The solitary peak is clear and strong, and the sea of ​​clouds is lingering. Tiannanhailing is an important place for doctors.

This is the place where medical disciples of past dynasties have cultivated themselves. The mountains are covered with exotic flowers and fruits, and there are rare birds and animals.

Between the mountainsides, a courtyard stands upright.

A woman wearing a sarong is brewing medicine in the hospital. The woman has a beautiful face, a thin ponytail, and a purple and white turban. This woman is Duan Murong, the leader of the Moh family.

"Rong'er, Rong'er..."

An old female voice came from the house. Duan Murong poured a bowl of medicine and walked into the hut.

"Master, why are you up?"

Duan Murong stepped forward to support her master Nian Duan, and brought the medicine bowl to her mouth with a concerned expression.

"Master has taken medicine."

Nianduan shook his head and did not drink the bowl of medicine. "It is difficult for a doctor to heal himself. My teacher's condition is very clear to me, and medicine is no longer effective."

"Master, don't say that, it will get better."

Nian Duan understood Duan Murong's comforting words. After a pause, she said, "Rong'er, have you joined the Mo family?"

Duan Murong's hand holding the medicine bowl trembled, and the master and apprentice finally brought up this topic.

"Yes, Master."

Duan Murong was not willing to deceive her master. When she went down the mountain for training, she became friends with Yan Dan and Princess Yan, and then joined the Mo family and became the youngest leader of the Mo family.

"Everyone in the world is white, but I am the only one who is black. If you don't attack the Mo family, you can love your whole life." Nian Duan muttered softly, looking at Duan Murong, "Rong'er, you are cold on the outside and hot on the inside. The Mohist family is chivalrous. Maybe that’s the right place for you.”


"But, this is what worries me the most." Nian Duan caressed Duan Murong's hair lovingly, "The world is in chaos, and all schools of thought are in turmoil. Even the Mohist family, which has always been neutral, cannot stay out of it. As a person, Doctors should avoid these disputes. But you..."

"Master..." Nianduan didn't say anything after all. She was just worried that Duan Murong would suffer a lot in the future.

"Remember, never fall in love with a man who makes a living by sword. This is the end of being a master."

Nianduan's condition was very serious and he passed away within a few days. Duan Murong packed some clothes and went down the mountain.

As the leader of the Mohist family, Duanmurong was known for her superb medical skills and was deeply respected by many Mohist disciples. Therefore, when she returned to the doctor's house this time, many Mohist disciples spontaneously followed her to protect her.

However, when Duan Murong saw them again in the guest house at the foot of the mountain, they all turned into corpses lying on the ground.

There was no time for surprise and fear, Duan Murong began to calmly inspect this bloody place. The blood on the ground was still bright red, and the body was still warm. It should have been shortly after death. Duan Murong secretly thought that she could not stay here for long.


Duan Murong was intercepted before she left for long.

"Who are you? Are you a disciple of a medical family?"

There were four people in front and behind, all swordsmen. They surrounded Duan Murong and asked. In just a blink of an eye, they all lay down, each with a few silver needles stuck in their bodies.

Duan Murong looked at them and wondered, with the skills of these few people, how could they be the opponent of that group of Mo Xia.

"Who?" The voice came, but Duan Murong's invincible silver needle was caught by the outstretched fingers of the person hidden in the forest.

"It's such a fast acupuncture technique, but it's a pity that I haven't mastered it yet."

It was a man wrapped in a black robe, and his voice was thin and sharp, "The Huayu Silver Needle, the unique hidden weapon that the doctor has always dreamed of, is in your hand?"

I am no match for this man.

Duan Murong came to this conclusion instantly. Her knees were slightly bent, and she held six silver needles with her fingers, carefully on guard, ready to escape at any time.

The man slowly approached Duan Murong, looked at the corpses of his men on the ground, and cursed: "A bunch of trash."

"What do you want?" The other party's ruthlessness and cold-bloodedness exceeded Duanmu Rong's expectations.

"Let me guess, are you the successor of Nian Duan?" the man said calmly.

"So what?"

"Where is Nian Duan?"

"Huh!" Duan Murong didn't answer, and six silver needles came out at the same time. After the beating, she ran away into the dense forest behind her.

"Want to run away? If you run away, how can I explain it to Lord Zhao Gao?"

The man followed closely behind him. Duan Murong had superb medical skills, but his martial arts skills were mediocre. Apart from his silver needle hidden weapon, there was nothing worthy of praise.

The opponent was a top-notch master. Whether it was body skills or light skills, Duan Murong was far behind compared to him. Soon, Duan Murong was captured by him.

Tiannan Hailing is an important place for doctors. It is full of institutions and is full of exotic flowers and fruits, rare birds and animals, and at the same time, it is also full of poisonous insects and poisonous weeds. Zhao Gao's men were not completely sure and did not dare to rush to arrest Nianduan.

Zhao Gao's men grabbed Duanmu Rong by the throat and lifted her up. "Tell me, where is Nian Duan?"

When Duan Murong struggled, a piece of white cotton fell from her waist.

"Mourning cloth? Who is dead? Is it Nianduan!" Zhao Gao's men showed no mercy at all, and the force in their hands became stronger and stronger, trying to force him to get the result.

Duanmu Rong's beauty turned pale, and her beautiful face turned pale due to blood loss. But no matter what, she never said a word.

When Zhao Gao's men saw that no results could be obtained from questioning, they knocked Duan Murong unconscious with one palm.

When Duan Murong was dazed, she felt like someone was holding her on her shoulders. She could vaguely hear the man's words.

"It's all because of that bastard Ying Ziyi who transferred all the elites from the net. We have to do this kind of rough work."


Three days later.

The Mo family's thieves and several Mo Xia finally arrived here.

Following some clues, Thieves Zhi quickly found the place where Duan Murong missed and was captured.

Pirates Zhi was indeed the first detective in the Qin Dynasty besides Zhang Han, and he quickly deduced the situation at that time.

"After Miss Rong got rid of these four killers, she must have encountered a stronger opponent and was caught by mistake."

"Who did this?" Mo Xia, who was behind Thief Zhi, asked.

"Of course it's that bastard Ying Ziyi. Apart from him, who else can mobilize these killers in the trap, and who would be so deliberately planning to deal with our Mo family." Thief Zhi said with certainty.

All right! Ying Ziyi unknowingly fell into the trap again.

"The giant was seriously injured, and leader Duanmu was captured again. What should we do?" Mo Xia, who was behind Robber Zhi, said worriedly.

"Let's do this! I will go first to find out the whereabouts of Miss Rong. You go and inform Xiao Gao and tell him the situation here."

"Yes, chief."

~~Thanks to Roman Wu Holiday, Fallen Heaven, and Lucifer for their generous rewards~~

~~Thank you Tangtang丿naDaDaDa, book friend 140510071407884 DaDaDa, loneliness is like a shadow DaDaDa, light and windy DaDaDa, flying birds々DaDaDa. The road is confusing and big, the dream in the book is big, the peak and the forest are big, the road is confusing and big, the painting of ancient times is big, the memories are big, no matter how big the spring, summer, autumn and winter, the wind comes, the small Wu is big, the memorial words on paper are big , I love eating, eating, and giving big rewards~~~

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