The rumble of horse hooves shook the area for miles around.

Ying Ziyi's three thousand horsemen chased them all night on the plains, and finally intercepted Yan Dan before they entered the northeastern mountains.

Without Ying Ziyi's order, the three thousand cavalry just surrounded Yan Dan and Mo Xia but did not attack. If anyone wanted to break out, they would just shoot them with bows.

Ying Ziyi stood on the hillside, looking at this scene from a distance. It's just that he didn't feel happy for long before he encountered a problem.

This is a woman with bright eyes and white teeth, wearing a dark blue dress, with long hair tied low, with a hairpin, and dark blue gemstone jewelry.

She just stood not far from Ying Ziyi, staring at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, filled with anger.

"What do you call this beautiful elder sister?" Ying Ziyi took the lead in greeting her and raised a confident smile.

To be honest, Ying Ziyi felt a little guilty. This woman was able to get here through layers of guards, which is an incredible thing in itself.

The woman bowed Yingying, with a noble and noble temperament between stillness and movement, "Concubine Yan of the Yin Yang family meets the fourteenth young master."

"Wow!" Ying Ziyi felt relieved now. After all, Yan Dan is in her hands, so this woman should not do anything extraordinary.

"I wonder what your lord Dongjun is doing when you come here?" Ying Ziyi asked, pretending not to know.

"I came here to implore the Fourteenth Young Master to let Yan Dan, the giant of the Mo family, go."

Although Concubine Yan was anxious and worried about Yan Dan's condition, her words were always unhurried.

"All right!"

To Concubine Yan's expectation, Ying Ziyi readily agreed to her without any doubts or rejections.

Concubine Yan followed behind Ying Ziyi and slowly walked towards Yandan in the distance.

"Young master, don't ask me why I want to save the giant of the Mo family?"

"Aren't you Yan Dan's wife?"


The obvious answer revealed a fact. Ying Ziyi knew everything about the Yin Yang family.

Concubine Yan did not dare to underestimate the childish child in front of her, and followed him step by step without saying a word.

With an order, the encirclement formed by the three thousand riders opened an opening. Ying Ziyi walked in with the guards and Concubine Yan.

"Dan, what's wrong with you?"

Concubine Yan immediately saw Yan Dan, who was seriously injured and half lying on the ground. She trotted over, wanting to check on Yan Dan's injuries.

What answered her were the remaining blades of more than a dozen Mo Xia and Yan Dan's cold words.

"There's no need to be pretentious here, Lord Dongjun. Isn't it thanks to you that I look like this now?"

"Dan, I'm here to save you. Why did you say that?"

"Save me? Are you coming with the Fourteenth Young Master of Great Qin to save me?" When Yan Dan said this, his words were filled with anger.

The deeper the love, the more painful it will be. The misunderstanding between the two is getting wider and wider like a chasm in the abyss.

Yan Dan was once detained in Xianyang as a proton. At that time, the Yin and Yang family specially sent Concubine Dongjun Yan to explore the secret of Canglong Qisu.

Unexpectedly, this is losing both his wife and his troops. Not only was Canglong Qisu’s secret not found, but the people also ran away with him.

However, Yan Dan was always wary of Concubine Yan's identity. This vigilance was infinitely amplified by the death of Six-Fingered Black Man.

Until now the break.

The culprit who caused the break between the two people, Ying Ziyi, was not far away, holding a cake and watching the show with relish.

The goddess has a heart, but King Xiang has no dreams.

The more Concubine Yan explained, the less Yan Dan believed it. By the end, the scene had cooled down. The two of them were speechless, only the residual wind was blowing and the cold sun was shining alone.

During this period, Yan Dan's injuries became more serious because of his anger.

"Open the gap and let the Mo family go."

Seeing that the show was over, Ying Ziyi issued an order. His three thousand cavalrymen also faithfully carried out his orders and formed a corridor leading to the northeastern mountains.

Yan Dan looked at Ying Ziyi. This opponent was just a child with a handsome face. However, it was this childishness that caused him to suffer failure again and again.

Yan Danruo glanced at Ying Ziyi thoughtfully and said, "Young Master Fourteenth, we will meet again later."

"Goodbye!" Ying Ziyi waved his hands, not taking away a single cloud.

Facing her lover's misunderstanding and confusion, Concubine Yan felt very tired. Concubine Yan originally wanted to leave with Yan Dan and take care of him. However, Yan Dan's cold and guarded eyes and the hostility of the inkers around her made her give up this idea.

When Yan Dan and the others were leaving, Concubine Yan told the inkman beside him: "Yan Dan's injury is very serious, and the only person who can treat him is the doctor Duan Murong. Because Nian Duan is seriously ill, she has returned When you get to Tiannan Hailing, you can go there to find her."

After watching Yan Dan and others go away, Concubine Yan looked at Ying Ziyi with an unkind expression. At this moment, Ying Ziyi's soldiers and horses had already gone away, and there were only a few people left around him.

"You have known this for a long time, Young Master Fourteenth!"

Hey, let me go, this sister doesn’t know how to burn bridges!

"Yan Dan doesn't trust you, not because of me."

One sentence shattered all of Yan Fei's expectations and fighting spirit. Her eyes were dim and she lowered her head and said nothing. Concubine Yan turned around, now she no longer had the will to fight Ying Ziyi. She just wanted to escape and silently followed Yan Dan, protecting him and taking care of him.

"Where are you going? Yan Dan's place?"

Ying Ziyi spoke and stopped Concubine Yan who was about to leave.

"What do you want to say?"

"Aren't you surprised, why did I know that Yan Dan wanted to assassinate me and fled far away early?" Ying Ziyi smiled and asked a question that both Yan Dan and Yan Fei ignored.

"There are spies from Qin among those dozen people." Concubine Yan turned around and looked at Ying Ziyi with a look of sudden realization on her face.

"What I want to say is that Yan Dan's life is in my hands at the moment." Ying Ziyi smiled, as if he was saying it was no big deal.


Concubine Yan's inner strength was released outward, and the aura of Longyou overflowed, transforming into a pair of wings that seemed to have substance. The overwhelming murderous aura emerged, as if in an instant, she was about to take Ying Ziyi's head.

However, those hands finally stopped an inch away from Ying Ziyi's throat.

Concubine Yan is a nymphomaniac when facing Yan Dan, but she is not like this when facing other people.

"What do you want?"

"It's simple, I want you to work for me."

"Working for you? Is it worth it?" Concubine Yan knew very well who she was at the moment - a traitor to the Yin Yang family. If Ying Ziyi wants him to work for him, it means that he is standing opposite the Yin Yang family.

One side is just a traitor, while the other side is the entire Yin Yang family.

Could it be that Ying Ziyi couldn't even tell this clearly?

Concubine Yan saw Ying Ziyi's determined expression, but it didn't seem like he was joking. She raised her eyes and looked into the distance, seeing the empty fields around her, and a feeling of fatigue came over her body and mind. She was really tired after facing the pursuit of the Yin Yang family and the misunderstanding of her lover all day long. The young man's smile is still pure, maybe he can temporarily provide himself with a haven of rest. Concubine Yan sighed and said, "If you can save Yan Dan, I will promise you."

"It's a deal."

ps. This baby is fourteen years old this year

~~~Thank you Lan Feixue DaDa, the twelve wings of the angel DaDa, the ancient paintings become sad, the loneliness is like a shadow DaDa, Xiao Qi is invincible 652062511 DaDa, the hateful thief DaDaDa, how can my heart be so wandering? Xingyu Qianzhixia is big, Le Xiaodi is big, the words of sacrifice on paper are big, little rabbit 01 is big, this is the cute way, DestroyGod is big, the road is confused, big reward~~~~~

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