Night, quiet.

The gate of Wuchecheng opened quietly. With a bang, the suspension bridge was slowly lowered by the soldiers. A group of soldiers drove the cattle out of the gate and set up a long snake formation beside the moat.

These cattle are strong and strong, wearing beast masks, their hooves are wrapped in thick cotton cloth, their horns are tied with a pair of sharp knives, and their tails are tied with reeds and filled with oil.

Ying Ziyi stood on the city wall, observing the deployment of this night battle. Even though he was four or five miles away, the noise of the Huns camp in the distance could still be vaguely transmitted here.

Ying Ziyi originally found such a group of people from the villain's space power system. Based on the specific values ​​​​and their special identities, he decided to send them out to fake a surrender. I didn't expect the effect to be so good. Looking at the Xiongnu like this, it doesn't look like they are at war, they are just celebrating a festival. After Touman ordered a rest, the entire Xiongnu army became slack. The number of patrols that usually numbered more than ten times a day had been reduced sharply to two or three times.

The Huns were soldiers and civilians at times, and the large tents could be the warm homes of the herdsmen under the blue sky, or they could be the lairs of ferocious wolves that roamed the grasslands.

Once the vigilance is relaxed, the warlike personality in the blood of the Huns is slowly fading away, replaced by pleasure. And Ying Ziyi wanted to seize this opportunity to break through the Huns camp.

"How is it?" Li Ergou hurriedly walked up the city wall and came to Ying Ziyi, and Ying Ziyi asked.

"Master Qi, everything is ready. The three thousand soldiers led by General Zhang, the five hundred Hu troops led by Black Bear, and the two hundred personal guards under the general's command are all ready at this moment."

Ying Ziyi nodded, "Let's go!"

"Yes, young master." Li Ergou replied with his fists clasped, and then climbed down the city wall and commanded the team.

"Sir, I have something unclear."

Sheng Qi, who was guarding Ying Ziyi with his negative sword, suddenly asked.

"Since the birth of the Fire Ox Formation, various countries have tried to imitate it, but none of them have succeeded. Where did the young master get the method of using the Fire Ox Formation?"

"If you want to use the Fire Bull Formation, the conditions for the cattle are very high. These cattle usually look docile, but as long as they are stimulated to a certain extent, they will go crazy. They are not afraid of flames and weapons and run forward desperately. I use special The herbs were fed for a period of time in order to cultivate it into such a mad cow.”

Under the cover of night, nearly four thousand Qin troops drove the cattle forward for a mile or two. Almost at the same time, fire broke out. The Qin army held torches and lit the reed oil on the oxtail.

Moo moo~~ The oil fire was scorching hot, the cattle were stimulated, and the formation shook violently. Under the night sky, more than a thousand fire oxen ran towards the Xiongnu camp.

Nearly four thousand Qin troops followed with swords and weapons in hand, preparing to take advantage of the situation to defeat the enemy.

The fire ox was getting closer and closer, and the Huns in the continuous tents also realized that something was wrong. A long blast of a horn made all the Huns soldiers alert.

The Huns soldiers picked up their bows, arrows and scimitars. They had no time to put on their leather armor and walked out of the camp to prepare to face the enemy. Only then did they realize that dozens of monsters appeared in front of them.

Under the cover of night, dozens of monsters with terrifying faces came running towards them, just like the monsters under the evil ghost seat of hell in ancient Xiongnu legends. The more daring ones know how to draw their bows to kill the enemy, while the timid ones just stand there blankly.

"Ah! The messenger of the evil spirit is coming." Someone yelled, followed by a large-scale collapse.

The Xiongnu soldiers dropped their short bows and scimitars, dropped everything that hindered their running, and fled backwards desperately. The Qin army followed the fire cattle herd, killing people and setting fire to them.

The camp was on fire, lighting up the area for miles. On the wall of Wuchecheng, Ying Ziyi's young face was pale and colorless under the firelight. He said to Sheng Qi calmly: "I want to be alone, Touman."

"Yes!" Shengqi carried Juque on his back, ran forward a few steps, and then jumped down from the three-foot tall city wall, making a huge noise.

Then, a tattooed monster ran towards the Huns camp, ready to hunt his prey.

"What's going on?" Touman woke up from his dream and was surrounded by five people. Judging from the attire, he should be Touman's bodyguard.

Even though everything was going on outside the tent, the faces of the five people in the tent were still calm, no, it should be said to be indifferent.

"Chanyu, the Qin army broke camp tonight." The man in the tent replied without any judgment and without any emotion in his voice.

Touman didn't have time to ask why this happened and what caused it. He walked out of the camp with a knife in hand, preparing to gather the troops around him.

The place where Touman is located is the Chinese army camp, which has not been affected by the fire ox at this moment. Among the rebellious army, relying on his former prestige, thousands of soldiers and horses were gathered around him instantly, as well as thousands of Xiongnu elites in their prime.

The fire bull was gradually approaching, and Touman could feel that the hands of the warrior beside him were trembling. After experiencing countless dangers and facing countless opponents, the warriors around him have never wavered. But at this moment, their hands holding scimitars to kill the enemy on the battlefield were trembling. This is a situation that only happens to Huns who have never been on the battlefield or killed anyone.

Touman's heart was beating hard, and his mind was blank at the moment. Thousands of people were surrounding him, but he couldn't think of anything.

Facing thousands of warriors, the monsters sprinted without slowing down. The sharp long knives on their horns pierced the shields of the frontmost Hun warriors and rushed straight into the crowd.

One monster after another, not afraid of death or weapons, they just charge forward. Such a scene was something Touman had never heard of or seen before.

The old shaman's prophecy echoed in Touman's mind again, the evil ghost, the monster under the evil ghost.

I don't know how much time passed, but the Huns in front of Touman were already so thin that they were out of shape. There were even a few monsters that had rushed forward, but were killed by the combined efforts of the warriors around him.

"Chanyu, retreat quickly!" Touman's men suggested as the Qin army was getting closer and closer to them.

Touman calmed down, took a breath and said, "Okay, let's go quickly."

There was a loud bang, and three or four braziers rushed toward Touman quickly.

"Who!" It was the five indifferent guards who chopped down the braziers.

"It's you!"

What Touman didn't expect was that the person who wanted to stop him from escaping was his newly appointed minister of property. Seven people rushed into the sparse guard group around Touman and surrounded Touman and the five guards around him.

"Brothers, grab Touman and present it to the young master."

After a fight, these seven people did not gain the upper hand. The leader of the seven people said loudly: "I heard that there is a special tribe among the Xiongnu, called wolf descendants. They are mysterious and extremely skilled. It seems that it is you."

"Stop talking nonsense." The five guards around Touman each held weapons and rushed towards the seven people. After several rounds of confrontation, they had a vague advantage.

"Chanyu, go quickly."


His men brought two horses for Touman. Just as Touman was about to mount the horse, he heard a violent noise behind him.

Touman turned around and found that the situation behind him had changed drastically in an instant. Five of his men had fallen to the ground, with faint traces of blood on their bodies. The seven people stood on one side with their hands behind their backs.

In the blazing fire, Touman saw a man with a ferocious face, a giant sword in his hand, and strange tattoos all over his body, as if he was a ferocious god who had returned from hell, walking towards him step by step.


"Ah!" Ying Ziyi got up after stretching.

After defeating the enemy last night, Ying Ziyi watched for a while, then went back to the main building to sleep with the help of Ahe and the other three, and slept until noon.

"Is it all over?" When Ying Ziyi had breakfast and walked downstairs, Li Ergou was already waiting there.

"Young Master, we fought hard all night and won a great victory. The Huns' camps were all burned down, their cattle, sheep and horses were scattered, and tens of thousands of people fled. General Zhang led his troops to pursue him all night, and he has not returned yet. In addition, according to the Young Master's instructions, this morning, My subordinates have mobilized the residents of Wucheng City to go outside the city to collect the supplies left by the Huns."

"Okay." Ying Ziyi smiled, "Did you catch that bastard Touman?"

Bah! Touman, who was tied up all over, was pushed in by Shengqi. Behind him, Shengqi and the seven others followed.

"Hey, isn't this Touman Chanyu who wants to eat my flesh and sleep on my skin?" Ying Ziyi smiled triumphantly and walked up to Touman's huge figure.

"Ying Ziyi, what do you want? A scholar cannot be killed and cannot be humiliated. This Shanyu will never surrender to the enemy."

"Hey, Xiao Ci is so tough! You still pretend to be a tough guy with me." Ying Ziyi said with contempt in his heart. This guy, unshaven, with a dusty face and messy hair, is as bold and unrestrained as a savage. He could be called a scholar. This guy is illiterate.

Ying Ziyi had no interest in the smelly Touman Chanyu at all. He waved his hand and ordered his men, "Pull him out and behead him, and then send him to Xianyang."

"What?" After hearing Ying Ziyi's words, Touman Chanyu quit immediately. This was too casual, and argued: "I am also a Chanyu of the Xiongnu. If you keep me, I will be of great help to your Qin country." usefulness.”

Ying Ziyi said disdainfully: "Is Chanyu great? Pull him out."

Ignoring Touman's arguments, howls and curses, Ying Ziyi turned to the seven men who had pretended to surrender, "I will definitely accomplish what I promised you, sir. I will use the head of the Xiongnu Chanyu to ask for credit for your work." "

The seven people looked at each other, and their eyes were a little moist. Suddenly, the seven people bowed down, and the leader said: "Young Master is kind, my subordinate Li Zuoche is willing to follow you until you are under the Nine Netherworld."

"I am willing to follow the young master until he is under the Nine Netherworld." The oath of the seven people resounded throughout the hall.

~~~~~~~~Thank you uihgf for the big reward~~~~~~

~~~~~Thank you for the countless wintersweets in Xinghai~~~~~

~~~~~~Thank you for the great talents of Cai Cai Da Da, Yao Xie Chen Da Da, Wen Feng Deng Lin Da Da Da, Mu Luo Xia Ta Sa Da Da Da, ywueric Da Da~~~~~~~~

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