How to attack Loulan?

The high priest's plan is a past.

Although the capital of Loulan is located in a dangerous terrain and is surrounded by mountains, for hundreds of years, there have been few military disasters, weapons are lax, and the soldiers have no combat effectiveness. But our younger brother is different. The perseverance developed by thousands of years of wandering and the strong combat effectiveness cultivated by fighting against nature are not comparable to Loulan's soldiers.

To put it simply, his younger brother is capable of fighting and resisting. Compared with him, Loulan's soldiers are scum with less than 5 combat effectiveness.

"Okay! So be it!" Ying Ziyi said nonchalantly. The high priest had been planning for a long time, so there shouldn't be any problems.

On a hazy night, the high priest led thousands of warriors from nine villages and just passed by.

So, it just settled down.

The roads that are difficult to distinguish and the passes that are difficult to conquer in the eyes of outsiders are not a problem for the Chi You family. The journey was unstoppable, and in just one night, Loulan was captured by the high priest.

The sun has come out, and Ying Ziyi and four girls, escorted by warriors, enter the capital of Loulan.

The capital of Loulan is built in the mountains. The entrance to Loulan's country is through a winding mountain road, which is located in a relatively low and flat gap between the peaks. The surrounding mountain walls all have traces of artificial excavation, and the entrance was built here.

Ying Ziyi stood on it, looking down at the dense buildings below, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's so prosperous!"

Although few people come here, it is self-sufficient. There are layers of terraced fields on the surrounding mountain ridges, which are still green at the moment. The roads under your feet are all paved with marble and are regular and flat. The surrounding buildings are full of exotic style. Unlike the buildings in China that are mostly built with civil engineering, the buildings here are all made of stone. The architectural styles are also different. If I am forced to compare, the architectural styles here are mostly similar to ancient Greece, using the beam and column system and pursuing the golden ratio.

"Where is the high priest?" Yingzi led the people down the road built along the mountain road and walked into the hinterland of Loulan.

The monkey said from the side: "My great chief, the high priest, took the chief priest from Loulan to the sealed place."

Do you really want Chi You Sword and the Demon God of War?

Ying Ziyi was sarcastic in his heart but didn't show it on his face. He took me to the Temple of the Goddess on Crescent Lake.

After hearing the words, the monkey immediately agreed and led the way with a flattering look on his face. "My great chief, come with me."

As we got closer, the huge goddess statue in front of the temple appeared in front of us, connected to the surrounding drinking water system. The exquisite goddess statue is as natural as nature, full of a sense of holiness, and makes people feel awe. Xiao Li looked at the goddess statue and seemed to be in a daze.

"What's wrong? Xiaoli?" Xiaodie next to her looked at her like this and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Ah! It's okay." Xiao Li's eyes fell on Ying Ziyi who was walking in front, and he became determined again.

Ying Ziyi led everyone into the temple of the goddess.

Find Pixiu, enter Loulan, and then obtain the secret of the Temple of the Goddess.

Ying Ziyi walked around inside. What secrets could there be in this empty temple? Ying Ziyi once again cast his gaze on Xiao Li, as if asking.

Xiao Li nodded, seeming to have made some determination. Walking to the center of the temple of the goddess, the cute beast held in both hands turned into a round ball again. After that, the sandalwood mouth was slightly opened, as if praying.

The ball slowly rose, and Xiao Li's body magically emitted a faint blue light. Looking at this scene, Ying Ziyi unknowingly felt that the air around him had become dull, and the scenery of the temple of the goddess began to become hazy, gradually blurring into one color under the distortion of light.

In a trance, Ying Ziyi came to a hazy space, surrounded by pale colors, with no similarities or differences.

Colors began to appear, like a pure white canvas dyed with paint, but it was actually a three-dimensional holographic canvas. Ying Ziyi was in this space, and bits and pieces of color halo struck like meteors, and mottled lines danced wantonly around. After an unknown amount of time, it was finally spliced ​​into a magnificent picture.

It was a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. The mountains were covered with dazzling flowers. A clear stream passed through the valley, giving birth to the life in the valley.

A woman dressed in white is collecting flowers in the valley. Ying Ziyi was floating in the air like a spirit at the moment, unable to see the woman's face clearly. When he got closer, he realized that this woman was covered with a halo of light, and in the haze, only her graceful figure was visible. The woman didn't seem to notice Ying Ziyi, she was still collecting flowers and sniffing them gently. Although Ying Ziyi couldn't see the woman's face clearly, he felt that her movements were very charming.

In this way, Ying Ziyi accompanied this woman, and countless cycles of sun and moon passed through, and the seasons changed. Suddenly one day, the valley shook, as if thousands of troops and horses were coming.

Amidst the crowds of thousands of people, a man entered the valley. Ying Ziyi was very familiar with him. It was the remnant soul of Chi You that he saw during the blood sacrifice that day. He was tall, mighty, handsome, and a king supported by everyone. It's just that the armor on his body is a bit worn. It can be seen from the messy bun and dry hair that the king has not taken care of himself for many days.

Different from Chi You's remnant soul that day, his face was no longer so ferocious, full of anger and unwillingness. Now he is described as dilapidated, but still confident, with firm confidence in his eyes.

He knelt down in front of the goddess. At this moment, the world changed, and the gurgling stream flowed through the valley. The water flow was slow, but it was refreshing and moving. Birds chirp, animals run, the silent world is no longer. This world has added a lot of color to Ying Ziyi.

No one noticed Ying Ziyi's existence, even if he yelled.

Ying Ziyi saw the young king kneeling on the ground and said to the woman: "Now on the earth, floods are flooding, wild beasts are raging, and people are facing the threat of death every day. I plead again, please help me clear the earth. A chronic disease brings hope and peace to the people."

In the end, the young king took a sword from the woman, and an unknown amount of time passed after that. Chi You returned to the valley again, bringing with him a large number of gifts.

The king was high-spirited and renewed, and he wiped out the ferocious beasts on the earth. After calming down the flood, he won the support of the vast majority of the people and became the widely expected King of Kings.

"Alan, now I have become the king of kings on the earth, but I can give up all of this without hesitation and dedicate it to you, my most beautiful goddess. I just ask you to smile at me. "

Facing cart after cart of precious and rare gifts, and facing the young and handsome king's proposal, the woman named Alan shook her head slightly and said, "I'm sorry, I can't agree to you."

The king was quite puzzled and said: "Why? My gift is not precious enough, or you think my land is not broad enough. Well..."

He stood up and strengthened his determination, "Then I will send the whole world to you. Then, I will come again."

The young king did not finish listening to the goddess's words, so he stood up and left the valley surrounded by his men.

The scene changes, and on the earth, war smoke is everywhere. The king's war to annex the world went very smoothly, in front of the powerful military power and eighty-one huge soldiers and demon gods. No tribe on the earth can resist this force that can destroy the world.

Until, a young man who survived among the ruins stood up resolutely, not afraid of Chi You's terrifying power, and led the remaining tribesmen to continue to resist.

Such a tiny force was like a bug, and the powerful Chi You looked down upon it.

Slowly, the power of the humble young man whom Chi You looked down on continued to rise. Many tribes suppressed by Chi You came to the young man's side, like a thousand streams converging into the sea. When Chi You was sitting on the throne, his arrogant eyes accidentally noticed the situation of the tribal alliance named Yanhuang, and he realized that unknowingly, this tribe already had power that could rival him.

The war is still going on, and Chi You's combat power still has an overwhelming advantage. The war between Jiuli and the Yanhuang tribe is still losing more than they lose, and the power of the world is firmly in Chi You's hands.

After a battle, Chi You returned to the river valley again, only to see a scene that made him feel heartbroken and furious.

The woman named Alan, holding a flower in her hand, was nestling in the arms of the humble boy.

"Why?" Chi You drew his sword and shouted at the woman, pointing at the despicable young man behind her and asking: "Why do you want to be with that despicable person like a bug instead of me!"

"For me, what makes me happy is not getting the whole world. It's enough to have a flower that he personally picked and gave to me." The woman looked at the young man. Although Ying Ziyi couldn't see the woman's face clearly, he also knew that the woman should be happy at this time.

Chi You did not understand the woman's words. His arrogant heart still stubbornly believed that it was because he failed to defeat the despicable person on the battlefield that he allowed the despicable person to take advantage of him.

As long as I defeat him, Alan will come back to me again. Watching the two of them go away, the king clenched his hands and secretly made up his mind.

The scene changed again, it was already the end of the setting sun, and all the thousands of troops owned by the king were now corpses on the ground. Most of the eighty-one Demon Gods of War were scattered on the ground, becoming garbage on the ruins. Only one of them is still standing on the ground, but it has lost its power and is crumbling.

Chi You held the sword, supported his body and stood up, facing the former humble boy riding on the horse in front of him. The king stubbornly wanted to retain his only dignity.

"From today on, my name is Huang Di!" Huang Di announced to his soldiers without even looking at Chi You. He rode his horse past Chi You without stopping for a moment.

The lone smoke sets in the sun, and the figure is lonely. Chi You was the only one left on the battlefield, with blood flowing all over his body. The cold wind blew by, making the former God of War feel the taste of death. Chi You recalled all the glory of the past and the time he spent with Alan. When he unwillingly glanced at Huang Di's face, he suddenly realized that there were only a few faces of the humble young man he looked down on in the past, and it seemed that he had never been seen in his eyes.

Not worth a look!

On the battlefield, only the lonely laughter of the God of War remained...

The story ends here, Ying Ziyi wakes up, and the sun is already setting in the temple.

Surrounded by everyone, Ying Ziyi cleared his mind and concluded:

Sisi counterattacked Gao Fushuai, married Bai Fumei, and reached the pinnacle of life. This story is so inspiring!

At this moment, the high priest walked in holding the Chiyou Sword in his hand...

~~~~~Thank you to book friends 160127213921473, l26000814qd, Painting Ancient Times, Asking the Peaks and Climbing the Forest, and DestroyGod for the big reward~~~~~~

~ Thanks

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