When Ying Ziyi woke up leisurely, he was lying in Loulan Palace, with Xiaodie taking care of him.

"Master, you're awake!" Xiaodie said happily as she watched Ying Ziyi sit up slowly, carrying a copper basin to his bed.

"How many days has it been?"

Ying Ziyi came back from the villain's space and felt that his body was very comfortable, but he didn't know how much time had passed in the haze.

"Three days have passed since the young master fell into coma."

"Three days? It's really a long time!" Ying Ziyi sighed.


When Xiaohe and Xiaohu saw Ying Ziyi wake up, they ran over excitedly and wanted to ask about Ying Ziyi's condition. However, the monkey followed them.

He was obviously much faster than the two women. He almost teleported to Ying Ziyi's side and cried loudly: "Chief! You finally woke up. If you still don't wake up, what will happen to my life-long event?" ah!"

Looking at the monkey whose tears were rolling down like rain, Ying Ziyi couldn't bear it anymore and pushed him: "Okay, okay, I will introduce it to you today."

Ying Ziyi said, and then ordered Xiaohe and the others: "Xiaohe, you three help me prepare some food. I'm hungry."

"Yes, sir!"

After sending Xiao He and the three girls away, Ying Ziyi pulled the monkey and said to him with a sneaky look: "What do you think of the sacrifice in Loulan? He's a very good black and straight girl!"

Monkey's humble mind has long since understood all the slang that Ying Ziyi said that does not belong to this era.

“The long, straight black one is nice and to my liking, but I’m sure I won’t want it!

Monkeys are very self-aware.

"What are you afraid of? Now that Loulan is in our hands, she has become a prisoner. Why don't we just let us..."

As he said that, Ying Ziyi made an expression that you know, and then told him his plan with a wicked smile on his face.

As the monkey listened, the expression on his face changed from confusion at first, to surprise, and finally to admiration.

In the afternoon, in the Loulan Temple.

Ying Ziyi was sitting in the main seat in the palace, where the high priest usually sat, but the original owner was now a prisoner.

"Do you know what crime you committed?"

Ying Ziyi's cold voice sounded, filling the entire hall.

The high priest looked angry and said angrily: "You Chiyou clan invaded our Loulan people's homeland like bandits, and now you are beating them up..."

"Wrong!" Ying Ziyi shouted, interrupting the high priest.

"What?" The high priest's expression changed from anger to confusion, waiting for Ying Ziyi to continue.

"First of all, I am not from the Chiyou tribe. I am the Fourteenth Young Master of the Qin Dynasty, Ying Ziyi. Secondly, this is not the place of you Loulan people, but has been our territory of the Qin Dynasty since ancient times."

"Hahaha!" After hearing Ying Ziyi's words, the high priest laughed and said sarcastically: "The people of Qin have always been greedy, and King Ying Zheng of Qin was an extremely cruel and greedy monarch. Now it seems that there is nothing wrong at all."

"What do you say?" Ying Ziyi asked curiously without getting angry.

"Don't think that since Loulan is a small country in the Western Region, our people are vulgar and ignorant. I am also proficient in Chinese classics. Your ancestor Qin Feizi, Qin Feizi, was given a title by King Zhou Xiao because of his meritorious service in raising horses. Qin began to exist in this world. Later, Qin Duke Xiang also helped King Ping of Zhou who moved eastward, and was appreciated by King Ping, so Duke Xiang of Qin was able to be enfeoffed as a vassal. Over hundreds of years, it slowly developed into the behemoth it is today. As everyone knows, the Qin people relied on the eight hundred miles of Guanzhong to become king. Loulan and Xianyang are thousands of miles apart, how come they became the land of you Qin people?"

Oops, I met a technical geek! Ying Ziyi was a little surprised, but fortunately he came prepared and read a lot of background information in the villain's space, otherwise he would be really stumped by this black man.

"Hahahaha!" Ying Ziyi laughed, dismissing the high priest's words in his tone, "You only know one, but not the other."

"I would like to hear the details!" The high priest was obviously not convinced by Ying Ziyi's words. She turned her head slightly and looked at Ying Ziyi with some contempt.

"You only know that the ancestor of Great Qin is Qin Feizi, but you don't know who the ancestor of Qin Feizi is?"

"Who is it?" The high priest knew that the person coming was not good, but her curiosity as a technical control still drove her to ask.

"She is a descendant of Emperor Zhuanxu, and she is a female cultivator. Do you know who this Zhuanxu is?"

Seeing the great change in the face of the high priest, Ying Ziyi smiled proudly and said: "Zuanxu, one of the Five Emperors, named Gaoyang, is the son of Changyi and the grandson of the Yellow Emperor. Yes, the ancestor of our Qin State is the Yellow Emperor."

"You...shameless!" the high priest said angrily. You must know that the Yellow Emperor is the common master of the world and controls all nations. According to Ying Ziyi's calculations, there is no place in the world that is not his Qin territory.

"Ha! I'm exhausted!" Ying Ziyi was happy to refute this technical control. "Since ancient times, the Western Region has been the sacred and indivisible territory of our Great Qin. Based on the principle of shelving disputes and joint development, our Great Qin was not willing to have any disputes. I’m sorry, but you have occupied my land and now you are resisting Master Wang, which is really unbearable for me!”

"You...you...!" The high priest couldn't speak to Ying Ziyi, and his body trembled and he shouted: "What do you want?"

"I want to massacre the city as a warning to others." The murderous words came out of Ying Ziyi's mouth, but the high priest did not doubt the authenticity of the words spoken by this immature child.

"People from Loulan are..."

"Young master, please calm down, the people of Loulan are innocent!" The high priest wanted to defend himself, but saw a man with a vulgar description standing at the foot of Ying Ziyi, who had already hurried out and knelt down to Ying Ziyi.

The high priest suddenly had a good impression of this humble man. Just listen to him continue to say: "The people of Loulan are located in a remote place, and it is not their original intention to resist Master Wang. I ask the young master to forgive his sin and let him change his ways."

"Why is it developing in a strange direction just as you say it?" The high priest wondered in his heart, but saw the dwarf kowtow to beg for mercy, and his scalp was already bleeding.

"Bold!" Ying Ziyi shouted, "My master has made up his mind. If I hadn't thought that you had saved me, I would have punished you long ago."

"Young master, you can't do that! Loulan people are kind and generous, and their crimes will not lead to death!"

The monkey was already in tears, with such a sense of justice and compassion emanating from his whole body. Full marks to Ying Ziyi for this acting skill.

Seeing the monkey's appearance, the high priest suddenly felt a sense of pity in his heart, but he was not very resistant to its wretched appearance.

"Hmph! Come here, take these two people down and lock them up."

Ying Ziyi watched the monkey and the high priest being taken away by his younger brother, and thought to himself: Monkey! Brother can only help you so far, whether you succeed or not depends on you.

The moonlight hangs alone.

In the bedroom, Ying Ziyi looked at the moon with his hands behind his hands, wondering what he was thinking about?

Xiaohe, Xiaohu, and Xiaodie walked into Ying Ziyi's bedroom, hesitantly came behind him, and all knelt down.

"Please forgive us three for our deception."

"Get up!"

Ying Ziyi did not look back. The three women were dressed in gauze and thin clothes. Under the moonlight, their delicate faces and slightly immature figures were clearly revealed.

"Yes, sir."

"Everyone has their own story. If you don't want to tell it, I won't force it. You don't have to blame yourself. At least you have never done anything to hurt me, and you probably won't do it in the future."


The three Xiaohe girls were very moved by Ying Ziyi's words.

"Sir, actually we came to Wuchecheng because we were inspired by divination. You are the one who can help us change our destiny."

Xiaohe decided to tell the truth and told Ying Ziyi the origins of the three of them.

"The three of us originally belong to the Mirage clan. Our clan is proficient in illusions and has served the Jin royal family for generations. There are only three people in each generation of the Mirage clan, all of whom are women. These three people will choose the sole heir of the Jin Kingdom and serve them for life. , for them to eliminate all obstacles in their way. Later, when the three families were divided into the Jin Dynasty, our family lost the person to serve, and wandered to the Wei State, hiding in the Wei State's court."

"But Wei is going to die."

Xiao He nodded, "Yes, the Wei Kingdom is about to fall, so my mother-in-law asked us to come to Wuchecheng to look for the young master. In order to deal with the more powerful enemy, the Yin Yang Family!"

"Yin Yang family?"

"Yes, relying on the power of the Qin State, the Yin-Yang Family has eliminated many hostile forces in the other six countries over the years. The Yin-Yang Family has been coveting our family's illusions and spiritual men passed down from ancient times for a long time. If the Wei State is destroyed, We cannot survive if our blood is broken.”

"Then how did you escape the eyes and ears of the Yin Yang family, enter the Qin Kingdom, and come to Wuchecheng?"

"It's my mother-in-law. She sacrificed herself to cover up her aura for us."

"Cover up?" Ying Ziyi turned around and looked at the three women, a little confused.

"That's right!" Xiaohe and the three girls looked at each other and nodded.

Then, the three of them took off their already thin clothes, revealing their crystal-white bodies.

Ying Ziyi watched in surprise as the three women's bodies changed rapidly.

Xiaohe's long black hair turned blue, his pupils enlarged, and his black pupils turned sky blue. His originally immature body began to mature, and his figure was as plump as a ripe peach, making people salivate. .

Fluttershy and Xiaohe have similar changes. However, one's long hair and pupils are close to light green, while the other is fiery red.

"Sir, this is what the three of us really look like. The three of us practice a special method. Once we succeed in practicing, our appearance will not change unless our skills are exhausted."

"I understand, can I ask a question now?"


On a leisurely night, in the peaceful residence, under the moonlight, from the perspective of the three women, Ying Ziyi's face seemed to be covered with a halo, blurry, and only his comfortable smile could be vaguely seen. Just listen to him saying calmly: "Can you three deny me as Lord?"

"Sir, the Yin Yang family will not let us go. Taking us in will definitely mean becoming the enemy of the Yin Yang family, a behemoth."

"What does the Yin Yang family mean?" Ying Ziyi was full of domineering energy at the moment and said nonchalantly. Of course, for the sake of the girl, the Yin Yang family doesn't care.

The three women made up their minds and knelt down again and said: "Wind Crane, Thunder Fox, and Fire Butterfly pay their respects to the Lord. For the rest of their lives, they are willing to go forward for the Lord. If you violate this oath, heaven and earth will not tolerate it."

"Bik Dong! The side mission Wind, Thunder and Fire Whisper is completed. The poster gets the title Mirage Lord. Mirage Lord buff: Lord of the Mirage Clan, with a 200% bonus to the practice and use of phantom body and Qinggong. Can build and use spiritual warriors. Can Start side quests related to it.”

ps. Regarding whether it will torture the protagonist, you must know that this book is about the villain, and there is no reason to torture the villain.

~~~Thank you for chatting a little bit, China appreciates the small people greatly, painting ancient times brings great sorrow, ask the peak and climb the forest for a big reward~~~~

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