The night was hazy, and in the Qin Palace, one large and one small were still facing each other.

"Father, my son is naughty and has no integrity. I am afraid he will not be qualified."

Regarding the position of crown prince, Ying Ziyi repeatedly shied away from it.

"Stubborn, is this a reason?" Brother Zheng smiled. With this attitude, it seems that Ying Ziyi must be the crown prince.

There is no such thing! I don’t want it, but you are holding on tightly to give it to me. This is not a bad thing, but a hot, golden crown prince position! There are a lot of people vying for it, but it’s not like you can’t find a new home, Brother Zheng. Ying Ziyi is really helpless.

As a big villain, what does Nao Shizi want to do with the position of crown prince?

If you want the throne, just grab it. Does the villain need to use serious means? This is too cheap. In Ying Ziyi's heart, the villain's pride is like a little devil, constantly urging him not to be an upright person.

However, that is the position of the future Emperor of Qin! Ying Ziyi also had to think twice.

Everyone knows that after the death of King Qin Yingzheng, the world was in chaos. Qin lost its deer, and all the heroes rose up together. Emperor Qin's position is like a pit of fire! Apart from the two stupid villains Zhao Gao and Hu Hai who rushed to jump in, would Ying Ziyi be so stupid?

"At first, I did think that you brought Lord Changping and Zhao Gao with you for the sake of the crown prince position. But later, I discovered that this was not the case." Ying Zheng smiled. Ying Ziyi discovered that Ying Zheng laughed more times tonight than he had seen in the past few years combined.

"With your courage and means, are you still afraid of sitting on this throne?"

Is my brother a kitten? Ying Ziyi felt like a kitten being teased with a cat stick.

But Brother Zheng seemed obsessed with teasing him and taking pleasure in it. Brother Zheng looked up at the night sky outside the hall, and saw that it was dim and dim outside the hall, with the moon setting and stars sparse. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and expressed his feelings.

"The Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, and so many heroes from ancient times fought for the supreme position in the world. But who succeeded in the end? No one! Have you ever thought about why this is?"

Brother Zheng lowered his head, looked at Ying Ziyi, and asked.

How could my brother know?

Ying Ziyi shook his head, expressing his ignorance.

"That's because there is only one supreme position in the world! And the people who want it are more than a thousand or a hundred. If one person gets it, the rest of the heroes will definitely rise up to attack it. Hegemons will inevitably decline, and this is the case for Qi Huan and Jin Wen. . Our Great Qin can certainly swallow up the Six Kingdoms and unify the world. But how profound are the hundreds of years of heritage of the Six Kingdoms? In a time of great strife, how can the heroes of the world submit to others? How difficult is it to sit on the supreme position in the world? ? One step and a start will make you walk on thin ice."

Brother Zheng, you are too humble! Who doesn’t know that you tortured them all in the end? Ying Ziyi muttered in his heart.

As long as Emperor Qin doesn't die, who in the world would dare to rebel? Xiang Yu is no more than a reckless bandit, Liu Bang is no more than the leader of a ten-mile pavilion, Han Xin is no more than a businessman, Zhang Liang is no more than a Jing Nie disciple, Chen Ping is no more than a thief, Fan Zeng is no more than a mountain villager, and Xiao He is no more than a county man. Yamen belong to officials. As for Peng Yue, Ying Bu, Tian Heng, Chen Yu, and Wei Bao, they are not worth mentioning!

In short, this is the rhythm of one person ravaging the world!

However, there is only one person named Ying Zheng. The operating coefficient of Emperor Qin's position is really too high. Hu Hai and Zhao Gao obviously did not have this ability, so they were attacked and destroyed within three years. Ying Ziyi didn't think he could still keep Qin Ding under the conditions at that time!

"Sweep across the Liuhe and unify the world. Kill the Di and destroy the barbarians, and shine on China. Civilization and martial arts will be passed down for thousands of years. The foundation of all ages begins with me." Ying Zheng read the heroic words he had once said, but he didn't He shook his head consciously, "Young people are always frivolous. The foundation of eternal life is so elusive!"

I seemed to have heard something extraordinary. Ying Ziyi closed his eyes slightly, intending to pretend not to know.

"Father, what did you say?"

Regarding Ying Ziyi's cunning, Ying Zheng did not intend to go into details and asked: "You don't want the position of prince, but you see the danger behind the throne, so you want to hide?"


Brother Zheng is indeed Brother Zheng, and he is as knowledgeable as ever.

"I don't understand!"

Ying Ziyi is still Ying Ziyi, still pretending to be young as before.

"You go down!" Ying Zheng seemed a little tired after saying so much, and waved his hand to tell Ying Ziyi to retreat.

It was finally time to go have a midnight snack, and Ying Ziyi was really excited when he thought about it!

Looking at Ying Ziyi's cheering figure as he left, the corners of Ying Zheng's lips raised slightly, "As the son of a widower, do you think you can escape even if you want to?"


Deep in the Qinling Mountains, a place where tigers and wolves roam. But there was a man in black standing on a steep cliff, facing the wind, looking around the surrounding fields.


Gao Jianli and Daozhi hurried here after inquiring about the news from Xianyang. Seeing the man in black on the square inch of stone, he knelt down and worshiped.

"Get up! How is the situation in Xianyang?" Yan Dan asked.

Robber Zhi said: "That boy is surrounded by masters. It will not be easy for us to get rid of him."

"Is it really that difficult?"

"Xiao Zhi and I have been observing for a long time. The masters around Ying Ziyi are of various schools. There are elites from the Qin army, warriors from the Hu tribe, and elites from the former army god Li Mu. There are even some people who even I can't tell. Where they came from. The dead soldiers of Jixia of Qi State once ambushed Ying Ziyi, but the whole army was wiped out. It is indeed not easy for us to get rid of him in Qin."

Yan Dan clenched the black eyebrows in her hand and frowned as she remembered the rumors about Ying Ziyi. After a while, he sighed slightly, "What else?"

"However, before we returned from Xianyang, we heard a strange rumor!"


"It is said that in the main hall of the Qin Palace that day, Ying Zheng summoned hundreds of officials to discuss the matter of attacking Chu. When the generals were fighting, Ying Ziyi once said that he could destroy Chu with only three thousand men! Ying Zheng also agreed to him The commander-in-chief’s attack on Chu, but this is too unbelievable, and my subordinates don’t know the authenticity of this rumor.”

"It should be true!" Yan Dan nodded firmly to Gao Jianli's words.

"Ying Zheng always takes things by surprise. If someone else lets a child attack Chu, I will definitely not believe it. It's just him, but I won't be surprised. Ying Ziyi is about to leave Qin. This time, I decided to take action myself."

"Big man, this...!"

Both Gao Jianli and Daozhi knew that Yan Dan was willing to accept Wei Zhuang's sword and fake his death just to avoid disaster. Once the King of Qin knows that Yan Dan is still alive in the world, his pursuit of him will be endless.

"No matter how powerful Ying Ziyi is, he is just a child. Is it really worth doing this for him?" Gao Jianli asked questioningly.

"No, you don't understand. Keeping him will be a huge variable for our anti-Qin cause, a variable that even the heroes in the world cannot predict." Yan Dan said with lingering fear.

"You guys go down and get ready! Inform the children of the Mo family and pick them up along the way."

"Yes, Juzi."

"Come out!"

After Gao Jianli and Daozhi left, Yan Dan said calmly to the depths of the forest nearby.

A beautiful figure slowly walked out of the trees and looked at Yan Dan affectionately.

"Lord Dongjun, I have already said that I don't want to see you again." Yan Dan's words were cold, leaving no trace of friendship.

Concubine Yan was different, her eyes were like fire, "Dan, are you still unwilling to forgive me? I did it all for you in the first place! Only by killing the Six-Fingered Black Man can you become a giant and do what you want to do. "

"Everything in the world is white, but I am the only one who is black. No matter what you did for the first time, there are some things that you absolutely cannot touch. And once you do it, it means that in this life, we are destined to end."

Yan Dan left alone, without feeling a single tear left in his eyes.

"Dan, no matter what you want to do, I will help you." In the dark night, Concubine Yan clenched her hands and swore secretly.

~Thank you for the big reward on the paper~~

~~Thanks to book friend 150617121057353 for the big reward~~~~

~~Thanks to book friends 140311214158825 Da Da, Lonely Ruying Da Da, and Angel’s Twelve Wings for the big reward~~

~~Thank you for asking the peaks and climbing the forest, painting the ancients and becoming sad, Roman Wu Holiday, Yiwen Control, Naida and Jun Jue, and DestroyGod for the big reward~~

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