In the empty temple of the goddess, everyone has fallen. The monkey was also injured due to the high priest's final counterattack, lying on the ground recovering his strength.

The enemy was gone, and everyone in the palace was relieved and sat on the ground to recover from their injuries. There was only one person left, Ying Ziyi. At this moment, the power in his body was gushing out like spring water. It was endless. He felt that his ancient power could no longer be suppressed.

In the battle just now, the Chi You sword that was knocked down was ringing now.

Everyone noticed something strange about Ying Ziyi. What was going on with the bloody aura that filled his body?

The system says +20% bloody power, but isn't that too much? Ying Ziyi looked at himself, quite confused.

"It's Chi You, that's the power of Chi You's remnant soul."

Xiao Li had almost recovered and saw Ying Ziyi's current appearance. She was shocked, picked up the goddess's necklace from the hidden pillar behind her, quickly ran to Ying Ziyi's side, and brought it up to him.

Ying Ziyi did not reject Xiao Li's actions. When Xiao Li put the necklace on him, the bloody murderous spirit in Ying Ziyi disappeared instantly. And in his ears, the voice of that cheating system rang.

"Bidong! Congratulations to the original poster, the side mission 'Goddess's Wish' has started."

Mission Completion Conditions 1: Purify Chi You’s Soul (Unfinished)

Mission completion condition 2: Destroy Chi You Sword (not completed)

Mission completion condition 3: Destroy the Demon God of War (not completed)

Mission completion reward: Obtain the title Dragon Successor.

Ying Ziyi thought for a while, and at this moment, the annoying system sound sounded again.

"Bidong! Congratulations to the original poster, the side mission 'The God of War's Wish' has started."

Mission completion condition 1: Fusion of Chi You’s remnant soul (unfinished)

Mission Completion Condition 2: Use Chi You Sword to open the Soldier Demon God (not completed)

Mission completion condition 3: Destroy Loulan (unfinished)

Mission completion reward: Get the title God of War Reincarnation.

Whether it's Successor of the Dragon or God of War Reincarnated, they both sound awesome. However, these two tasks are completely opposite. Once you complete one, it is impossible to complete the second.

At this time, Xiao Li took Ying Ziyi's hand and wanted to pull him outside the temple of the goddess.

"What's wrong?" Ying Ziyi showed no resistance and followed Xiao Li outside.

"The power of Chi You's remnant soul in you is getting stronger and stronger. If you let it go, it will cause an uncontrollable situation." Xiao Li said anxiously.

"You are lying!"

"What?" Xiao Li stopped in his tracks and turned back to look at Ying Ziyi.

"You are lying if you say that Chi You's remnant soul will erode my will!"

Xiao Li lowered his head with a gloomy expression, "Yes, Chi You's remnant soul will indeed not erode your will. On the contrary, it will give you endless power. But purifying Chi You's remnant soul is what I must do. It’s the mission given to me by the goddess.”

"Why? You obviously don't like lying."

"That is my mission, the meaning of my existence." Xiao Li said with firm eyes.

"Why can't you live for yourself?"


There was a period of silence, and Xiao Li did not speak.

"Then what should we do if we want to destroy the Chi You Sword and the Demon God of War?"

"You can only do it if you enter the Demon God of Soldiers. Throw the Chi You Sword into the power core of the Demon God of Soldiers. In that way, both the Chi You Sword and the Demon God of Soldiers can be destroyed."

"Help me get water from Crescent Moon Spring!" Ying Ziyi said.

It’s so confusing!

Standing in the control room of the Demon God of War, Ying Ziyi said so.

As a major villain, it is obvious that he should follow the mission route of God of War's Wish. Complete your own mutation, obtain powerful weapons, then dominate the world, and make the protagonists fall at your feet with tears of regret. This is what a villain should do!

But looking at the expectant eyes of the beautiful girl in front of him, Ying Ziyi really couldn't make up his mind.

So he hesitantly brought the Crescent Spring Water to his body and entered the Bing Demon God. He hesitated and dragged the Chi You Sword to open the power core of the Bing Demon God. He hesitated and stood on the energy console, considering whether to throw the Chi You Sword into the power platform. Under the endless magma.

Xiao Pixiu lay on Xiao Li's shoulder. Xiao Li walked along the path in the void and installed the dragon soul on the power platform. The endless magma underneath began to roll, and the hot air seemed to scorch people. The whole space seemed to be trembling, and the goddess's necklace on Ying Ziyi resonated with it and fell to the ground.

The bloody aura began to spread from Ying Ziyi's body, but this time, they gathered together like smoke and formed a human shape. That image was the remnant soul of Chi You that Ying Ziyi saw that day.

"Are you my host?" Chi You's remnant soul began to speak. He was handsome and graceful.

Xiao Li ran to Ying Ziyi's side, intending to stop the conversation.

"Yes!" Ying Ziyi said, ignoring Xiao Li.

"The fact that you didn't drink the Crescent Moon Spring water proves that you are still hesitant."

"That's right!" Ying Ziyi admitted frankly.

"You're right. Because you still don't understand what it means to have me?"

"Oh? What is it?" Ying Ziyi spread his hands and asked.

"If you listen to the words of the Tears of the Goddess, you will face hardships and tribulations. You will not understand how powerful the enemies you will encounter ahead are. But with my power, you will easily settle all this and control the entire world. , master it forever!" Chi You's remnant soul bit the word "eternal life" very hard, and his tone was full of temptation.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Ying Ziyi threw the Chi You sword into the magma without hesitation this time.

Under Xiao Li's delighted gaze, Chi You's remnant soul began to transform, becoming ferocious and terrifying, just like what Ying Ziyi saw that day during the blood sacrifice.

"You, why?" Chi You's remnant soul roared, and the entire space shook with his anger.

"As a villain, I hate people who are more handsome than me." Ying Ziyi opened the cap of the crescent spring water bottle and replied lightly.

"Moreover, you are not the real Chi You. The real Chi You has a strong will that fights against the sky. He would rather break than bend. How can he beg for mercy to a child like you?" Ying Ziyi opened his mouth and drank the crescent moon. spring.

At that moment, Chi You's remnant soul felt the threat of death and felt the afterimage of himself gradually disappearing. He was still unwilling to give in, and all his hatred was directed at Ying Ziyi.

Ying Ziyi saw that the hatred bar in front of him was rising, so he decided to continue to draw hatred.

"At best, you are nothing more than a wretch named Chi You, huddled in the bottomless..."

"Ahhhh!" It has to be said that Ying Ziyi's rhetoric finally worked. Chi You's remnant soul has purple, which is the highest quality hatred value. Ying Ziyi's hatred progress bar increased rapidly, and soon exceeded the 100,000 hatred value, reaching the master level.

"Bidong! Congratulations to the host, your current level and reputation are outstanding..."

Now Ying Ziyi was too lazy to pay attention to what the system had to say. The hatred bar in front of him was still rising.




At the end, Ying Ziyi couldn't think of anything else to say to ridicule him, so he just started scolding him.

"You are an incompletely evolved life form, a genetically mutated alien, the abandoned baby of the Everest Yeti, the murderer of clogged septic tanks, from the Zenith Star..."





800 000...


Just when the hatred value was about to exceed one million, it was upgraded to the level of being proud of the heroes. The man opposite finally couldn't stand Ying Ziyi anymore. The strength he had accumulated when he was dying poured out like a flood, and he rushed towards Ying Ziyi.

"Oops! This is bad!" Ying Ziyi just looked at the hatred bar that was rising like a rocket, his head was burning, and he was just taunting. He never thought that he was not T and could not withstand the opponent's full blow.

The light shone, and the huge energy came. Just when Ying Ziyi thought he was about to finish playing, a beautiful figure blocked in front of him.

When the dust settled, Xiao Li lay in Ying Ziyi's arms.

"Why are you?"

"You're right, I never live according to my own will. But in the end, I want to be willful." Xiao Li's hand caressed Ying Ziyi's young face, smiled slightly, and turned into dots of blue light, gradually dissipated into the void. On the ground, only a crystal-clear blue gemstone was left, which happened to be inlaid on the goddess's necklace.

"Bidong! Congratulations to the poster for completing the side quest "The Goddess's Wish". The poster was awarded the title Dragon Successor. The Dragon Successor buff poster can integrate the power of the dragon soul. The maximum number of online martial arts training has been greatly increased. The compatibility of martial arts has been greatly improved. Poster The internal strength has been greatly improved. More side tasks related to it can be opened."

The Demon God of War was collapsing. Ying Ziyi held the power of the dragon soul in his hand and slowly rose into the air. The little Pixiu jumped lightly on Ying Ziyi's shoulders.

Blessed by the power of the dragon soul, Ying Ziyi quickly passed through the Demon God of War and floated into the void. The power of the dragon soul gradually merged with Ying Ziyi, and Ying Ziyi's whole person underwent earth-shaking changes.

When he landed on the ground again, Ying Ziyi had completely integrated the power of the dragon soul. The little Pixiu on his shoulder no longer took a hostile attitude towards Ying Ziyi as before, but instead rubbed against Ying Ziyi very affectionately, looking very much enjoying it.

"Sir, how are you?"

This huge change, which destroyed the mountain that sealed the Demon God of Soldiers in Loulan Kingdom, had already alarmed everyone. Xiaohe and others looked for Ying Ziyi worriedly behind the ruins, only to see him standing on a boulder, posing and greeting everyone: "Hey! Where am I?"

After that, he didn't put on the cool look for long, because he spent too much energy in the huge change just now, Yingzi fell down helplessly.

"Young Master... Chief... King..."

~~Thanks to Yao Xiechen, Twelve Wings of Angel, and uihgf for the reward~~~

~~~Thank you ligongl for being so big, one by one, with a big heart, for painting ancient paintings, and book friend 130112211433156 for the big reward~~

~~~Thank you to DestroyGod for asking the peaks and climbing to the forest, being free and easy no matter how big or small you want, Huan 0 Bing for the big reward~~~

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