

"But it depends on the master's orders."

"When the barbarians come here, their troops and horses are tired and they will not attack the city immediately. Moreover, the enemy troops and horses are all cavalry. If they build siege equipment, it will take time. Gong Shuyi ordered the sons of Gong Shuyi to immediately install ballistas and throw stones. machine."

"I obey!" Gong Shuyi accepted the order and walked away immediately.

"Zhang Han!"

"The general is here!"

"Open the arsenal and distribute powerful crossbows and arrows. Before noon, three thousand soldiers will be on standby under the city wall. In addition, you will be responsible for the ballistae, crossbow arrows for trebuchets, ammunition, and other logistics and armaments."

"General, I obey!" Zhang Han accepted the order and retreated.

"Li Ergou!"

At this time, Li Ergou, who had been standing aside, walked behind Ying Ziyi, leaned over and clasped his fists, saying: "My subordinate is here!"

"The enemy is approaching. You lead my two hundred personal guards to patrol the city. There are twenty thousand immigrants in the city. Anyone who has the heart of a lizard will be killed without mercy."

"I obey!" Li Ergou was about to go down when he heard Ying Ziyi continue: "In addition, you can apply for household registration in the city. Before dark, help me find these people."

Li Ergou bent down and took the silk strip from Ying Ziyi's hand. He took a look and saw that the names on it were very unfamiliar. He didn't know what Ying Ziyi wanted to do with these people. Li Ergou had always followed Ying Ziyi's orders faithfully, and after bowing to his promise, he withdrew.

As Ying Ziyi expected, the Xiongnu came from afar and were unable to attack the city for a while, so they just stationed outside the city.

Vast acres of green crops were trampled by war horses, and the months of hard work of five cartloads of city residents were now destroyed in one fell swoop. Tent after tent was erected outside Wuchecheng, the corrals were repaired, and the cattle and sheep were driven in. The Xiongnu's combat efficiency was indeed very high. Before noon, Touman led 20,000 vanguard troops and surrounded Wuchecheng, intending to carry out a pre-war intimidation. After all, the other party is just a six or seven-year-old child. If you can scare him into surrendering without a fight, that would be the best.

"On the city wall is Ying Ziyi, the fourteenth son of the Qin Dynasty." Touman observed the city defense of Wuchecheng and was secretly shocked. Horse-faced crenels had been built on the city wall. Five or six ballistae were already standing at the top of the city. It seems that the enemy has been prepared for a long time, and it may not be easy to attack by force.

"Touman Shanyu, you have traveled thousands of miles to come here just to bully me, a seven-year-old child?" Ying Ziyi said loudly with a small trumpet.

Touman was stunned. He was not good at talking. When Ying Ziyi said this, his rhythm was disrupted and he was speechless for a moment.

Ying Ziyi observed from the city wall and secretly thought that the Manzhen thief was riding a horse just outside the range of the ballista. However, that is only the distance of a standard military ballista. What Touman didn't know was that Wuchecheng's ballistae was specially made and could shoot farther.

Since you are so trusting, don't blame your brother for being unjust, Ying Ziyi thought to himself. In order to distract Touman, prepare time for the secret shooting.

Ying Ziyi continued: "We, the Qin Dynasty, are a country of etiquette and a great country, always based on integrity. I, Lord Anxi, Ying Ziyi, have always upheld the principle of peaceful coexistence with our neighbors. Now I suggest that we put aside disputes and develop together. . War is the root of all evil. We must live in peace, unite and be friendly, and be good neighbors..."

Seeing that Ying Ziyi was about to continue talking, Touman couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "That's enough."

"For the sake of King Ying Zheng of Qin, if you are willing to offer 20,000 catties of gold, 50 war horses from the Western Regions, and 800 carts of grain, our 100,000 Huns will stop and return north. If you don't, the city will be destroyed. The day it breaks down, not a single blade of grass will grow.”

Touman shouted loudly, so loud that even the residents in Wuchecheng could hear it. This is also the effect Touman wants, in order to make the opponent panic and defeat himself without attacking.

This shameless person, who are you lying to? You have 100,000 people, and you still want to be a wolf with nothing, just dream! Ying Ziyi cursed.

With a sound of wow, Ying Ziyi burst into tears. This way, he looks like a scared child who is bullied by bad people.

Seeing Ying Ziyi's appearance on the city wall, Touman and the generals behind him laughed unconsciously. This battle seems to be easily won.

Bump, bump, bump... the bowstrings were ringing, just when Touman was getting carried away. On the top of the city, several crossbow arrows emitted death whistles and came through the air with a chilling sound. At the same time, eight trebuchets were launched from Wuchecheng. The eight specially-made stone bullets formed a parabola, crossed a long distance, and hit Touman.

From ridicule to surprise to fear, all this was beyond Touman's cognition. The crossbow arrow that he thought would fall was getting closer and closer. His body froze and he no longer knew how to react.

"Chan Yu, be careful!" the warrior beside him shouted, and Tou Man's mind temporarily came to his senses. Between life and death, Touman shouted and pulled the reins quickly.

Touman was an excellent horseman. His horse neighed and his front hooves were raised high. At the critical moment, he blocked the arrow for Touman.

The crossbow arrow shot through the air and pierced Touman's horse. After the collision, the horse instantly lost its vitality and rolled on its side. Touman fell off the saddle and rolled several times on the ground, looking extremely embarrassed.

But the nightmare did not end there. The ballistas and catapults were originally launched with Touman as the center. Even though the accuracy was slightly poor and the distance was off, Touman was surrounded by outstanding generals who had followed him for many years. They all suffered unreasonable disasters at this moment. .

"Oh, what a pity!" On the city wall, Ying Ziyi had a gloating expression, holding a small speaker and making sarcastic remarks.

Touman stood up and looked at his men who were suffering heavy casualties and casualties. One moment they were still laughing and joking, but now it was a matter of life and death. His eyes were bloodshot and veins popped out all over his body. He cursed angrily at Ying Ziyi on the city wall: "Ying thief, I, Touman, are at odds with you. When the city is destroyed, I will eat your flesh raw and sleep on your skin."

"I will support your wife by myself, so you have nothing to worry about!"

Then, another round of crossbow arrows and stone bullets rushed towards Touman.

~~~~~~Thank you l26000814qd for the big reward~~~~~~~

~~~~~~Thanks to those who read the harem book, Xiao Binbin 32, A Stick to the End of the World, Emperor \u0026 Dad, Painting the Ancients into Sorrows, Asking the Peaks to Climb the Forest, ywueric for the big reward~ ~~~~

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