The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 44 Go save the world! Sao Nian

After defeating Touman the Xiongnu, the reputation of Yingziyi as the evil ghost in Wuchecheng has spread to the nearby Hu people.

The messenger of hell, covered in flames, has countless monsters under his command. Even the most ferocious Xiongnu Shanyu Touman among the Hu tribe cannot defeat the evil ghost. Unknowingly, Ying Ziyi's reputation spread from ten to ten, and gradually spread among the surrounding Hu people.

Such a reputation has its advantages and disadvantages. The good thing is that the Hu people no longer dare to harass and plunder the caravans of the Linglong Chamber of Commerce. The bad thing is that Ying Ziyi's plan to recruit small Hu tribes to enrich the population went bankrupt.

But these don't affect the overall situation. Anyway, Ying Ziyi now has more than 40,000 free workers. With these 40,000 Huns, Ying Ziyi's plan to dominate the Western Regions can begin.

The first step is to firmly control the hundreds of miles of fertile land around Wucheng. Expand roads, build forts for military garrison in the long and narrow fertile basin around Wucheng, build guard towers in the mountains, build post stations for transmitting information at transportation hubs, and build passes at dangerous passes. , beacon fire and other military facilities.

Of course, these cannot be completed overnight. In addition, the main force in building these is the Huns who only use swords and guns to do business without capital, so the progress will be much slower.

Although these Huns clicked on the wrong talent points, Ying Ziyi believed that under his powerful inspiration, they could still change their profession instantly.

What is a powerful inspiration? For example, bloody suppression, cruel exploitation, ruthless oppression...ah! No, of course Ying Ziyi, as an aspiring young man, would not do this. That day in the main building of the inner city, in front of all the generals, Ying Ziyi, with a compassionate heart, denounced the truth of feudal cannibalism, and complained bitterly that the working people of the Xiongnu were just slaves who suffered all kinds of evil for a while. It was the seducers of the main class who came here with swords and guns to kill people and set fire to people. Their nature is kind and peace-loving, and they want to promote the concept of equality and freedom for everyone. We, Da Qin, are a huge country and we cannot rely on force to bully smaller neighboring countries...

After talking a lot, all the generals stood blankly on the spot. Finally, Ying Ziyi handed over these plans to the executioner trained by feudalism, the notorious imperial minion General Zhang Hanzhang, for implementation. The effect can be imagined .

General Zhang knelt down after listening to Ying Ziyi's (nonsense) words, "Master Qi, I don't know how to implement it?"

"I, Da Qin, have my own laws, do you still need me to teach you? Of course, these Huns are all deceived, so they have to carry out labor reform. You have to be strong in the implementation process, but depending on the degree of deception these Xiongnu have received, , just be more than ten times stricter than usual." Ying Ziyi said calmly.

"Yes, I understand." General Zhang Han's face was covered with black lines. Da Qin's criminal law was known for its strictness. If it were more than ten times stricter, then after these fortifications were built, would there be any living among the Huns?

After saying this, Ying Ziyi then said to Li Zuoche: "Sir, have you received a reply? I wonder if General Li Mu's old team is willing to come and serve in my Wuche City?"

Li Zuoche was stunned. His head was still buzzing because Ying Ziyi had some ideas that transcended the times, and it took him an hour to talk about them.

Hearing Ying Ziyi's speech, the top counselor paused and said: "Most of the trusted generals under my grandfather are willing to come and serve the young master. A few of them, I also sent six brothers to persuade. The needs mentioned by the young master Regarding the cavalry general, it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

If Ying Ziyi wants to form a cavalry, he naturally needs much better cavalry generals. Among the seven heroes of the Warring States Period, the most skillful in using cavalry was naturally none other than Qin and Zhao. After the fall of Zhao, many of Li Mu's outstanding generals were exiled, including some top cavalry generals. It would be a pity to bury them.

In the city of five chariots, there is Zhang Han for military affairs and Li Zuoche for civil servants. Everything has been put on track and is flourishing. Ying Ziyi even planned to move some people from the inner city to the outer city, demolish the main building, and build a harem, a large harem.

Ying Ziyi's life was very comfortable, very comfortable. So on a sunny afternoon, Ying Ziyi, who had eaten enough and had nothing to do, decided to go out for a walk.

People are coming and going on the streets, and the shops and buildings are noisy. Although Wuchecheng is only a small town of more than 20,000 people at the moment, it also shows considerable vitality. Ying Ziyi walked around, eating and singing. As a villain, eating without paying and teasing women from good families are his basic qualities. Naturally, no one dared to ask him for money. As for the husbands of decent women, when they saw a young lady getting close to their wives, most of them shouted, "I don't care about anyone else's children." When they saw Ying Ziyi's face, they hurriedly knelt down in fear. Said: "My lord, please forgive me."

In this way, Ying Ziyi was shopping happily until he suddenly looked back. Among the surging crowd, there was a foreign girl with long hair in blue braids looking at him with tears in her eyes.

At this moment, the annoying system sound sounded in my ears very clearly.

"Bidong! Congratulations to the poster, you have obtained the mission reward Tears of the Goddess. The side mission of the Goddess's Sorrow has begun. The ancient disputes, the reincarnation of fate, everything is doomed when the poster opens the door to time and space!"

One of the conditions for completing the mission is to obtain Pixiu (unfinished)

Mission Completion Condition 2: Arrive at Loulan (not completed)

The third condition for completing the mission is to obtain the secret of the Temple of the Goddess (unfinished)

Punishment for mission failure: world destruction.

Mission completion reward: Goddess's Necklace.


Ying Ziyi said nothing, stepped forward and took the blue-haired girl's hand to leave. The girl followed Ying Ziyi obediently, letting him hold her cattails, with a hint of shyness on her face.

The guard of the main building saw his young master coming with a strange girl. He was a little curious, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"Master, who is this?" Xiaohe couldn't help but asked when he saw Ying Ziyi coming back early with a girl beside him.

"Ah! Her name is... By the way, what's your name?" Ying Ziyi asked the blue-haired girl.

"My name is Xiao Li." The girl's voice was pleasant, and she looked at Ying Ziyi with a tender look on her face.

"Xiaohe, prepare a room and food for Xiaoli. I have something to do, so don't disturb me." With Xiaohe looking strange, Ying Ziyi walked up to his room on the second floor.

Within the villain’s space.

"You're cheating me!" Ying Ziyi shouted and said angrily.

"Bidong! Where did the original poster say this?" The system replied unhurriedly.

"Looking through all the settings, there is no one that lets the villain save the world! Where is the decent protagonist?"

"Bidong! The decent protagonist? With the level of the poster, I don't have the authority to know. So, just make do! If you can't finish it, the world will be destroyed!"

"...!" Listening to the system's words, Ying Ziyi felt that he was probably the most miserable villain in history. He paused and said righteously: "No, why should I work for the decent protagonist? My honor as a villain does not allow me to do this."

Ying Ziyi sat down, ignored the system, and pretended to be lonely and said: "If the world is destroyed, let it be destroyed! No villain should be anxious."

"Bidong! This is just one of a series of side tasks. If you complete all the tasks, there will be a final reward!" Seeing that coercion failed, the system changed it to inducement.

"The ultimate reward, what is that?" Ying Ziyi regained his energy and asked.

"Bidong! That is a very powerful force. The poster has also heard the story of the three thousand maidens of the Yellow Emperor who ascended on a dragon!" the system said lustfully, his voice full of temptation.

"People don't care about the Three Thousand Royal Women! But for the peace of the world, the stability of the people, the prosperity of the country, and the eternal development of the nation, I decided to save the world." Ying Ziyi wiped his saliva and said.

"Bidong! No matter what, let's save the world! Sao Nian!"

~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you for painting Gu Chengshang Dada, Xiao Binbin 32 Dada, Star Soul. Dada, Twelve Wings of Angel for the reward~~~~

~~~~~Thank you to Wenfeng Denglin Dada, Xiao Ai Dada who loves reading, DestroyGod Dada, and Helan Fashion Dada for the rewards~~~~~

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