"Such troops and horses are truly amazing!"

Lord Changping smiled, but his words contained contempt. The target was the three thousand soldiers and horses that Ying Ziyi brought from Wuchecheng.

In the courtyard, there is clear water. The branches are tangled and the flowers are gorgeous.

Changping Junfu occupies a very large area. Although the scenery in the mansion is not as grand and magnificent as the Epang Palace, it is still made with countless efforts by skilled craftsmen, making it uniquely exquisite and compact. Lord Changping came to the pond and drank, feeling happy. A pool of clear water washed away the haze in his heart for many days.

"Prime Minister, the three thousand soldiers and horses brought by Ying Ziyi have not been practicing all day long, and military discipline has been lax. The news came from Shanglin Garden the day before yesterday that Ying Ziyi's soldiers and horses even broke into it and shot them with bows. There are rare birds and animals in the garden.”

"Oh? Is this a capital crime? Didn't the king care about it?" Lord Changping asked after hearing the report from his subordinates.

"I heard that Ying Ziyi suppressed him, but the king didn't know."

"Is it?"

Lord Changping sneered in his heart, what else could be hidden from Ying Zheng's eyes and ears inside and outside Xianyang City. Ying Zheng chose to indulge. Did he really think that this childish man could destroy Chu with three thousand soldiers and horses?

"Prime Minister, Ying Ziyi's general order has arrived."

Lord Changping was displeased and said coldly: "Open it and take a look. What does it say?"

"Yes!" The subordinate took the order, opened the silk in the box, took a look at it, and said, "Prime Minister, Ying Ziyi asked you to go to Luo and join him?"


Lord Changping was wondering, are you planning to send out the army? Just with those three thousand mobs? What kind of evil idea did Ying Ziyi have?

I asked three questions in my mind, but there was no answer. With doubts, Lord Changping rode his carriage and hurried to Shangluo, Ying Ziyi's camp, escorted by a hundred private soldiers.

"Is this considered a military camp?"

Mr. Changping was already out of surprise. In an open space, there were dozens of tents set up diagonally, and there was nothing else.

Thousands of people rode horses and spread out in the wilderness like they were having fun. There were only a few sparse guards around Ying Ziyi's tent. Lord Changping thought to himself that if he wanted to get rid of Ying Ziyi at this time, he would only need 300 dead men to attack and kill him at night, and Ying Ziyi would definitely die.

Shaking his head slightly and brushing away the vague thoughts in his heart, Chang Pingjun walked into the military camp.

"Hey! Is that Zhang Pingjun the same?"

"I heard that he is very lustful, and he prefers to prey on little girls aged seven or eight. They have special tastes and unique hobbies."

"Also, I heard that this guy likes both men and women and has a wide range of hobbies."

"I heard that he also likes to eat human flesh, thirsts for blood, and his hobby is collecting human bones. It is said that the human bones collected in his house have filled more than a dozen large rooms."


As Lord Changping came, all he heard along the way were the gossips of Ying Ziyi's sergeants.

Lord Changping's city couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and yell: Who are these damn rumors spreading!

As for the person who spread the rumor, he is currently in the tent, lying on the lap of three beautiful girls, Xiaohe, Xiaohu, and Xiaodie, enjoying the service of the three beautiful girls.

"Young Master Fourteenth!"

When Lord Changping led a group of his men into the camp, Xiaodie picked up a wild fruit in a bronze basin and put it into Ying Ziyi's mouth. He looked around and saw that the tent was empty, except for Ying Ziyi and the three maids, there were two other people. One was described as a wretched man who looked like a monkey, and another was a thick-bodied barbarian.

Ying Ziyi did not get up, glanced at Changping Jun, and ignored him.

"Young Master Fourteenth!"

Lord Changping said sharply. After all, he was the prime minister of the Qin State. He served in three dynasties and had a distinguished status. Even the powerful Qin King Zhongfu and Wenxinhou Xiangbang Lu Buwei didn't dare to be so rude when they saw him!

But Ying Ziyi still ignored him.

"Ying Ziyi, are you afraid that your true identity will be presented to the king and a lawsuit will be filed against you?"

"Who in this account is suing me?"

Ying Ziyi said slowly.

"Sir, it's that Lord Changping!"

Chang Pingjun saw that wretched monkey-like guy speaking to Ying Ziyi with a flattering look on his face.

"It's Changping-kun, why are you here so slowly?"

Ying Ziyi sat up, looked at Lord Changping, and asked.

"It's a joke. After receiving the general's order, I rushed over immediately. It only lasted two days. I would like to ask, what kind of slow method was it?"

Lord Changping questioned loudly.

"It's a joke, I said you were slow, but you are just slow. Haven't you ever heard of someone being killed by a senior official?" Ying Ziyi said shamelessly and proudly.

"You...you...!" Changping Jun was so angry that his beard stood up, pointing at Ying Ziyi, and said angrily.

"Monkey, you despised military law and contradicted me. What crime should you be punished for?"


"Where is the swordsman?"

Ying Ziyi stood up, picked up the wine bottle on the table next to him, and threw it down.

"Who dares to touch my master!"

Seeing the tense situation, Lord Changping's guards immediately drew their swords from their waists and guarded Lord Changping in the center.

"Get out of the way!" Lord Changping was not afraid in the face of danger. He pushed aside the encirclement of the guards and walked out, pointing at Ying Ziyi, "Ying Ziyi, did you establish this military law? Is there any royal law in Da Qin? I want to See what you can do to me?"

"Hahahaha!" Ying Ziyi laughed and looked at the monkey, who also laughed in cooperation. Looking at the joyful atmosphere in the tent, the stupid and thick black bear on the side also laughed for some reason.

Ying Ziyi smiled so hard that tears almost came out. He looked at the monkey, pointed his little finger at Lord Changping, and said, "He asked me if I have any royal laws? Educate him quickly!"

The wretched monkey stopped his smile and looked at Lord Chang Ping with his nostrils turned upward. He said a line commonly used by villains in history: "Let me tell you, this is our young master's territory, and our young master is the king's law! What can you do to us?"

"Where's the Axeman? Why don't you come in?"

After laughing for an unknown amount of time, Ying Ziyi suddenly asked.

"What swordsman?" Monkey replied with a puzzled look on his face.

"It's the swordsman who should rush out at this time!" Ying Ziyi explained palely.

"We have never had swordsmen!" Monkey spread his hands and said innocently.

"How come we don't have an axeman?"

"We are...!"

"That's enough!" Chang Pingjun shouted, stopping the farce. I saw that he was showing off his skills, and he still maintained his grace when moving forward and retreating: "If the young master has no other orders, then I will take my leave."


"Do you have any other instructions? Young Master Fourteenth!" Lord Changping turned his head slightly and asked with cold eyes.

"Zhao Gao is already in Wan County. You should go too! Prepare for the arrival of our army."

"As you command!"

Changping Jun walked out of the tent, looked at the dim sun, and sneered in his heart: Ying Ziyi, I want to see how long you can keep laughing?

ps. This baby is back to save the world. Please recommend and collect~~~~~

~~~~Thank you Ye Zihao No. 8 and Zi Hua for the reward~~~~

~~~~Thank you for being lonely like a shadow, recalling the lost youth, being like a small warrior when the wind comes, making sacrifices on paper, being carried lightly by the wind, being like the twelve wings of an angel, being a book friend, 160208145850391, being so dark and invincible. Big, DestroyGod is big, Yan Lingyi Jun Yan is big, 13758123265 is big, ysj911 is big, Xiao Binbin 32 is big, Huagu Chengshang is big, the silent mouse is big and reward~~~~

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