The huge machine bird flew through the air, looking down at the lush mountain road below. Among the hundreds of schools of thought, only the public losers can rival the Mohist art of creating non-offensive mechanisms.

The mechanism Suzaku descended slowly, its huge wooden wings piercing the sky, setting off huge air waves and blowing off many flowers and plants.

The strong wind was blowing, and the person who had been waiting for it was inevitably affected. His hair was fluttering and his long sleeves were flying.

"Huh!" Master Ban breathed a sigh of relief. As an expert in the non-attack mechanism skills of the Mo family, he was extremely proficient in the art of controlling mechanism objects.

"Old man Ben, you're here." Pirate Zhi said with a smile, welcoming Master Ben.

"Xiao Zhi, why are you here? Aren't you with Ju Zi?" Master Ban asked in confusion.

"Juzi said that this matter is of great importance right now, so he sent me, the leader of the Mo family whom Juzi trusts most, to help you, Mr. Ban."

A confident smile appeared on Thief Zhi's unattractive face. Old Man Ban couldn't do anything about Xiaozhi's shamelessness.

"The other party is just a child of seven or eight years old, who came with three thousand troops. Even though he is the fourteenth son of the Qin State, and it is said that he defeated the Hu tribe in Longxi, why did the giant face such a powerful enemy? Not only did he let I brought three Suzakus and dispatched eight White Tigers.”

"This... I don't know what it is for?" Pirate Zhi spread his hands and curled his lips, "It is said that when the Qin army attacked the Yan Kingdom, the 14th Young Master was in command. I was also in Yan at that time. It’s just that the giants seldom talk about this matter.”

"who is it?"

The ink man guarding the area shouted loudly and warned.

The conversation between Thieves Zhi and Old Man Ban was disturbed by this loud shout. They both turned around at the same time and saw hundreds of soldiers rushing up the path at the foot of the mountain, carrying more than a dozen boxes.

"Brothers of the Mo family, don't get me wrong, we are the envoys of Chu State." A person from the bottom of the mountain replied loudly.

"It seems they are coming?" Old Man Ban said.

Under the secret guidance of Changping Jun, the peasant hero Kui Tian Guang pulled the strings, and the Xiang family was the axis, and the cooperation between the Chu State and the Mohist family was achieved.

Although both the government and the public of the Chu State thought that the plan to spend a lot of money to ask for the help of the Mohist family was not worth it, after all, the other party was just a child with only three thousand troops. This is too much!

It's just that Xiang Yan, the leader of the Xiang clan, insists on this. Of course, Lord Changping's intention is indispensable. King Chu of Chu had killed his brother and ascended the throne not long ago, so the throne was not very stable. Without the support of the Xiang clan, it would be difficult for him to control Shouchun. Therefore, Fu Chu had no choice but to agree to Xiang Yan's request.

"I am Uncle Xiang of the Xiang clan. I have come specially to pick up the brothers of the Mo family."

In front of Old Man Ban and Daozhi was a handsome young man. The younger brother looked happy when he saw the two of them.

"The violent Qin Ling is threatening the world. This time the Chu State is in great trouble, thanks to the help of all the knights. In the next generation, the people of the Chu State are grateful to all the knights."

The little brother was about to bow down, but was kicked out by Stolen Zhi first.

Master Ban looked at Robber Zhi in surprise and had not yet reacted. However, Thief Zhi took the first step to protect him, holding a pair of instant flywheels in his hands.

The scene was still for a moment, and no one in the Mo family thought about what Thieves Zhi wanted to do.

The wind blew, and the short yellow hair parted in the middle was blown around. It's just that the expression on his face is no longer as casual as before, and it's full of coldness. A pair of eyes, blazing with intense hostility.

"Who are you? Where are the people from Chu State?"

The young man stood up, took off his human skin mask, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "As expected of the leader of the Mo family, this blow broke the arrow in my sleeve."

"As for the people from Chu State, they can't come. Because they are all dead."

The little brother said coldly to the two leaders of the Mo family with a cruel smile.

"Old man Ben, you go first, I will support you here."

The Mohist guarding the mountain road was killed by the soldiers almost at the same time. After mastering the mountain road, the hundred and ten soldiers rushed to the hillside and surrounded the Mo family. What was hidden in that box was not gold, silver or silk, but crossbow rockets, and they were all aimed at the Mo family at this moment.

"The Fourteenth Young Master has his life, and the Mo family can leave it alone for the time being. But the giant mechanism must be destroyed."

Rockets were flying, and the sound of whizzing was endless, all aimed at the huge machine bird.

He was an unparalleled thief and thief. He wanted to leave, but no one present could keep him. But Master Ban was also here, and he had to carefully contain all the enemies to buy time for Master Ban to escape.

"You are the killers of the snare."

"Good eyesight!" More than a dozen dead soldiers in the net rushed over and surrounded the bandit.

With a pair of instant flywheels in his hands, the exquisite weapons were opening and closing in the air, constantly changing in the hands of Thief Zhi. The thin and sharp instant flywheel was divided into four, and under the sunlight, the small blades on it shone with dazzling luster, drawing arcs of death one after another, harvesting the lives of the dead soldiers in the trap.

However, Robber Zhi alone cannot reverse the current bad situation. The rockets of the snare were so powerful that the machine bird ignited a fire in a moment. Master Ban wanted to escape with the machine bird, but now it was too late.

Thief Zhi moved around, relying on his unparalleled lightness, he escaped from the encirclement of the Snare Killer and headed towards Old Man Ban.

"The machine bird, my machine bird!"

Old Man Ban was obviously very distressed about his hard work, and he desperately wanted to activate the Suzaku mechanism. It's just that the clever, obedient and spiritual mechanism in the past has lost its vitality now and is struggling hard in the fire.

"Don't worry about the trap bird, it's important to escape now." Thief Zhi carried the old man on his back, jumped off the trap bird, and fled to the side of the path, deep into the mountains.

"Chase!" After burning the machine bird, the Snare Killer did not stop there.

With Robber Zhi's lightness, Luo Wang's killer would have been unable to catch up. But with the addition of an old man from the class, the situation became unfavorable to the Mo family.

"Say, Mr. Ban, how fat are you!" While running for his life, Tao Zhi still didn't forget to tease Mr. Ban.

Old man Ben had tears in his eyes. If it were normal, he would definitely have to argue a few words. But at this moment, he was no longer in such a mood. He was still immersed in the huge pain of the destruction of Suzaku.

Seeing the killer in this trap getting closer and closer, Thief Zhi was also secretly anxious.

Until, the figure in fluttering white clothes came into Thief Zhi's eyes.

Thief Zhi smiled, jumped up, and dodged the murderous sword light.

The Shui Han Sword ranks seventh in the sword manual, and its power is astonishing. Before the killer in the snare got close, he felt a chill rising up.

The biting cold air seemed to emanate from his own blood, and the bone-chilling ice froze his heart. The Snare Killer who was chasing at the front was affected by Gao Jianli's sword energy, his speed dropped sharply and he was struggling.

The Snare Killer who was following behind saw a horrifying scene. The person in front had ice crystals slowly forming from the soles of his feet until his whole body was frozen and covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

"Get out, get out quickly!" The person who snagged the trap is not a fool. The original prey has now become unpalatable. Fortunately, their goal was achieved and they naturally retreated.

Facing the retreat of the people in the net, Gao Jianli slowly put away his sword and had no intention of pursuing him.

Master Ben, who was out of danger, sat down on the ground, still feeling annoyed.

"Why did you come here?" Thief Zhi asked.

"I received intelligence that our three strongholds in Chudi were all breached by the snare at almost the same time. All the machine beasts brought this time were also burned. I was worried about you, so I came here specially, but I didn't expect to arrive too late. step."

"Oh? So that's it." Thief Zhi nodded.

"Such a fart!" Unlike Thief Zhi's ease of escaping danger, Old Man Ban was furious when he heard that all the machine beasts were burned. He pointed at the sky and cursed: "Ying Ziyi, you bastard, devil, dare to destroy my most beloved machine beast, old man, I have no sworn relationship with you."

ps. Please recommend and collect

~~~Thank you Netherworld Kill for the big reward~~~~

~~Thank you Qingyang Suifeng for the big reward~~~

~~~Thank you for falling into the world of fallen leaves, loneliness like shadows, infinite stars, and GP 103D Shi Landa for your reward~~~

~~~Thank you for Wen Feng Deng Lin Da Da, Feng Lin Xiao Wu Da Da, Book Friends 160208145850391 Da Da Da, Xiao Binbin 32 Da Da Da, vdr Da Da Da next year, painting ancient times will bring sorrow to Da Da Da, be free and easy no matter how big or small, or make a memorial speech on paper, DestroyGod gives a big reward~~~

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