The main hall of Qin Palace.

Silence, very silence.

This silence is not because there is no one here. On the contrary, King Qin Yingzheng and the ministers of civil and military affairs are all in the palace, and there are hundreds of people filling it.

This silence was due to the fact that in the main hall, there was a wooden box placed on a pool of clear water in front of King Qin's throne. The contents of this wooden box were unexpected by the ministers.

A gift from Lord Anxi Ying Ziyi to King Qin!

Zhao Gao stood aside. When he heard what the gift in the box was, the unique gloom on his face melted away, and the expression that replaced it was one of surprise, surprise, and more of doubt. However, just for a moment, he regained his composure and stood aside, listening to His Highness Ying Ziyi's envoy continue to speak.

"The Xiongnu chieftain Touman invaded with one hundred thousand barbarians. The Fourteenth Young Master set up a fire bull formation outside the city and defeated the enemy army. He killed the enemy chief Touman on the spot and presented it to the king."

King Qin sat high on the throne with an expressionless face. All the ministers below were even more silent.

No one else, just because what Li Ergou said was too shocking. Among the ministers in the main hall, there are many masters who are good at nonsense. The Huns had one hundred thousand horsemen, which meant that all the Huns were dispatched. This is simply impossible. Hu Qitouman took the wrong medicine and traveled thousands of miles to end up in a small border town. Even if they go, it is impossible to send out one hundred thousand cavalry. There must be some moisture in this. (Ying Ziyi said: If you don’t talk more about people, how can you look so powerful!)

"In the battle half a month ago, our army won a complete victory. We captured more than 40,000 barbarians and gained countless cattle, sheep and baggage."

In the main hall, Li Ergou said one after another.

The ministers are thinking again, 40,000 Hulu, this cannot be faked! If this war is true, then the Huns dispatched at least 50,000 troops.

what does that mean?

Three thousand Qin soldiers defeated 50,000 Hu cavalry and killed the enemy chief. This was a great victory worthy of being recorded in history books! But thinking about the seven-year-old child in Wucheng City, this matter was too unbelievable.

"Ying Ziyi said that in this battle, Li Mu's grandson Li Zuoche contributed a lot. Therefore, I want you to pardon the Li Mu clan and related tribes, and allow them to go to Wuche City to serve. What do you think? What do you think?" Ying Zheng said suddenly as he turned over the memorial sent by Ying Ziyi.

Ying Zheng said he was asking the ministers, but in fact he was looking at Wang Jian. In the great war that year, it was Wang Jian who set up a divorce plan to induce King Zhao to kill Li Mu, thereby destroying the State of Zhao.

Wang Jian didn't speak for a long time. When everyone thought that the veteran general was secretly sullen at Ying Ziyi's words, he came out and said: "Our Qin Dynasty has strict laws. Those who have merit will be rewarded, and those who have made mistakes will be punished. Li Zuoche has merit in resisting Hu, and ten The Fourth Young Master’s request is understandable and I ask the king to forgive his sin.”

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty." The ministers looked at it and found that you didn't have any objections. How can we have any objections? Many ministers came out and expressed their agreement with Wang Jian's words.

"As the ministers have requested, I am passing on the king's order to forgive the sins of Li Mu's family and his officers and soldiers, and allow them to go to Anxi Lord's fiefdom to serve our great Qin Dynasty. In addition, Anxi Lord Ying Ziyi has made great achievements in resisting Hu, and he is allowed to enter and leave Xianyang at any time. There is no need to guard Longxi anymore."

After saying that, Ying Zheng looked at Li Ergou and asked: "Forty thousand barbarians, what are Ying Ziyi going to do with them?"

"Reporting to the king, there is a shortage of labor in Wuchecheng, and the Fourteenth Young Master wants to use Hulu as workers to build fortifications and expand roads."

joke! After hearing this, many ministers smiled bitterly in their hearts, hoping that those born bandits would put down their swords and bows to build roads, but the Fourteenth Young Master could not figure it out.

Ying Zheng seemed a little surprised, but he immediately said: "That's great!"

"The king has been king for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years!"

The meeting ended like this, but the impact of this incident would not subside. Instead, it became more and more intense, like a huge whirlpool, disrupting every corner of this huge empire, and even, The whole world trembled because of this incident.

At least, Zhao Gao has gone crazy first.

"Kill him, kill him..." Zhao Gao shouted angrily as soon as he returned to his house. This unfathomable conspirator was furious because his carefully designed conspiracy was so casually broken, and it was shattered into pieces. He learned to throw things like a shrew to vent his anger.

But it was useless. In the end, he calmed down. With red eyes, he made up his determination and said: "This son must not be kept, cannot be kept! No matter how much the price is, this son must be removed."


No matter how many undercurrents are surging within the Qin State, no matter what impact this incident will have on all countries in the world in the future. Right now, the Xiongnu branch in the Hetao area is the most affected.

Touman Chanyu was killed, and his head was sent to Xianyang. Tens of thousands of warriors died, and those who were captured were captured, and no one came back.

The Huns were in chaos. Several of Touman's brothers and powerful generals gathered in Touman's former king's tent, quarreling with red faces.

Of course, this is not to express regret and anger for losing the great leader Touman Shanyu, nor to discuss how to retaliate against the Qin people. What they were fighting over was who should take Touman's place as Chanyu after his death!

For a time, there was a lively vegetable market in the royal tent. Some say that they have the most younger brothers, some say that they have the greatest contribution, some say that they are the most loved by Xian Chanyu, and the most outrageous thing is that some say that they are comparable to Brother Cheng and will definitely make the Xiongnu more prosperous. (After all, the Xiongnu lost a lot of people in the Battle of Wuchecheng!)

The crowd is a mess.

The old shaman shook his head slightly and walked out of the tent silently. He had just finished the divination, and now his face was pale and his expression was sluggish. The old shaman who originally wanted to tell the contents of his divination in the king's tent completely changed his mind.

He walked into the camp, and there was already a child waiting inside.

"Old shaman, do you have a problem with me?" the child asked.

The old shaman knelt down, looked at the child lovingly, and stroked his face: "Your father refused to listen to my advice and insisted on provoking that evil spirit, but he was still buried in Qin. I know this bad news. After that, we performed divination again. Maodun, you are the last hope of my great Huns. You will be my great chanyu, the greatest chanyu."

After hearing what the old shaman said, Mao Dun was neither excited nor afraid. He analyzed calmly: "Now that Shan Yu is dead, all uncles are thinking about that position. Old shaman, you pushed me out, and I don't have enough prestige." Managing them, even, risks being assassinated.”

The old shaman's eyes lit up. The child in front of him was extremely intelligent, and the content of the divination was indeed correct. He nodded, "I don't plan to announce this until you reach adulthood. I plan to take you far away."

"Where to go?"

At this time, several people walked into the tent. When they saw the old shaman, they respectfully said, "Old shaman, why did you call us here?"

"The Chanyu did not listen to my dissuasion and insisted on going south. He was defeated and died. After that, I performed divination again and God Kunlun sent an omen. Maodun is the last hope of our great Huns and will also be the greatest of our great Huns. Chanyu. You wolf descendants are the most ferocious clan among our Huns. I am here to ask if you are willing to be loyal to him."

The wolf descendants looked at each other. They did not dare to question the old shaman's words. They knelt down to the young Modun and said, "See Shanyu."

"Very good!" The old shaman nodded with satisfaction and said to Mao Dun: "Chanyu, tomorrow, we will lead three thousand tribesmen to the north."


"Yes, that is the world of ice and snow. The biting cold is enough to temper your will, the desolation is enough to cultivate your tenacity, and the dangerous environment is enough to hone your martial arts. There will be the birthplace of the Wolf King, the greatest Wolf King!"

There was a glint in the old shaman's eyes, and he held his Maodun shoulders with both hands and stared at him. The old shaman's face was rosy from the fire in the tent, his words were passionate, and his whole body seemed to be trembling, as if the most glorious era of the Huns was about to come.

~~~~~~~~Thank you to countless Xinghai for the big reward~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~Thank you for painting Gu Chengshang Da Da, a talented and talented Cai Cai Da Da, who loves to fly? Big, the twelve wings of the angel are big, and the profound way of heaven will give you a big reward~~~~~

~~~~~~Thank you for the reward from Wenfeng Deng Lin Dada and Fei Gongzi Xu Dada~~~~~~

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