The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 50 Convincing people with virtue

The high priest held the Chi You Sword in his hand and walked into the temple of the goddess step by step.

"Bidong, congratulations to the original poster. You have completed the side quest The Sorrow of the Goddess and received the goddess's necklace as a reward."

In front of Xiao Li, the mechanism opened, and a rectangular hidden pillar slowly rose, with a hollow necklace on it. Xiao Li slowly fell to the ground, because the priest had exhausted all his strength and was leaning against the pillar in a semi-conscious state.

Ying Ziyi had no time to pay attention to the goddess's necklace. He stood up and asked Xiaodie to take care of Xiaoli, and then looked at the high priest.

From Ying Ziyi's point of view, the high priest's body was covered with demonic patterns, which should be due to the demonization of Chi You's sword.

From Ying Ziyi's perspective, the high priest still had a sarcastic smile on his lips.

From Ying Ziyi's perspective, the high priest had a look of disdain on his face, looking at him as if he were prey.

Looking at it from Ying Ziyi's perspective...Okay! The information observed from the high priest can prove that this is the prelude to the villain's transformation!

"Hahahaha!" The high priest walked to the center of the hall and laughed. The laughter was full of the villain's triumphant feeling and contempt for the decent people around him.

All in all, his smile was ugly.

"High Priest, what are you going to do!" Xiao He realized something was wrong and yelled loudly.

"What do I want to do?" The high priest smiled, pretending to be calm in every move, as if he wanted to declare that he was the god who was above everyone and controlled everyone's destiny.

"I have been waiting for this day for too long. I have finally obtained the power of Chi You Sword, this unparalleled power. This will be the beginning of my unification of the world."

"You just want to dominate the world? You're talking nonsense." Facing the arrogant high priest, Ying Ziyi was unafraid. In Ying Ziyi's opinion, the high priest has made a fatal mistake that villains often make, and talks nonsense.

As expected, as expected by Ying Ziyi, he was quite disdainful of Ying Ziyi's provocation. The high priest couldn't hold himself back and said to himself: "Of course it's not enough to have the Chi You Sword, plus the Demon God of War, it's enough! The ancient power will reawaken, and the earth will tremble under this power. Everyone They will live in fear. From now on, they can only look up to me from a distance. What about King Qin Yingzheng, what about the Hundred Schools of Scholars, what about Canglong Qisu... There will only be one master in this world from now on, and that is me!"

"Hey, let me go. The high priests in this mountain valley know so much. Even Canglong Qisu knows about it." Ying Ziyi complained.

"So, how do you want to control the Demon God of War?"

Ying Ziyi's words suited the high priest's taste, and he said proudly: "I will use secret techniques to control your mind. Controlling you is equivalent to controlling Chi You's remnant soul, and controlling Chi You's remnant soul is equivalent to controlling Chi You's remnant soul." Destroyed the entire Demon God of War."

"Chi You, how dare you disrespect him." Ying Ziyi asked.

"Hahaha! Chi You is nothing. He is just a loser, but I am different. I will be a god among all people." The high priest's eyes were bright red, and his whole person was in an inexplicable state of excitement, and he was drunk. Similar.

"Did you all hear it?" Ying Ziyi said calmly. Nine big men walked out of the corridor outside the temple. They were the leaders of the nine villages.

"High Priest, I didn't expect you to betray our God of War." Everyone denounced the High Priest.

However, the high priest's smile was so loud that it completely covered up everyone's voices. Regarding the strange statement of the high priest, everyone remained silent for a while, waiting for the situation to develop. The high priest looked at Ying Ziyi, as if to deal with the naughty child, and smiled gently: "My king! Until now, do you still think that the leaders of the nine major villages can deal with me? Is it done?"

Ying Ziyi just smiled, and the high priest's eyes suddenly stared at the monkey who had been hiding behind Ying Ziyi, "Monkey, come here."

"Yes, high priest." The monkey walked quietly from behind to everyone, glanced at Ying Ziyi, and finally walked behind the high priest.

"Hahaha!" the high priest laughed, very satisfied with the monkey's attitude.

"When I capture you, the world will be mine!"

Just as they were about to take action, the leaders of the nine major tribes stood guard in front of Ying Ziyi. The high priest stepped forward and fought with the leaders of the nine tribes.

Feel the tremendous power exuded by Chi You's sword and the weakening trend of the leaders of the nine tribes. Xiao He, Xiao Fox and Xiao Die can no longer pretend not to know.

The three of them turned over and knelt down, and said in unison to Ying Ziyi: "Young Master, please forgive me."

Suddenly, the leaders of the nine tribes were shaken away by the power of Chi You's sword and fell to the ground. The three women stood up and quickly joined the battle group.

Whether it is speed or agility, the three women are not inferior to the high priest holding the Chi You Sword. The only thing they lack is strength.

The three girls learned something strange. Although there was a gap between them and the high priest in terms of realm and cultivation, they were still able to withstand the edge of Chi You's sword.

The wind crane dances charmingly, and the little crane's figure is light and elegant, just like a crane spreading its wings. There is a graceful and graceful charm in the dancing wind and clouds.

Thunder Fox Miyin, the power of the little fox is astonishing. Wherever it passes, there is a rumbling sound of thunder, as powerful as a galloping horse, and a slap of its young hand is as powerful as a giant.

Fire Butterflies Thousands of Illusions, Xiaodie's movements are unpredictable, the surrounding flames flash, turning into dozens of phantoms, waiting around the high priest, ready for a fatal blow at any time.

"Young Master, leave quickly!" During the battle, Xiaohe did not forget Ying Ziyi and shouted.

"You can't run away." The high priest swept away the three women with his sword, holding his sword in front. His whole body was filled with true energy, and he wielded the Chi You Sword with his profound cultivation, turning into a sword light and running towards the three women.

The three women were forced by Chi You's sword energy and were seriously injured. They retreated in front of Ying Ziyi, with their knees half bent and Yin Hong's blood stains on their mouths.

"My lord, this man is too strong and we are no match for him. We will try our best to hold him down later. You run away quickly."

"Really, why are you trying to be strong?" Ying Ziyi walked in front of the three women amid the surprised expressions.

"Since I am your lord, there is no reason for you to go and die." Ying Ziyi thought he was handsome and turned around, smiling at the three women.

"It's interesting that a kid like you who doesn't know martial arts still wants to act like a hero to save a beautiful girl." The high priest put away his sword and said jokingly.

"I plan to convince people with virtue!" Ying Ziyi said seriously.

"How can you convince others with virtue?"

Seeing the masters around Ying Ziyi fall one by one, the high priest thought he had the situation under control, so he looked at Ying Ziyi nonchalantly, like a cat teasing a mouse.

"Of course it's a girl. I'll help you introduce someone. How about it? Do you agree or not?"

"Hahahaha!" The high priest heard a joke he had never heard before, "Do you think that mere beauty can shake my mind?"

Poof, a mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth. When the high priest was injured, his expression was still wild.

When he reacted, he looked behind him in disbelief. The monkey was holding a dagger and stabbing him in the vital part.

"The chief wants to convince others with virtue, but that person is not you." The monkey remained wretched. After stabbing the high priest, he pulled out the dagger and retreated quickly.

"How could it be you!" The high priest's roaring voice spread throughout the hall. Not only the high priest, but everyone in the temple except Ying Ziyi looked extremely surprised. Why is this wretched guy so powerful?

"You must be wondering, with your skills, why you are so easily attacked by me?" The monkey retreated to the door of the hall, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on him, making him appear unfathomable.

"That's because my cultivation level is still higher than yours!"

In the end, the monkey gave a surprising answer.

"This is impossible." The more excited the high priest became, the more the wound cracked. A mouthful of blood gushed out, and a chill surged up, making his mind calm, "Unless have practiced that..."

"That's right!" Monkey turned his face sideways, not showing his face, so that people could not see the expression on his face clearly, "It is the unique martial arts that can only be practiced by a boy, the Nine Turns of the Ancient Witch's Golden Body Art."

"The Nine Transformations of the Ancient Witch's Golden Body Technique cannot be learned without the talent of Heaven, and even I can't get in. Since you have such power, why have you stayed by my side for so many years, lying low and being a coward?"

"A heartbroken song, where can I find a true friend in the world?" The monkey clasped his hands behind his back, facing the afterglow of the setting sun, and sighed looking up to the sky with a sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked face, showing the demeanor of a top master. "It's hard to find a true friend, and a master is lonely. How can a villain like you understand?"

"Bosom friend?"

"Of course I can find someone who has the same vulgar heart as me. And Ying Ziyi is exactly the person I'm looking for. Didn't you hear what the chief said just now? He wants to help me find a girl." Monkey is saying He turned around and looked at the high priest, with a look on his face that the other person could not be carved into stone.

"...! When you say that, should I be happy or unhappy?" Ying Ziyi spread his hands and said helplessly.

The monkey came to Ying Ziyi like a ghost, and said with a flattering look on his face: "Chief, what you just said about helping me find a girl doesn't count."

"Of course it counts. I have always convinced people with virtue, and I hate beating and killing the most." Ying Ziyi patted his chest and said shamelessly.

"What about the high priest?"

"Let him die."


"Bidong! Congratulations to the poster. The side quest "The Soul of Jiuli" has been completed. The poster has been awarded the title of King Jiuli. Buff of King Jiuli: Calls on all the Chiyou tribe, tired of the people of Loulan, +20% of the bloody power. The poster Physical strength increased by one hundred percent."

ps. Tears of Tears 2 is on sale for a bigger sale, please recommend and collect~~~

~~~Thank you for the big reward~~~~~

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