"Give me a stick to chase, what kind of poison is this?"

The scene that happened on the field reached Zhao Gao's ears immediately.

"Since Ying Ziyi dares to call it the best poison in the world, there must be something extraordinary about it. Can you observe anything strange?"

Zhao Gao asked the man in black beside him, his confidant.

The confidant in black shook his head, "This poison is invisible, colorless and odorless, but everyone in the net has been poisoned by it, so it is difficult to prevent it. Ying Ziyi used this method to force the killers in the net to obey his orders. It seems that it will be early If you have the heart to control the snare, you have to guard against it.”

Zhao Gao smiled, but didn't take it to heart. He took a spoonful of fine sake from the bronze goblet on the side and picked up the bottle. He looked quite proud as he poured himself a drink, "What is a killer? Killers walk on the edge of life and death all year round, and can still kill their targets and complete their missions in all dangers. If you think that you can control them by controlling their life and death, Ying Ziyi, you underestimate them too much and see the trap too clearly."

Although he said this, Zhao Gao was still a little wary of Ying Ziyi's methods. "Just in case, find the antidote as soon as possible."

In response to Zhao Gao's instructions, the people in black looked hesitant and said: "In the net, there are many people who have a rough knowledge of medicine, but there are only a few who are proficient in medicine. I am afraid it will not be easy to detoxify this poison."

"In today's world, there are many masters who are good at medicine among hundreds of schools of thought. But there are only a few people who have this ability and can use it for me. Lord Yun Zhong of the Yin Yang family is one of them."

"My subordinate understands and will go to Yin Yang's house to contact him."

"Slow!!" Zhao Gao stopped the henchman in black and only heard him say: "Yun Zhongjun is greedy. If you don't have enough benefits, it will be difficult to impress him. Moreover, the Yin and Yang family were close to Ying Ziyi at first, and then they He is distant and has a vague attitude. If I inform Mr. Yun Zhong, I am afraid that I might alert him."

"What do you mean, sir?" the man in black asked, not understanding Zhao Gao's intention.

"Doctor, Nian Duan."

"Subordinates will send someone forward right now." The man in black retreated.


Tonight, the moon sets and the stars are few, the Qin Palace is filled with a miasma of smoke, making it difficult to see clearly.

Between the pavilion and the corridor, a group of palace people walked slowly with lanterns. In the Qin Palace, the laws are clear and the punishments are strict. Every step the palace people take is cautious, fearing that something will go wrong.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Not far away, loud laughter broke out, breaking the tranquility that the Qin Palace should have had in the middle of the night. The palace people were surprised, but they didn't dare to cause trouble.

Ying Ziyi laughed, his smile full of pride. In front of him, his stupid brother was being forced into a corner, looking ugly.

Finally caught your kid!

Hu Hai pretended to be scared and said softly: "Brother Ziyi, I was too scared. At first..."

"What are you talking about?" Ying Ziyi hugged Hu Hai's shoulders, "Everyone in the world knows that I am a magnanimous person, but I didn't take what happened at all to heart at all."

"Really?" Hu Hai looked at Ying Ziyi with a happy expression. With one golden eye and one icy blue, Hu Hai's strange eyes exuded innocence, trying to induce Ying Ziyi's sympathy.

"Of course!" Ying Ziyi vowed.

So Hu Hai believed in Ying Ziyi's integrity.

So Hu Hai returned to his dormitory with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Zhao Gao stood in the center of Hu Hai's palace, waiting for him.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Gao was very surprised. There were bruises and scars on his pink and jade-carved face.

"You're not that bastard Ying Ziyi!"

Hu Hai said angrily, still feeling unfair in his heart, although this was not the first time that he had been manipulated by Ying Zi.

"Young Master, please be patient." Zhao Gao said calmly, "I am here to say goodbye to you."

"Are you leaving?" Hu Hai was still a little reluctant to bear the name of his master.

"Ying Ziyi asked me to go ahead and go to Nanyang to take care of his front station and prepare everything for the arrival of his army."

"What a big army! There are only three thousand people, and you are still talking about destroying Chu. Ying Ziyi really doesn't know how to live or die." Although Hu Hai didn't know how to fight, he still had basic military knowledge. "I think not only will he not be able to destroy Chu this time, he will also risk his life there."

"Master, be careful what you say!" Zhao Gao warned in a soft voice.

This is in the Qin Palace, and the eyes and ears of King Qin Yingzheng are everywhere. Zhao Gao considered himself to be highly skilled in martial arts, but he still did not dare to take it lightly. Zhao Gao didn't want the heir he trained to have problems before he succeeded.

Zhao Gao came closer and said softly: "I will find a way to relieve the young master's worries."

Hu Hai nodded with satisfaction.


The royal palace was empty, Ying Zheng stood with his hands behind his back, and Ying Ziyi, who had his back turned to His Highness, looked enigmatic.

Ying Ziyi just looked at Brother Zheng's back, complaining in his heart.

Really! What time is it now? If you have anything to say, don’t say it quickly. My brother stood here for half an hour. I also made an appointment with three beautiful girls, Xiaohe, Xiaohu, and Xiaodie, for supper!

This Zheng brother! It's so authoritarian.

Ignoring Ying Ziyi's resentment, Brother Zheng continued to maintain Goldman Sachs' unpredictable kingly demeanor.

"How are the arrangements for Fachu going?"

"The early deployment has almost been completed, and the three thousand cavalrymen of Erchen's headquarters are already on their way to the pass. The eighty thousand horses led by General Wang are also secretly gathering. The killers in the trap have also been released. "Ying Ziyi took advantage of Brother Zheng not turning around and quietly hit him.

Just like this, another half an hour passed before Brother Zheng spoke.

"You can actually persuade Wang Jian, an old fox, to come to your aid. You are really quite capable!"

"My son is just the result of Tian Tian, ​​and it all depends on the power of my father...!" Before Ying Ziyi could finish his words, Brother Zheng interrupted him. What Zheng Ge said next shocked Ying Ziyi.

"Do you know? When you first proposed that you want Lord Changping and Zhao Gao to accompany you, I thought your ultimate goal was for the throne in front of me."

Ouch, let me go, what kind of rhythm is this! Ying Ziyi suddenly woke up and knelt down in fright. He said with sincere fear, "I don't dare."

"Don't you dare? Why don't you dare?" Brother Zheng turned around and faced Ying Ziyi with an unpredictable expression on his face.

"Mr. Changping is the governor of Fusu. Zhao Gao is also the think tank of Hu Hai. You attacked these two people as soon as you came back. Isn't it to suppress their power and clear the way for you to ascend to the position of prince?"

"I have absolutely no intention of this. I am sincere and sincere for the country of Qin." Of course, as a villain, he has long been unhappy with the two young men. Apart from them, he is also for the country of Qin. Well!

Brother Zheng smiled and said, "If you can conquer the Chu Kingdom, I can consider making you the crown prince."

"No! Father!" Ying Ziyi accidentally told the truth and quickly shut up.

"Oh, why?" Ying Zheng observed that Ying Ziyi's expression at that moment did not seem to be fake, and asked curiously.

Could it be that my brother would say that the throne is a trap that no one can hold except you, Brother Zheng?

"Since ancient times, elder brother Fusu has been the best choice for the heir apparent."

"Do you think I will care about these old rules?"


"My son is idle and wild, and he cannot bear the life in the palace."

"A beautiful wife, beautiful concubines, rich clothes and fine food, aren't they what you dream of? Ascend to the position of prince, or even sit on the world, you can have all these at your fingertips."


"My son has neither talent nor virtue, so he may not be able to bear the heavy responsibility."

Brother Zheng looked directly at Ying Ziyi, making him feel a little uncomfortable. Brother Zheng laughed loudly, and his overbearing aura burst out.

"It's a joke, to dominate the world, it never depends on talent and virtue. After the Xia Dynasty lost the country, there was a period of misfortune. The Yin Dynasty lost its deer and could not escape the name of debauchery and immorality. The winner is a prince and the loser is a bandit. If you learn from With Lu Gui, Emperor Xin generally lost the world. In the Spring and Autumn Period written by the historian's thousand-year pen, will there be anything good to say about me?"


Ying Ziyi realized that he really couldn't defeat Brother Zheng. But why does Brother Zheng's words seem to confirm that he is the crown prince?

"Fusu wanted to cultivate talents and virtues in the world, so he respected Confucianism and nurtured scholars, and loved the people. But he didn't know that famous people are also the guests of kings. How can a talented and virtuous saint care about this worldly thing and spend money on it? Time. A king is most afraid of his talents showing off his virtues. Lu Gui was like this and Emperor Xin was like this, so they lost the world. But you are different from Fusu, maybe..."

Huh? Why does this theory seem to be tailor-made for a villain like himself? Could it be that my brother doesn't even have to be the prince?

Ying Ziyi looked at Brother Zheng who stopped talking and muttered in his heart.

ps. Please recommend. Please collect~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~ Thanks to True Love Hong Chun Da Da, l26000814qd Da Da, Lonely as a Shadow Da Da, Book Friends 160108090327780 Da Da Da, recalling the lost youth, Da Da Da Da of the Twelve Wings of Angels, Da Da Da Destroy God, I dare the world to be with you. , ask the peak to climb the forest greatly, ywueric greatly, DestroyGod greatly, Huagu Chengshang is greatly, Le Xiaodi is greatly, Li Mengjuice is greatly rewarded~~~~~~~~

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