"Three thousand people. Just three thousand people want to conquer my country of Chu. What an idiot!"

In the mountains and fields, a big man laughed loudly. The sound resounded through the mountains and forests, causing birds to fly and beasts to flee, but he didn't pay attention at all.

"Brother Xiang Liang, this is still in Qin, be careful!"

Farmer Tian Meng was wearing a hood and a black cloak. At this moment, his face was slightly wrinkled, and he was very dissatisfied with Xiang Liang's carelessness and underestimation of the enemy.

Ying Ziyi!

The culprit who made Jing Ke fail to assassinate Qin. The man who relied on only 100,000 Qin troops to defeat the Yan army, captured Jidu, and made the King of Yan flee in embarrassment. The man named Yan Dan, who had been crowned the Prince of Yan, escaped from the capital of Yan in a hurry and his whereabouts are unknown since then. The most important thing is the person who played Tian Meng in the middle of applause and ruined his reputation.

The other party was just a child of seven or eight years old, but Tian Meng never dared to take it lightly, and neither did everyone in Lieshan Hall.

"Yes, yes!" Xiang Liang whispered. Although he was very dissatisfied with Tian Meng's cautiousness, the farmer was an ally of the Xiang family at the moment, and he was embarrassed to make the relationship between the two too tense.

"Changping Jun said that it is impossible to conquer the Chu State with only three thousand people. Even a small soldier who doesn't know much about military affairs can understand this. But Ying Ziyi is cunning and shameless, and Ying Zheng is unpredictable. Will they? It's hard to tell if we can use this as bait to devise other tricks. Lord Changping is now under Ying Ziyi's hand and is controlled by him in everything, so he asked us to be careful."

The Zhu family announced Lord Changping's words to everyone unchanged. The Zhu family has a very close relationship with Lord Changping, and he himself is trusted by Lord Changping. Therefore, the Zhu family has become a messenger to convey information.

This is the main road from Qin to Chu. The peasants and Xiang Liang left Wuguan and entered Nanyang County. Nanyang County, where the former capital of Chu kings was located. Over the past hundreds of years, the Chu State has experienced ups and downs several times, and its capital has been moved several times. During the reign of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, Bai Qi captured Wan and established Nanyang County. For decades, this place became a key place for the fiercest competition between Chu and Qin. The strategic location of the Nanyang Basin is very critical. If the Chu State obtains it, it can attack Wuguan and launch a strategic offensive against Qin. On the contrary, Qin could also invade the hinterland of Chu through the Nanyang Basin. The forces of the two countries are intertwined in Nanyang County. Even though Chu is currently in decline, there are still many people and even guards in the cities on the border between Qin and Chu, who are still secretly loyal to Chu. This is how Changping Lord dared to resist Qin. The country’s reliance lies on it.

Tian Meng deeply believed in what the Zhu family said, "A trick! But what kind of trick could it be?"

"Changping Jun said that Ying Ziyi wanted the military power of Nanyang County and Nanjun, and even wanted the murderous weapon Luowang. The number of defenders of Nanyang County and Nanjun alone was nearly 80,000 or 90,000. The newly surrendered Wei Dynasty, The Qin army has more than 100,000 troops stationed there, and at critical moments, it can mobilize tens of thousands of elite troops to go south as a partial force. Coordinating the two is really troublesome. Fortunately, Qin also has internal contradictions, which can be used to our advantage. "

"Contradiction, what is it?"

"Luowen! Although I don't know why, that boy seems to be very hostile to Zhao Gao, the leader of Luowen. He even brought Zhao Gao with him to this attack. Lord Changping said that we can use the contradiction between the two to get rid of Ying Ziyi .”

"Zhao Gao is just the official of the Zhongche Mansion, while Ying Ziyi is the fourteenth son of the Qin Dynasty. There is a huge difference in status between the two. Does Zhao Gao have the guts to do such a thing?"

doubt! Tian Meng expressed the questions of everyone present.

"Is that what I asked?" The Zhu family nodded presciently, and said with a smile on his red face: "But Lord Changping said that in the Qin State, the person he was most afraid of was Ying Ziyi, but the person he was most afraid of was Ying Ziyi. The person he cannot see through is Zhao Gao. If we can take this opportunity to remove Zhao Gao and Ying Ziyi, then the great cause of anti-Qin will have a three-point chance of victory."


Xianyang City.

On the two-story high pavilion in the back garden of Zhao Gao's mansion, Zhao Gao Gao sat at the table and drank wine. There were fruits, vegetables and delicacies on the table. He leaned against the railing and looked at the scenery. He seemed to be in a very good mood.

The snare is a sharp weapon in Zhao Gao's hands, and it is also one of his capitals to establish himself in the Qin State. Over the years, he has served Qin in the name of Qin, but secretly has been cultivating his own power and cronies in the net.

At this moment, he put all these in the hands of Ying Ziyi, but Zhao Gao was not worried at all.

First, he believed that with his efforts over the years, Ying Ziyi could not control Luo Sheng so easily. On the contrary, every move of Ying Ziyi fell into the eyes of Zhao Gao. Of the two, although I don't know why Ying Ziyi is hostile to him, it is clear that Ying Ziyi has provoked a monster, Lord Changping.

"Ying Ziyi! This trip to Chu Di will be the end of you." Zhao Gao said with a chuckle.

"Have the arrangements been finalized?"

A man in black walked in without a trace. He looked ordinary, but he remained very calm under the pressure Zhao Gao unleashed intentionally or unintentionally.

The current snare has not reached its peak in the future, the Six Sword Slaves have not returned, and the Yue King's Eight Swords have not been obtained, but Zhao Gao's men still have top-notch masters serving them, and this man in black is one of them, and is deeply loved by Zhao Gao. High trust.

"It's all over, but is there really no problem? After all, Ying Ziyi is the Fourteenth Young Master. If he were to be removed, King Qin would definitely be furious and investigate thoroughly. I'm afraid even the snare would suffer unreasonable disasters."

"I have found the best scapegoat for this conspiracy, Lord Changping." Zhao Gao smiled sinisterly. Nothing could bring Zhao Gao greater comfort than being able to let the heroes in this world make the net he weaves dance and dance.


"If the person I fear most in Qin is Ying Ziyi, then the person I can't understand the most is Lord Changping. But I know that the King of Qin has been afraid of this Lord Changping for a long time. Lord Changping Kill Ying Ziyi, betray Qin and return to Chu. I think the King of Qin will be satisfied with this conclusion!"

Zhao Gao smiled thoughtfully and said very proudly.


"A sneeze, a sneeze, a sneeze!"

Ying Ziyi stood on the high platform, holding a small trumpet in his hand. At this moment, he was preparing to give an exciting speech to the bustling Snare Killer below. But before he started speaking, he was already sneezing all over the place.

Who keeps talking about brother? Could it be Chang Pingjun and Zhao Gao, the two young men?

There is a conspiracy, a naked conspiracy! Of course, Ying Ziyi didn't know that the two young men in Da Qin were so in tune with each other that they even thought of plotting together.

Ying Ziyi's thoughts returned to reality, and he said to the snare killers below: "Thank you for your hard work!"

The snare killers below had a look of indifference and murderous intent. They all rushed back to Xianyang from all over the world.

Being a killer also has dignity. What's more, there are many killers in the net who are highly skilled in martial arts. Most of them were arrogant and arrogant, but now, they were gathered in Xianyang City by the words of this kid in front of them, but he didn't do anything serious at all.

The other party is the Fourteenth Young Master. Although they dare to be angry and dare not speak out, they will not look good.

"You know, who are you?" Ying Ziyi picked up the small speaker and started shouting. Above the square, the Snare Killer in every corner could hear it.

Just when all the killers thought that Ying Ziyi was going to talk eloquently, Ying Ziyi said this: "You are all scum, scum, garbage, and parasites!"

The public sentiment was surging, and even the Snare Killer, who had been walking on the edge of life and death all year round, could hardly bear to be scolded in person like this.

"What do you mean, Master?" Someone among the killers stood up and asked. As the fourteenth son who temporarily controls Luo Wang, he is also the immediate boss of their immediate bosses. Many killers still hope that the plot can be reversed and that Ying Ziyi can explain what he just said.

"Ah! Don't get me wrong." Ying Ziyi replied calmly: "I'm just insulting you."

Ying Ziyi felt that his hatred bar had risen again, and he immediately said proudly: "Of course, everyone knows that I am a magnanimous person. For you scum, scum, garbage, parasites! I'd better give you a chance. Let you mend your ways."

"I'm quitting!" Immediately, those who were not afraid of death couldn't bear it and wanted to leave the square.

Touch, before the killer took a few steps away, he was shocked back with a palm.

"What a quick move!"

"Hahahaha!" Before everyone could see clearly who made the move, they heard Ying Ziyi laughing loudly on the high platform. That look is very much like the villain in novels and TV series.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy. As you all know, you have been infected with the strangest poison in the world, 'Give me back the big club'."

Just as all the killers were adjusting their breathing skills in surprise, Ying Ziyi continued: "You are right, I was the one who poisoned you."

"Ying Ziyi, you...!"

"Don't worry, as long as you are willing to do as I say, I will give you the antidote."

Looking at the languid killers below, Ying Ziyi nodded with satisfaction. This is the correct way for a villain to recruit his younger brother!

~~~Thank you for the great love at the beginning of the night, the great love for the dark dream, the great book friend 160104222724998, the great love for Le Xiaodi, the great love for Lemon Meng Juice, the great love for Yi Wenkong, the great love for Fenglin Xiaowu, the great love for Wenfeng Denglin, you are mine. The urn is big, the twelve wings of the angel are big, the true love is red and pure, the chaos is big, the rural macho is big, DestroyGod is big, the ancient paintings are ruined, the smile* is decadent at this time, uihgf is big, Yuan Yu is big , I had no intention of remembering him, super electromagnetic tsundere cannon = Mikoto Oita, trying to die may not lead to death, I won’t reward you until dawn~~~

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