The first confrontation between the Xiongnu and Wuchecheng ended with the complete victory of Wuchecheng.

The Xiongnu leader Touman Chan was caught off guard. After losing many outstanding generals, he led his army back three miles in embarrassment.

In the night, the lights on the top of the five-car city wall were brightly lit. There were three times more soldiers on patrol than usual. On the horse's face, a large bonfire was burning all night long, illuminating the area for several miles around Wucheng City to prevent the Huns from sneak attacks at night.

Unlike the brightly lit lights at the top of the city wall, a curfew has been implemented in Wuchecheng. All the residents returned home, and whether they were sleeping or unable to sleep, they could only wait anxiously in the dark, wrapped in quilts, or fall asleep carelessly.

Wucheng City has entered a wartime state, and all residents' daily expenses have become a rationing system. Businesses closed, restaurants went out of business, and even bustling brothels lost business. The girls sat in front of the bronze mirror, dressing up and looking at their appearance, but no one appreciated it.

The street was quiet, except for the occasional chirping of insects and birds. A series of footsteps disturbed the tranquility at this moment, and some brave residents wanted to see what was going on. But seeing his lovely wife and young son at home, he gave up such thoughts.

The door to the main building was opened, and the lights shone on the leader's face. The guard guarding the door did not speak and silently let him go.

After passing through several open and hidden sentries, the group finally arrived at the lobby on the first floor of the main building, where Ying Ziyi was already waiting.

The surrounding lights are constantly glowing, bringing great light and warmth to this hall. Changming lanterns were produced in the East China Sea and were exclusively used by the Qi royal family. But there is no shortage of brave people in this world. As long as there is a profit, the Changming Lantern can still appear in this desolate and cold place in the northwest, even though it is thousands of miles away.

"Master, I brought the person you wanted!" After Li Ergou said that, he stood beside Ying Ziyi with his hands folded.

The few people Ying Ziyi found were nothing special. In appearance, they were unshaven, tall, and muscular, no different from ordinary prisoners of war.

Ying Ziyi just sat like this, looking at the seven people in front of him, and said with a smile: "Are you wondering why I came to you?"

Among the seven people, the leader, a burly man, walked up, leaned over and said: "Now that the Huns are sieging the city, it is probably not unusual for the young master to come to us at this moment."

"When you were under the command of Zhao State General Li Mu, you were all talented people. Once the country is destroyed, it will not be easy for you to become a prisoner." Ying Ziyi said lightly.

Li Ergou on the side was shocked when he heard Ying Ziyi's words. His eyes widened and he held the sword tightly on his waist to prevent any unexpected events.

"My lord, you don't have to be like this. With the lord outside the door here, just a few of us trying to do harm to the young master is nothing more than wishful thinking." The leading man also noticed the strangeness of Li Ergou and laughed at himself helplessly.

Ying Ziyi smiled, the big man was talking about Sheng Qi outside the door. The astonishing murderous aura emanating from his body was enough to intimidate experts of a certain level.

"I came to you for one thing, to make you surrender."

The leading man was a little surprised and said: "Since the young master knows our identities, he should know that we are the personal guards of General Li Mu. The Qin State destroyed Zhao and fled far away on behalf of the king. We have a national feud with the young master. The young master is not afraid of us pretending to surrender. Become a true descendant.”

"You won't!" Ying Ziyi said firmly.

"Why?" the big man asked.

"The fault of Qin's destruction of Zhao is not Qin's, but the fault of King Zhao Qian. Li Mu is the main city of the country. King Zhao destroyed his own pillars and destroyed the country. What does it have to do with our great Qin?"

"Hahahaha!" When the seven people heard this, they laughed, as if they had heard such a happy thing, and their faces turned red with excitement. "

Ying Ziyi waited, and finally the big man spoke: "Tonight, after listening to the Master's words, the bird-smell we have suffered over the years has finally been completely relieved. The Master is right, we do not hate Qin. What we hate is the fatuous and aimless Zhao Wangqian."

The big man paused. The resentment he had accumulated over the past few years could finally be expressed today. He continued: "Since the Emperor of Zhou lost his country, the world has been in conflict for hundreds of years. Countries attack each other. On the day when the country is not destroyed, the day when the country is not destroyed will be the day when the country is not destroyed. No family death? In troubled times, we soldiers are already used to life and death. Killing or being killed is a common occurrence in these troubled times. However, we lost the war that year, but it was not He was defeated at the hands of the enemy, but at the hands of our king. Frankly speaking, Wang Jian and General Li Mu are only equal to each other. The difference is that Ying Zheng is many times stronger than our King Zhao. We The seven brothers will not hate the strong, they will only hate themselves for not being strong enough, and they will only hate their master for not being strong enough."

"Hahaha!" Ying Ziyi smiled and bowed to the seven people: "Listening to the strong man's words is so inspiring. Please accept Ying Ziyi's bow."

"We are not worthy of the Young Master's gift." The big man helped Ying Ziyi, "Since the Young Master is a close friend, I should serve the Young Master. The Young Master's plan to fake surrender is probably to surprise the Xiongnu camp. I just don't know. What can you do, Master?"

Ying Ziyi was startled and secretly thought that the man in front of him was truly unparalleled in resourcefulness. He said in awe, "Sir, do you know that in the past, Tian Dan was restored to the country?"

"Young master is talking about the Fire Ox Formation!"


The big man shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't be easy. Since the birth of the Fire Ox Formation, Tian Dan has made great achievements and his reputation has spread all over the world. It's true that many countries have tried to imitate it, but they all ended in failure."

"That's because they used the wrong ox, they had to use a mad cow." Ying Ziyi smiled and continued without explanation, "Five days later, seven of my husband left the city at night and defected to the Huns, in order to underestimate the enemy. Wait for my army. When we go out together and break the beard, the seven gentlemen can take advantage of the chaos and escape."

"Yes!" The seven people clasped their fists and leaned over.

"That's very good. After everything is done, I will report to the King of Qin and restore the glory of your Li family."

When the big man heard this, he leaned back slightly and took two steps back. Ying Ziyi was not surprised to know that they were the personal guards of Li Mu of Zhao State. But Ying Ziyi knew that his surname was Li, which made him a little scared. You know, after the destruction of the Zhao Kingdom, his identity has become a top secret. Except for a few brothers around him, no one knows his identity.

Ying Ziyi, who was smiling as usual in front of him, suddenly became unpredictable in the eyes of the big man, and even made him feel a little scared.

"Master, are they trustworthy?" After the seven people left, Li Ergou asked with some worry.

"Don't trust those who employ them, don't trust those who doubt them." Ying Ziyi shamelessly plagiarized a famous saying. Hearing these words, his image instantly became countless times taller in Li Ergou's eyes.

Ying Ziyi said that as a villain, copycats are the best.

ps. ̄□ ̄||, after writing so many chapters, I didn’t find it. Thanks to Guigu Wang Xu for reminding me, it has been changed now.

~~~~~Thank you to the male god Dabao Sword for the big reward~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~Thanks to book friend 160121124209208 for the big reward~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~Thank you Qianyan Xixue for the big reward~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~Thank you to Wenfeng Denglin and Dongfang Shiye for the reward~~~~~~

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