The sky cleared, and Ying Ziyi walked among the mountains.

"Is it the front?" Ying Ziyi asked Xiao Li beside him.

"Yes!" Xiao Li responded to Ying Ziyi while holding a chestnut herding horse.

The peaks are complicated and difficult to distinguish from each other, and the mountain road is even more rugged and difficult to navigate. It is thanks to Xiao Li that Ying Ziyi and the five of them can walk here calmly without losing their way. There were many twists and turns along the way. If it weren't for Xiao Li's guidance, he would have been lost in the vast mountains.

"Huh!" Ying Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief. After walking through the long mountain road, the terrain in front of him suddenly became clear and flat.

There was an open woodland in front of him, and wild animals occasionally came out. Ying Ziyi was overjoyed. He finally didn't have to eat corn cakes today.

But the question is who will hunt?

Ying Ziyi looked at the four beautiful girls beside him. Although there are many masters among them, this is still a secret at the moment. Xiaohe and the other three thought that Ying Ziyi didn't know their identities, but Ying Ziyi didn't want Xiaohe and the others to know that he knew they were masters.

There is a wonderful state between the four of them. Although I don't know when, where, or for what reason this state will be broken, at least there is still a delicate balance in front of me.

"Who is it?" Xiao Hejiao shouted. The more she got along with Ying Zi Yi, the closer she became to him. At first, her vigilance towards Ying Ziyi gradually dropped. Until now, she has forgotten the identity she set for herself at the beginning, a weak girl who does not know martial arts.

What emerged from the forest were a dozen tall warriors, running towards Ying Ziyi at a very fast speed.

Xiaohe, Xiaohu, and Xiaodie surrounded Ying Ziyi and Xiao Li in the center, on guard.

"Wow, savage!"

Ying Ziyi pushed Xiaohe's arm away and walked out of their guarded circle.

The dozen or so tall savages walked up to three feet in front of Ying Ziyi and stopped. The leader came out. He was the leader who captured the Dayue clan in the sacrificial cave that night. He looked at Ying Ziyi and asked, "Who are you? Why do you want to break into our territory?"

"Huh? Territory?" Ying Ziyi was really surprised that there were still people living in this ravine. But the most surprising thing is that Ying Ziyi originally thought that these uninhibited savages should be savage, but in every move they made, they were very polite and even respectful.

"We are here for a trip." Ying Ziyi couldn't think of any good reason to explain why a child and four beautiful girls appeared in this deep mountain.

"That's right!" said the leading man, "I have a gracious request. Can you come with us to meet our high priest?"

"Bidong! Congratulations to the original poster, the side mission 'Soul of Jiuli' has been opened. The ancient disputes left behind the purest bloodline. The powerful power brings the fear of the weak and the covetousness of the ambitious. .”

Mission completion condition 1: Possess the remnant soul of Chi You (completed)

Mission Completion Condition 2: Complete the Blood Sacrifice (Unfinished)

Mission Completion Conditions: Death of the Three High Priests (Unfinished)

The reward for completing the mission is the title Jiuli King.

Ying Ziyi became interested and said, "Okay!"

Ying Ziyi wanted to move forward with the four people behind him, but was stopped by the big man, "I'm sorry, Your Excellency. Except for you, the four women behind you can't enter our territory."


Xiaohe was a little worried and wanted to stop Ying Ziyi, but he reached out to stop him. "The four of you are here waiting for news from me."

After Ying Ziyi finished speaking, he looked at the big man again, "I wonder if you can prepare some clean food and water for my people?"

The big man said: "No problem, Your Excellency."

Ying Ziyi followed a group of people through the forest, and after that, there was a small village hidden in the mountains.

Ying Ziyi calculated along the way that there were probably hundreds of people in this village. Both men and women are generally tall and have dark skin. They wear simple clothes made of animal skins, which can only cover up the sensitive parts of the body.

When we reached the end of the village, there was a thatched hut built against the mountain wall, where the high priest lived. Ying Ziyi walked up the ladder and opened the door.

The candles all over the room danced in the direction of Ying Ziyi the moment the door opened.

"It seems that you are the person we are looking for!"

A middle-aged man turned around. He was different from ordinary villagers in that his clothes were extremely complicated. Every move he makes is quite majestic. Black eye makeup, hypocritical smile, pretending to be deep in tone. Ying Ziyi got an important message from his series of actions. The other party is a villain, a very ambitious villain.

"What?" Ying Ziyi asked curiously. Unexpectedly, the high priest suddenly knelt down.

The few warriors behind him saw the movements of the high priest, and they also knelt down as a habit.

"Our King, I have finally waited for you." The high priest stretched out his arms and said gracefully.

"Is the elder brother's domineering energy bursting out? The younger brother kowtows and bows?" Ying Ziyi secretly complained.

The high priest stood up on his own, and several warriors behind Ying Ziyi also stood up. The high priest told them: "Our king has not yet awakened. Take him to the altar. I will hold a sacrifice."

"Yes!" After the high priest said, the few warriors behind Ying Ziyi drove him out of the house.

"Oh, let me go, this high priest really has his own tricks!" While Ying Ziyi complained, he also had a trace of doubt. When did the tasks issued by the cheating system become so easy to complete?

The strong smell of blood assaulted his nostrils, and horrifying skeletons were piled up on the roadside. In front of the altar, Ying Ziyi was put down.

"King, please step forward." The big man said.

This should be the blood sacrifice, the second condition for the completion of Jiuli's Soul. Looking at the scene around him, Ying Ziyi became more convinced of the high priest's conclusion as the villain. Ying Ziyi walked up the stone path and sat down in the center of the altar.

After that, eight strong men walked into the cave, together with the man who brought Ying Ziyi here before, surrounding the altar. The high priest arrived next, holding a round ball in his hand.

"King, they are the leaders of the nine tribes of our tribe, and their blood will be the tribute for this sacrifice."

After the high priest finished speaking, he held the round ball in his hand and began to float into the air. "let's start!"

Each of the nine big men held a bone dagger in his hand and cut his own blood vessels. The blood slowly flowed down the arm and flowed into the blood pool.

The high priest began to recite an obscure language. In the blood pool, scarlet blood followed the channel upwards, and the special runes and lines on the altar shone red.

As the ceremony progressed, Ying Ziyi felt a burning sensation on his arm, which became stronger and stronger.

It started to get hot in the cave and the air became oppressive. Ying Ziyi, who was located in the center of the altar, gradually fell into coma.

In a daze, Ying Ziyi came to a gray space. There, stood a man, an extremely handsome man. He is tall, with bulging muscles, a perfect body shape and a masculine and handsome appearance. He wears powerful armor and looks very much like the young king described in the story.

The man looked at Ying Ziyi, his handsome face became ferocious, and his whole body was filled with blood-red murderous aura. He shouted angrily: "Is it you? I'm going to kill you!"

"I'll go! What are you going to do?" Ying Ziyi was frightened. The man who looked like a king just now suddenly turned into a demon, holding a sword and trying to kill people. Fortunately, there was an invisible barrier between them. No matter how the man moved, he could not break through this wall.

Ying Ziyi, who was holding himself with both hands, saw this scene and patted his chest with his small hands. "It really scared my brother to death!"

The scene changed again. When Ying Ziyi woke up, under the altar were nine unconscious warriors. The priest, exhausted, knelt down and looked at him with a hypocritical smile.

~~~~~~~~Thank you Yao Xiechen for the big reward~~~~~~~~

~~~~Thank you for painting Gu Chengshang Dada, DestroyGod Dada, ywueric Dada, Wenfeng Denglin Dada, do you love flying? Big reward~~~~~~~

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