After several days of preparation, Touman launched his first tentative attack on Wuchecheng two days ago, but it ended in failure. The three thousand crossbow troops in Wuchecheng, as well as the chilling-looking crossbows, fired crossbow arrows, forming a dense firepower network at a distance of fifty to three to four hundred steps outside Wuchecheng.

Touman watched the battle that day, and the Qin army fired several times intensively. The three thousand vanguard troops who attacked the city had already lost hundreds of people before they even approached the moat. Looking at the death formation formed by the dense crossbow arrows on the battlefield, even Touman, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, could not help but feel palpitations. Fortunately, he immediately issued an order for the siege troops to retreat in order to avoid greater damage.

The crude siege tools are completely useless against Wuchecheng's strict defense system. Just the three to four feet wide moat in front of the city wall is an insurmountable gap.

This undoubtedly shows that Wuchecheng is a hard nut to crack for the Huns. Touman planned in his mind that it would undoubtedly be difficult to capture Wuchecheng. First, a large army must be mobilized to cut off the upper water channel and render the moat useless. But this is only the first step. To capture the walls of Wuchecheng, at least ten or twenty thousand warriors' lives are needed to achieve the goal. The damage caused by the forceful attack was too great. His army came thousands of miles away, and his original plan was to rely on surprise attacks to achieve success. Unexpectedly, before his army arrived, Wuchecheng had already taken precautions. His original plan was difficult to realize, and he had to fall into the situation he least wanted to do. See the protracted battle.

The Xiongnu were originally a nomadic people. The people served as soldiers, and the herdsmen's camps were the military camps. Its military potential is huge. If it can be defeated, it will be attacked. If it cannot be defeated, it will be far away. This group of Qin people can't do anything to them. There are fertile grasslands for hundreds of miles around Wuchecheng. As long as there are enough cattle and sheep, Toumanda can continue to confront the Qin army in Wuchecheng, and it doesn't matter if it takes a year or two.

But if he did this, Touman would have to ask the Huns from the Hetao area to transport food and grass, and move the Huns' base camp here. In this way, the Great Xiongnu was in the middle of the attack between the Great Yueshi and Qin. This place is surrounded by mountains. Once surrounded, tens of thousands of people will become turtles in the jar.

Such a strategic prediction is undoubtedly the worst, but as a Chanyu of the Huns, Touman also had to make the worst plan.

The Xiongnu camp, King Touman's tent.

Touman had already thought about retreating, but this expedition was a waste of food and grass. Several brave generals who had followed him for many years were also massacred in the past few days. If he retreats now, the loss to his personal prestige will be too great.

The tent was empty, and Touman was walking back and forth, hesitant in his heart. But when he remembered the content of the old shaman's divination when he arrived, the hesitation in his heart instantly dissipated, and his determination to capture Wuchecheng became firm again.

General Ying Ziyi, Lord of Anxi, will be the biggest enemy of the Xiongnu in the future and the chief culprit of the decline of the great Xiongnu.

Originally he didn't believe it, but after seeing what he saw in the past few days, he had to admit that the content of the old shaman's divination was very likely to come true. As long as Ying Ziyi was alive, he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

This war is no longer just about money, horses and food. Touman has only one goal now, to get rid of Ying Ziyi at all costs.

"Chanyu, we have captured several spies of the Southern Barbarians." Just as Touman was about to write a letter to invite the Hun branch in Hetao to be transferred, he heard the voices of soldiers outside the tent.

"Spies?" Touman said doubtfully, "Bring them up."

Seven big men in ragged clothes and wet bodies were tied in, and one of them shouted: "Chanyu, we are not spies, we are Zhao people who escaped from Wuchecheng."

"A native of Zhao?" Touman was stunned for a moment before realizing that Zhao was a country that was destroyed by Qin a few years ago. He asked: "You said you are not spies, but the lights at the top of Wuchecheng City are brightly lit. How did you escape?"

"That's just Ying Ziyi's bluff. In fact, Wuchecheng has already been dominated by foreign powers. Two days ago, the bonfire fuel for lighting on the city was insufficient, but the Qin army demolished people's houses, causing public resentment. Now, In Wuche City, there is a shortage of food and fuel. Many residents have died of freezing and starvation, and people are panicking. We brothers are originally from the Zhao State, and we have a hatred of the Qin State to destroy the country. We are not willing to wait to die in Wuche City , so I found an opportunity to escape tonight and wanted to go to Shanyu."

"Then, tell me, how many days of food and grass are there in Wuchecheng?" Touman asked.

"The food road has been cut off, and there is less than five days of food in the city of Wucha." The man replied.

"You said you're not a spy!" Touman shouted, "How can you, a mere war slave, know the specific amount of food and fodder of the Qin army?"

"Chanyu Rongzhen." Seeing that the sword and ax were coming, the man replied calmly: "When I was in Zhao State, I was the captain in charge of food and grass. I was good at arithmetic, so I paid special attention to the food and grass of the Qin army. Over the past few months , every time the Qin army transported grain and grass carts, I kept it in my mind, and after a little mental calculation, I got the specific number."

"Is there such a strange person in the world?" Touman was doubtful. The minister in charge of food and grass in the general came to find him and asked him to place a few bamboo slips in front of the man. He said: "I will give you half an hour to calculate the amount of food and grass that this Chanyu has brought, otherwise, you guys will feed the wolves today."

The number recorded on the bamboo slips would be difficult for even the most arithmetic among the Xiongnu to complete in four or five hours. Touman was interested in seeing his joke.

The man then smiled and glanced at each slip. In a moment, he came up with the answer. He smiled and said: "I'm afraid the Chanyu's tent only has enough food for a month."

Touman was shocked when he heard this. This was a top secret and only a few people knew about it. But now a prisoner found out about it and asked, "How did you know?"

"Of course this account told me?" The man smiled slightly, leaned over and said.

Touman stood up from his seat and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, from today on, you just stay with me and manage the food and grass for me!"

"What about my brothers?"

"Come with you and serve me, the Huns! I will order people to prepare a warm tent and clean food for you."

The seven people bowed and said, "Thank you very much, Shanyu."

Touman was very happy, not only because he got a talent tonight, but more importantly, he learned about the reality in Wuchecheng. Less than five days of food, haha! God is really helping me. Touman laughed, which meant that as long as five days passed, even if they did not fight, the people in Wuchecheng would not be able to fight anymore.

In the next four days, Touman launched his army to conduct tentative attacks on Wuchecheng every day. He found that with every passing day, the Qin army's counterattack became weaker. By the fourth day, three thousand siege troops had reached the bottom of the moat.

There was a shortage of food and morale in Wuchecheng. Touman was convinced of the words of his new minister of finance.

"Wuchecheng has run out of food. Send me an order to rest the army for two days. At dawn on the third day, I, the Huns, will attack with tens of thousands of troops, vowing to break through Wuchecheng and capture and kill Ying Ziyi."

After the siege battle on the fourth day, Touman summoned all the generals and vowed.

On the fifth day, in the inner city of Wuchecheng, there is the main building of Yingziyi.

"My lord, how are you? How are the acting skills of our Black Bear brothers these days? Those dogs x Huns, hahaha!" Black Bear's wild laughter spread throughout the hall.

Zhang Han and Li Ergou looked at this foodie with helpless expressions.

Ying Ziyi smiled and said, "You did a good job."

"Then, my lord, the mutton skewers we promised..." Black Bear drooled and looked at Ying Ziyi, saying as if to please.

"Don't worry, after the Huns are defeated, I will ask the Huotou Camp in the army to roast you for three days and three nights."

"Thank you, Lord." Black Bear received Ying Ziyi's assurance and stood aside with a smile on his face, saying no more.

"Is everything ready?" At this time, Ying Ziyi looked at Li Ergou and asked.

"Sir, everything is ready."

"Destroy the enemy tonight." Ying Ziyi said with a deep look.

~~~~~~~~~~Thanks for the big reward from A Stick to the End of the World~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~Thanks to Caigao Badou for the big reward~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·

~~~~~~Thank you for asking the peak of Denglin Lin, DestroyGod, Qin Huang and Han Wu. Big reward~~~~~

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