Like a sword but not an attack, the dark eyebrows have no edge.

The sword body is as black as ink, has no edge, and is as flat as a ruler.

On the hillside, there was a man holding the sword of virtue in his hand, staring at the brightly lit camp not far away. This sword undoubtedly revealed the identity of this person, the Mohist giant Yan Dan.

The Yan Kingdom seemed to be dead but his father, Wang Xi, was like Zhao's son Jia, separatist in a corner and barely surviving. Under the attack of Qin's army, among the six countries, only Qi and Chu still have the strength to compete with it.

If Qi and Chu could unite, and with the help of the secret remaining forces of the other four kingdoms, they might not be able to compete with Qin. However, Yan Dan also knew that this was impossible.

The six kingdoms of Guanzhong have been fighting for years, and their wariness against each other is deeply rooted in their bones. Ying Zheng also took advantage of this and was able to annex the lands of Han, Zhao and Wei Yan within a few years.

If this trend continues, it will only be a matter of time before Qin unifies the six countries.

The young man from back then, Zhao Zheng, who was also the hostage of Zhao State along with Yan Dan, his heroic words seemed to be turning into reality bit by bit. If Ying Zheng is really allowed to achieve his goal, then all the heroes in the world will fall at Ying Zheng's feet, or linger in a dark corner.

"Ying Ziyi!"

Yan Dan's hand holding Mo Mei trembled slightly as he whispered this name.

This trembling is not because he is worried, worried about whether the earth-shattering thing he is going to do next will succeed?

This tremor was due to Yan Dan's doubts. That is, was what he did right or wrong? What situation will he bring the Mo family to? Ever since the death of the Six-Fingered Black Man, such questions have never ceased in his mind.

Yan Dan is worried that maybe one day, he will bring the Mo family into a situation of no return. Because what he will do tonight will mark the Mohist family's public break with Qin and stand on the side of Chu.

Love without aggression! Heixia, did I do something wrong? Yan Dan looked at the brilliant starry sky, a hint of cowardice flashed through her heart.

No! Will not! The fear of the weak finally disappeared, and Yan Dan's eyes became firm again.

A chivalrous person uses force to break the law. Confucianism, using literature to break the law.

Even if the Mo family maintained their neutrality during the Black Knight period, they would not be able to escape Ying Zheng's vicious hands in the end. Yan Dan is very aware of Ying Zheng's personality, and all forces that pose a threat to his great cause will eventually be wiped out by him.

And Yan Dan also believes that what Ying Zheng wants to do is to stand on the opposite side of the world's heroes. So he never lost confidence in winning.

But after receiving the news that the Mo family's stronghold in Chu was destroyed by Ying Ziyi, Yan Dan's confidence was quietly shaken.

In the battle between Yan and Di, Yan Dan's defeat was unclear. He also investigated the cause of Yan Chunjun's death afterwards. However, all traces of it have been wiped away. The only thing that is certain is that this is a carefully planned conspiracy, and this conspiracy is ultimately aimed at him, Yan Dan.

Strange! That anomaly that can change the world!

Yan Dan was unwilling to admit that there was a trace of fear towards Ying Ziyi hidden in the darkest corner of his heart. But this fear is not for Ying Ziyi himself, nor for Ying Ziyi's strategy and courage. In fact, even when facing the powerful Ying Zheng, Yan Dan has never been afraid.

What Yan Dan is afraid of is that another Ying Zheng will appear in the world. A Ying Zheng who can continue the rule of Qin in the future!

That is the most terrifying thing!

Perhaps, this was the real reason why he wanted to kill Ying Ziyi here regardless of his identity being exposed.

Yan Dan pulled out the black eyebrow in his hand and rushed towards the camp to the north not far from the hillside.

Behind Yan Dan, more than three hundred elite Mo Xia followed closely. They are all heroic men who follow Yan Dan's lead. They have a deep-seated hatred for the Qin State and have already put life and death aside.

Yan Dan carefully observed Ying Ziyi's three thousand troops, and he believed that with him personally leading more than three hundred dead soldiers, he would be able to kill them here.

"I'm so scared! Someone is coming to kill me."

"It's too dangerous here, run away quickly!"

"Mom! The people here are so barbaric!"


The degree of lax military discipline among Ying Ziyi's three thousand troops was beyond Yan Dan's expectation.

The most despicable description of the army's combat effectiveness is that it collapses at the first touch.

However, Ying Ziyi's troops and horses abandoned their commander and fled far away on horseback before they even came into contact with Yan Dan.

Are they really soldiers? Ying Ziyi wanted to attack and destroy Chu with just three thousand men like this?

A huge sense of absurdity hit his heart, but Yan Dan had no time to think about it because Ying Ziyi's main account was already in front of him.

Enter? Still not going in?

Achieving the goal so easily really made Yan Dan have doubts.

"Juzi, it's empty inside." Mo Xia, who was behind Yan Dan, broke in first and gave the answer.

When they came out, they were carrying a man described as obscene in their hands.

"Who are you? Where is Ying Ziyi?"

"My hero, have mercy on me, my hero, have mercy on me!" This wretched man knelt down in front of Yan Dan without hesitation and begged.

"Answer my words."

"Yes! Yes!" The wretched man raised his head, fear evident on his face, "I was kidnapped from Longxi by that evil thief Ying Ziyi. Because I am good at telling jokes, I was left here by Ying Ziyi He came to serve him. Not long ago, a woman came to Ying Ziyi's camp, said something to him, and Ying Ziyi ran away in a hurry. "

"Woman? What woman?" Yan Dan asked.

"I...I don't know. She was a very beautiful woman. I was outside the tent at the time, and I could only vaguely hear Ying Ziyi calling the woman Dong...yes, it's Dongjun."

Poof, a bolt from the blue! The dwarf's words hit Yan Dan's heart like a bolt from the blue.

Feiyan! Did you betray me after all?

The huge pain tore through his heart, and Yan Dan's heart ached.

What happened next was unexpected by everyone present. At the moment when Yan Dan was distracted, the man who described himself as wretched suddenly got angry. The withered hands used their strength and struck Yan Dan with one palm.

Yan Dan was indeed one of the few masters in the world. He felt the murderous intention and hurriedly changed his body shape to avoid this palm.

In the short distance of a few inches, the power of the wretched man's palms surged again and again, and his speed also increased several times, showing the strength of a top master. The gray threads of grass snakes were like maggots clinging to bones, and the monkey hit Yan Dan's body with a palm.

The monkey succeeded in the attack and quickly broke away from Mo Xia's surroundings, escaping into the distance without any trace of the demeanor of a top expert.

"Pfft!" A large mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, and Yan Dan reluctantly supported himself.

"Big man." Mo Xia around looked at Yan Dan worriedly.

"Quickly... withdraw quickly!" I was careless, and the situation had reached such a bad point. Ying Ziyi had been thinking carefully, and he was afraid that he would not let him go so easily.

Just as Yan Dan expected, the rumble of horse hooves sounded, and the three thousand men and horses who had escaped completely had turned around again.

A solid kill with a carbine!

~~~Thanks to Netherworld Killing for the big reward, the first deacon in this book was born~~~~~~~

~~Thank you Ye Zihao for the big reward~~~~~

~~~~Thank you to Rome Wu Holiday for being great, the factory guard said it is great, Qing Yang Sui Feng is great, the memorial words on paper are great, Wen Feng Deng Lin is great, Qiyejiang is great, Destroy God is great, the painting of ancient times is great, Xiao Binbin 32 is great , Martial God Seven Nights, it’s so hard to name the name hahaha. Big reward~~~~~~~

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