When Xiao Li and other four beautiful girls entered the village and saw Ying Ziyi, he had already taken off his original clothes, put on an animal skirt and coat, and a crown made of bones and flowers. They were all painted with unknown paint. He was lying on a large bench, with fruits and mountain game in front of him, and two tall women surrounding him fanning him.

"King, your servant is here."

"How many times have I told you, don't call me king, call me chief." Ying Ziyi corrected a big man who came forward to report.

"Yes, Chief!" The other party nodded repeatedly, not daring to disobey at all.

"Sir, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with them?"

Xiaohe pointed at the strange scene around him and said a little at a loss.

"Ah! It's nothing. I just collected a group of boys. You guys should come over and have some. It's quite delicious."

Ying Ziyi sighed that a happy life would begin again, but a storm was brewing in the high priest's hut.

"How is the boy doing now?" the high priest asked the boy next to him.

The little brother has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, so he is nicknamed Monkey. Although he is also a member of the tribe, for some unknown reason, he does not look as tall, strong, and powerful as the men in other tribes. Instead, he is abnormally short and has a wretched appearance.

This is a cruel world, and this is a face-based world. Whether due to malnutrition or genetic mutation, the monkey classmate who was born with different looks was despised and bullied by his fellow villagers. What's more important is that he is already in his twenties (in this era when it is common to have children at the age of 14 or 15), but his personal life-long affairs have not yet been resolved. The men of the same age as him in the same village are all getting married, starting a business, and having children. , children can make soy sauce. But he was still alone.

The monkey classmate cannot hunt, nor can he weave. As a last resort, Mr. Monkey took up a job that matched his appearance. His professional name was a spy, commonly known as Erwuzi. His job content was to make small reports. From then on, Monkey was reused by the high priest and started his career.

"That boy! We had a lot of fun with those little girls." The monkey was not respectful to Ying Ziyi like the people in the same village. Instead, he was a little resentful, mainly because the monkey fell in love with a few beauties in the village. They all went to serve Ying Ziyi.

"Monkey, I am sending you to serve that boy now. Pay attention and tell me every move he makes."

"Yes, high priest, I promise to complete the task." The monkey swore.

When the monkey classmate with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks came to Ying Ziyi, he said with a flattering look on his face: "My great, brave, and extremely handsome king, the villain monkey, reports to you."

"Huh?" When Ying Ziyi saw this wretched looking monkey classmate, he was shocked, where did this alien come from?

"Your name is Monkey? It's a nickname, right? What's your real name?" Ying Ziyi asked.

"My king, you are really wise and wise. The villain's real name is Li San, and everyone calls me monkey."

The monkey flattered him. For Ying Ziyi, the monkey in front of him was indeed a different kind. In a remote mountain village where the residents are generally honest and honest, it is really surprising that such a guy suddenly pops up. "

Ying Ziyi nodded, pointed at the monkey and trotted over. Ying Ziyi put his little hand on his shoulder.

"Monkey! This chief can tell at a glance that you are definitely not a creature in the pool. You will definitely have a future in the future. Just stay with me from now on! Follow me and you will have food, drink and girls. I will not treat you badly. ." Ying Ziyi said in a pretentious way.

The monkey's eyes became moist in a second, and he burst out crying, kneeling down in front of Ying Ziyi, sobbing. The sincerity of emotion and the sense of grievance that brought tears to the eyes were vividly expressed by Monkey.

"The villain... the villain... will definitely repay the chief for his kindness."

Wow, this acting skill is really incredible, so awesome. Ying Ziyi was completely shocked that such a famous person could exist in this small mountain village.

From then on, the monkey reported every move of Ying Ziyi to the high priest.

Mainly including teasing women, eating and drinking, and doing shameful things with a few beautiful girls.

"It turns out he is also a drunkard and a womanizer." The high priest said disdainfully, and since then he has also let down his wariness towards Ying Ziyi.

After that, there was another period of peace.

On this day, the high priest and the leaders of the nine villages of the tribe came to Ying Ziyi and knelt down together.

"King! Our king!"

Ying Ziyi, who was playing with four beautiful girls, Xiaoli, Xiaohe, Xiaohu, and Xiaodie, was startled by the high priest's actions.

"Call the chief!" Ying Ziyi said impatiently.

"Yes!" The high priest was stunned. He didn't mind correcting Ying Ziyi's weird hobbies, and led the people to say again: "Chief! Our chief!"

"What's wrong?"

"It's time!" the high priest said in a deep tone: "For thousands of years, our family has been driven by enemies, killed, suffered hardships and suffering, and lived like pigs and dogs. Now, our greatest king has returned , it’s time to fight tooth for tooth.”

"So?" Ying Ziyi peeled off a wild fruit and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Loulan!" the high priest replied, "there are the sacred objects and lost weapons of our clan, which were privately possessed by those despicable Loulan people. Now, we are going to take back everything that belongs to us and restore the glory of our clan. .”

"Okay! Let the high priest direct everything!" Ying Ziyi replied readily. Really, even traveling expenses are saved, this high priest is really considerate.

"Wait!" When the high priest and his men were about to leave, Ying Ziyi called him.

"What is it? My chief!"

"Where is the ball I saw during the last sacrifice?"

"That? It's a treasure. It's in my house."

"Just in time, please send that treasure over at some time. I want to observe it."

"Yes!" The high priest frowned and finally agreed. He decided in his heart that Ying Ziyi couldn't escape anyway, so just let him go!

When the ball was delivered to Ying Ziyi's hands, Ying Ziyi watched for a long time and didn't see the reason. But when it was put into Xiao Li's hands, the ball suddenly deformed.

The Nine Sons of Dragon God and little Pixiu suddenly appeared on Xiao Li's palm.

With that cute appearance and cute expression, little Pixiu instantly attracted the attention of all the girls present. So, they abandoned Ying Ziyi and all gathered around Xiao Li.

Feeling that he was isolated, Ying Ziyi shamelessly got into the circle of girls, intending to pet the cute beast.

"Ah!" Ying Ziyi's finger was bitten with blood and he retracted.

The cute beast jumped from Xiaoli's palm to the ground and grinned at Yingzi, which was quite unfriendly.

Xiao Li hurriedly picked up the cute beast from the ground and comforted it. The girls also looked at Ying Ziyi reproachfully.

So, from this moment on, Ying Ziyi instantly changed from a great chief to a female public enemy. Between Ying Ziyi and the cute beast, the girls decisively sided with the cute beast. Then, he abandoned Ying Ziyi.

Ying Ziyi was completely isolated, the girls were busy taking care of the cute beasts, and there was only a monkey gloating about his misfortune (the monkey's inner words: Brother is finally not alone anymore).

Fortunately, not long after, the high priest made all preparations and took Ying Ziyi and the warriors from nine villages to Loulan.

Ying Ziyi was overjoyed, riding on the colt, like the Israelites who had walked out of Egypt, looking at the blue sky, breathing the free air, and said happily: This miserable life is finally over.

ps please recommend and collect

~~~~~~~~Thank you Yao Xiechen for the big reward~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~Thank you to Angel Twelve Wings for the big reward~~~~

~~~~~Thank you to the cat investigators, DestroyGod, Ask the Peaks, Climb Lin, and Paint Gu Chengshang for the reward~~~~

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