ah! The tall poplar tree embodies the sorrow of life and composes the green song of life. ah! The clear blue sky, cloudless, illuminates the earth. ah! The beautiful shepherdess sings the fragrance of freedom among the clear water and blue sky.

Ying Ziyi really wanted to sing like this.

but! The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is skinny. Before saving the world, he must first save himself.

What the hell is this place? It has no clue what it has to offer. Ying Ziyi sat on the colt and looked up at the sky. A storm was coming. He looked down at the ground. It was desolate and there was no place to take shelter from the rain. It had been three days since the Da Yuezhi tribe they met last time came here. According to them, there should be another Da Yuezhi tribe nearby.

However, in this desolate place, where is the shadow of the tribe?

The Dayeshi built cities and lived in the Hexi Corridor, but after all, there were only a few towns, and there were still a large number of lower-class people who maintained a nomadic lifestyle and wandered in the narrow and fertile areas of the Hexi Corridor. Therefore, most of the caravan's supplies depend on these tribes.

There was a thunder in the sky, accompanied by a strong wind, and the rain started to fall.

Ying Ziyi got off the colt and got into the makeshift tent.

Inside, Xiao Li was holding her legs and waiting. Xiaodie hurriedly walked in with the food and said to Ying Ziyi: "Master, the food has been cooked. Fortunately, it was done before the heavy rain."

Ying Ziyi took the roasted meat and asked, "Where are Xiaohu and Xiaohe?"

"They're taking care of the horses! They'll be fine soon."

kindness! Not long after, Xiaohe and Xiaohu also walked in. They were soaked in the rain and their clothes were a little damp.

"Take off your wet clothes!" Ying Ziyi suggested innocently.

"Okay!" Xiaohe and Xiaohu blushed and took off their coats one by one, revealing a naked body underneath.

Xiao He, Xiao Fox and Xiao Die are both delicate girls. In comparison, Xiao He's figure is more mature, while Xiao Fox's appearance is more charming. As for Xiao Die? It's still too young and hasn't grown yet. But if it takes another four or five years, then...

"Master, why are you looking at me like this?" Xiaodie asked innocently, looking at herself, she also found that there was nothing wrong.

"Ah! Nothing?" Ying Ziyi laughed, looking away from the other party's sensitive parts and looking at Xiao Li, "You mean the dragon soul is nearby?"

Hearing Ying Ziyi's question, Xiao Li nodded. "I can feel the power of the dragon soul. Although this feeling is very weak, I am sure that it is nearby."

"Is it in the mountains to the north?" Ying Ziyi thought. The terrain here is relatively flat, and there are plains as far as the eye can see. There shouldn't be anything to hide. If there is any place where things can be hidden, it should be the mountains to the north.

"Yes, it should be."

"Okay! Then we will take shelter here from the rain, and when the rain stops, we will set off towards the mountains." Ying Ziyi made a decision.

In the wind and rain, this small tent still stood upright. The cold north wind was howling, and the tent was placed on a high place, leaning against a semi-recessed rock wall that looked like a manual excavation. Rainwater rarely penetrated into the tent, and two layers of thick blankets were spread on the ground. , but it’s not very cold in the tent.

In the small tent, Ying Ziyi got into the backs of Xiaodie and the others, and with the feeling of being warmed by three bed-warming girls, Ying Ziyi quickly fell asleep sweetly.

In the darkness, Xiao Li was wrapped in a quilt alone, looking at Ying Ziyi who had already fallen asleep, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xiaohe got out of the quilt and got dressed.

"Aren't you still asleep?" The three Xiaohe sisters practice a very special method, and they have the ability to see at night. In the dark night, Little Dawn's big bright eyes flickered, and she was sitting there, staring at herself.

"I don't need to live according to the human lifestyle." Xiao Li said softly.

"Really!" Xiao He was not surprised by Xiao Li's words that went beyond common sense.

"Why don't you sleep?" Xiao Li asked.

"The surrounding area is not stable. For the safety of the young master, the three of us sisters must remain vigilant at all times." Although Xiaohe looks like an unworldly girl on the outside, she is very capable on the inside.

"So it also includes those outside the account?"

"Can you feel it?" The spiritual warriors outside belong to their sect, which has been passed down from ancient times. They are between yin and yang and are extremely hidden. It is really strange for Xiao He that the girl in front of him can find it.

"They are special beings. Essentially, so am I. I can find it, and there is nothing strange about it." In the darkness of the tent, there was a trace of loneliness on Xiao Li's face.

Xiaohe was keenly aware of Xiaoli's strangeness, but he didn't say it out loud. The two of them were speechless, and the tent fell into silence again.


Going north along where Ying Ziyi was, a group of people were walking forward on the rugged mountain road among the dark mountains.

Braving the miserable wind and rain, they escorted the troops into a hidden cave halfway up the mountain.

Inside the cave, the light and fire were blazing. Unlike the desolate cold outside the cave, it was extremely hot inside.

"Great warriors, are you here?" This is a group of very tall and strong people, most of whom are nine feet tall, with black hair and yellow skin, high foreheads and protruding cheekbones. They are very different from the surrounding Hu people.

In the center of the cave is a circular altar, an altar where blood and human bones are used for sacrifice. On the altar, there are mysterious runes and lines painted, which are strange and strange. Around the altar, there is a circular groove dug by humans, which is full of scarlet blood. There is only a stone road leading to the altar.

And this road can only be traveled by sacrifices.

"Sacrifice, the sacrifices have been brought." The speaker was an extremely burly man, a head taller than the warriors behind him. He was shirtless, with only a short skirt made of animal skin covering his body. The big man was talking about the dozens of Da Yueshi tribesmen captured from the grassland today. These tribesmen were all rare elites among the Da Yuezhi, but they were unable to even fight back when attacked by the warriors of this strange tribe.

"Yes! The blood sacrifice is about to begin. Throw them into the blood pool." The priest spoke, with excitement and fanaticism in his eyes.

Ignoring the struggles and pleadings of the Da Yueshi tribesmen, the big man and his warriors took out bone daggers, cut the arteries and blood vessels of the Da Yueshi tribesmen, and then threw them into the blood pool.

More than a dozen Yueshi tribesmen were immersed in the blood pool. As the blood flowed by, they slowly lost consciousness and gradually sank until there was no sound.

Seeing this cruel scene, some of the remaining Da Yueshi tribesmen fainted from fright, some cried loudly, and some even urinated and defecated.

Looking at this group of frightened Da Yueshi tribesmen, the priest frowned and said: "Throw those unqualified sacrifices out, don't defile this sacred place."

The big man obeyed the order, led his men, took out the Da Yuezhi people who were excreting and urinating, and threw them down the cliff beside the mountain road. When he came back again, the priest was already standing on the altar, chanting in a low voice.

On the altar, mysterious runes and lines shine brightly. As the sacrifice progressed, the blood in the blood pool bubbled with gurgling heat. The cave had become unbearably hot, and the Da Yuezhi people had already passed out from the heat.

However, whether it was the priests or the warriors, there was no wavering in their eyes, and they endured everything that was unbearable for ordinary people with great determination. No, rather than enduring it, it is better to say that they are enjoying this process that they consider sacred.

"Have the results come out?" The big man asked after the sacrifice had come to an end.

"The God of War has returned, and the era of our clan is coming." The priest stood on the altar and whispered.

After hearing this, the warriors below couldn't help but whisper. But with a look from the big man, they all shut up.

"what should we do?"

"Go find a child, he is the host of the God of War. It is predicted that he is very close to us."

ps. There is no more essence this week, so I can’t add more essence.

~~~~Thank you uihgf for the big reward~~~~~

~~~~Thank you to ywueric Da Da Da, Twelve Wings of Angel Da Da Da Da Da Da, Countless Sea of ​​Stars Da Da Da Da, Painting the Ancients into Sadness Da Da Da Da, Asking the Peaks to Climb the Forest Da Da Da Da, and DestroyGod Da Da Da for the reward~~~~

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