"Since when has there been an outpost ahead? There is also smoke burning."

Ying Ziyi and his party rushed back from Loulan and entered the territory of Wuchecheng. On the mountain road, between the two mountains, on the stretching mountain road, there is a simple stone outpost. Ying Ziyi rode on the colt and watched all this curiously.

"No, it's one of our own." Ying Ziyi realized that this outpost was part of the control system of Wuchecheng that he established before setting off. It has been more than a year since I went to the Western Region. I didn't expect it to be on such a scale. It seems that the area around Wucheng City has been firmly controlled.

Looking at my own side, there were four people when I went there, but when I came back there were thousands of people, most of them were barbarians wearing leather clothes and animal skirts.

Loulan was eventually returned to the Loulan people headed by High Priest Hei Changzhi, but they signed a subsidiary treaty. From now on, Loulan became a vassal of Anxi Jun Ying Ziyi, providing rest supplies and guards for his caravans, and providing a small amount of taxes and Loulan specialties every year.

The reason why all this can be achieved is thanks to the monkeys.

Ying Ziyi turned his head and looked at the monkey on the horse beside him, with a dazed expression on his face. That night, the monkey and the black-haired high priest were locked in the same separate cell. Monkey gave full play to the realistic acting skills of a wretched person, and used the unique female sympathy and sense of integrity to hit the mark. Not only did he get rid of the long-troubled boyhood, he also helped Ying Ziyi gain Loulan's support.

"Don't you need to practice the Nine Transformation Golden Body Technique of your ancient witch in a child's body?"

After the monkey returned, he was still intoxicated in the gentle land, with a silly expression on his face all day long. One time, Ying Ziyi asked.

"You already have girls, why do you still practice martial arts? Besides, I have already reached the eighth level of the Nine-turn Golden Body Technique of the Ancient Witch. I can already stabilize my essence. The body of a boy is no longer important."

The monkey replied like this.

Afterwards, the monkey followed Ying Ziyi back to Qin despite his unwillingness.

The rumble of horse hooves sounded, and the cavalry led by Zhang Han quickly arrived here.

"Sir, it's you!"

Several hundred steps away, Zhang Han still saw clearly the strangely dressed Ying Ziyi, riding alone, and said happily.

"I'm back!"

Amid the cheers of the cavalry, Ying Ziyi and the others returned to Wuchecheng.

The original main building in the inner city has been demolished and replaced by a small palace. Among the high walls, a seven-story tower stands in the clouds, which is extremely eye-catching. Ying Ziyi rode into the palace gate and entered the marble-paved square. What he saw was a main hall with several side halls on both sides.

The main hall is extremely wide, with nine copper pillars supporting the vast space, which is enough to accommodate thousands of people. Ying Ziyi sat down in his seat, which was extremely comfortable. Looking at the civil and military personnel on both sides, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

"It's been more than a year. How is the situation inside and outside Wucheng City?"

Li Zuoche came out and said: "Master Qi, in the past year, my grandfather's old troops have been arriving one after another. The three thousand cavalry troops that the master mentioned are now almost in place, both in terms of horses and equipment. It's just that the personnel are still in place." insufficient."

"It doesn't matter. I have brought thousands of warriors from the Western Region this time. You can choose the brave ones among them and fill them with brave ones."

"Yes! Master."

Gong Shuyi came out and reported: "The two Potu Sanlang are still under construction, but hundreds of Sanzhang Batyi have been built and are now in use."

"Yes!" Ying Ziyi nodded. There were one hundred more air forces in Wuchecheng. This sense of security was really a huge improvement!

Zhang Han continued: "Sir, the population of Wuchecheng has moved nearly 6,000 in the past year, and there are currently 4,000 defenders. The defense system designed before the master left has been basically completed. But the 40,000 The number of Huns has dropped sharply to more than 30,000."

In other words, including the Huns' slaves and the Chiyou tribe they brought with them, the population of Wuchecheng was about 60,000 to 70,000 at this time. Now that the defense system around Wuchecheng has been completed, the second step of the plan to dominate the Western Regions can be carried out, and the Yuezhi in the Hexi Corridor can be conquered.

"You think we are going to surrender to the Da Yuezhi, what should you do?"

Everyone looked at it, and Li Zuoche said: "If we want to surrender or even destroy the Dayue clan, our current strength alone is far from enough. The Dayue clan has a vast territory, many tribes, and fertile land. .At least one hundred thousand troops must be mobilized, otherwise even if we capture it, we will not be able to defend it."

Everyone also nodded in agreement. Ying Ziyi thought about it and found that it was indeed the case. Although the Linglong Chamber of Commerce opened up the trade route to the Western Region, it was only a small effort. To truly recreate the prosperity of the Silk Road in later generations, it is crucial to obtain the fertile Hexi Corridor. This is also to establish an important advance base for future domination of the Western Regions.

"What's the current situation of the Kanto Kingdoms?"

"Two months ago, news came from the country. Wang Ben led his army to besiege the city. Judging from various arrangements, he was planning to flood the city. According to my subordinates, the Wei State is probably going to die."

"Well! It seems I should go back to Xianyang."


Qin Palace.

It was already late at night, but King Qin Yingzheng was still buried in the papers as always.

Just now, Ying Zheng got a piece of news from the Shadow Secret Guard.

"Wang Ben besieged Daliang for three months, and King Wei pretended to surrender!"

The State of Wei finally fell, and most of the Central Plains was in the hands of the State of Qin. The next step was the State of Chu.

Chu State has a vast territory and many soldiers, making it difficult to deal with.

"Your Majesty!" The Shadow Guard came pacing like a ghost, said a few words in front of Ying Zheng, and then withdrew.

"Really? Ying Ziyi disappeared for more than a year and finally came back." Ying Zheng smiled. He was well aware of the development of Wuchecheng and even Ying Ziyi's movements.

"Want to win over the Dayue clan?" Ying Zheng was very interested in Ying Ziyi's novel idea. However, it is only limited to interest. Because, Qin's entire strategy at this moment is to destroy the six countries. Just for the next target, Chu State, more than 200,000 troops would need to be mobilized. According to Ying Zheng's strategic blueprint, after the six kingdoms were eliminated, Baiyue in the south still needed to be pacified. In order to defend the Hu people in the north, labor was also needed to continue building the Great Wall. As for the Da Yueshi and even the Western Regions, although Ying Zheng knew that they were wealthy, he did not have a specific understanding. The important thing is that the vast area is like a bottomless pit, and Ying Zheng doesn't know how many people are needed to fully control it. Qin's manpower was already very tight, so he was not prepared to take this risk without sufficient reasons.

~~Thank you for remembering the lost youth, Twelve Wings of the Angel, painting the ancient past, Xiaowu, asking the peak and climbing the forest, and DestroyGod for the big reward~~

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