Nanyang, Wancheng.

It's a nice day today and the sun is shining. Officials of all sizes in Nanyang County and generals stationed in various cities lined up in the suburbs, waiting for him. The leader of this team is Zhao Gao, the commander of CRRC.

The flags were not displayed, the drums were silent, and everyone was waiting quietly, just because they were waiting for the protagonist of this great drama.

Zhao Gao stood at the front of the team and had been basking in the sun for three hours. However, the protagonist of this scene-Ying Ziyi had not yet arrived.

Zhao Gao's rank was not enough to stand at the head of the team. In this long queue, there were many people with higher rank than him.

But Zhao Gao was the most trusted confidant around King Qin, and he was also an important person sent to Wancheng by Ying Ziyi. Therefore, Zhu Wenwu ranked it first.

In fact, Zhao Gao refused in his heart the recommendation from everyone. If possible, he would like to be like Chang Pingjun and pretend to be sick.

But, he couldn't do it. Chang Pingjun was an old man for three dynasties. He claimed that he was ill and would not come back. Even though everyone might murmur a few words in their hearts, they would never dare to say anything with their mouths. He has a low status, but he cannot show off like Lord Changping.

Only he, Zhao Gao, took on this hard task.

Zhao Gao has profound internal strength and a level of cultivation that few people in the world can match. Neither his eyesight nor his hearing ability can be compared to ordinary people. The surroundings were empty, and rumbling sounds could be heard softly. Zhao Gao turned his head slightly, but most people present did not notice it, except for a big man standing on the right side behind him, the Nanyang County Lieutenant.

Compared with the faint sound of horse hooves, what makes people feel more intuitively is the thin black spots slowly appearing at the intersection of heaven and earth in the distance. Like locusts and rain, they come slowly.

The line of sight gradually became clearer, and the first thing that came into view were a few knights clearing the way, followed by a long cavalry team.

Ying Ziyi's three thousand cavalry have finally arrived! ! !

"I'm here to meet the Fourteenth Young Master!"

Flags fluttered and drums and music played in unison. All the civil and military personnel in Nanyang knelt down in an instant, and Ying Ziyi rode a pony to the front of the civil and military queue.

Ying Ziyi was so close that Zhao Gao could even feel the eager snort of his pony. But Zhao Gao was lying on the ground and did not dare to raise his head. Ying Ziyi is the master, and Zhao Gao is his servant. Even though Zhao Gao had a hundred ways to kill Ying Ziyi in front of him, he was respectful on the surface.

"Everyone get up!"

The words were silent but clear enough, and everyone stood up after saluting.

"Who are you?" Ying Ziyi asked a big man behind Zhao Gao.

This is a burly, unshaven man. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, a face with Chinese characters, and is wearing the standard armor of the Qin army. He has an extraordinary air.

"I, Nanyang County Lieutenant Ren Xiao, pay a visit to the Fourteenth Young Master."

"Oh? Since you are a county lieutenant and in charge of the military and administration of a county, I have to test you."

"Young master, it's okay to take the exam. I, Ren Xiao, cannot answer a question. I will resign from my position as Nanyang County Lieutenant immediately to the king." Ren Xiao said boldly.

"Ren Xiao, please don't be rude in front of the young master." The person who spoke was an old man. Judging from his appearance, he should be the governor of Nanyang County.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Ying Ziyi smiled and asked, "Do you know how many people are stationed in various cities in Nanyang County?"

"fifty thousand."

"How many people are available?"

"This..." Ren Hao paused, looking hesitant. He didn't know what Ying Ziyi meant by these words.

When the Nanyang County Sheriff heard what Ying Ziyi said, he was shocked, and his hands hidden in the wide sleeves of his robe were trembling unfavorably.

Ying Ziyi, did he notice something?

Seeing that Ren Xiao didn't answer, Ying Ziyi asked: "General Ren, as the general of our Great Qin, what is your first priority?"

"Be loyal to the Qin Dynasty and be loyal to the King." Ren Xiao shouted these familiar words again, which he had memorized since joining the army when he was young, and his voice echoed around him.

"Very good! Then let me ask you again, how many people are available in the garrison in various cities in Nanyang County?"

"Thirty thousand." Ren Xiao answered without thinking.

"Another thirty thousand?" Ying Ziyi seemed to be marveling in his words, marveling at a fact that made many civil and military officials present tremble.

Regarding this funny scene, Nanyang County Sheriff looked at it with his head lowered and did not dare to say anything. He wanted to accuse, blame the blame and talk nonsense. The 50,000 defenders in each city in Nanyang County are all warriors of the Qin Dynasty. They are all extremely loyal and can be used for anything.

However, facing Ying Ziyi's playful face and the several nine-foot-tall guards around him who were as majestic as mountains in fine armor. However, Nanyang County Sheriff couldn't muster the courage to say such words with dignity. He just sighed secretly in his heart: This Ren Xiao is really awesome!

"If I ask you to carry these 30,000 troops and conquer the Chu Kingdom, how long will it take you?"

"January." Ren Xiao lowered his head, ignored the gazes of everyone, and said firmly.

"I'll give you this month. What will you do if you can't conquer Pingyu City?"

"Be willing to be dealt with by military law."

"Okay!" Ying Ziyi dismounted, pulled Ren Xiao, and entered Wancheng with hundreds of his guards. And his three thousand cavalry entered the military camp that had been prepared for them.

Zhao Gao watched this scene from beginning to end and remained indifferent. He followed Ying Ziyi step by step, sneering in his heart: Loyal to the Qin Dynasty, loyal to the king. The implication is that there are still 20,000 defenders in Nanyang County, aren't they so loyal to Qin and the King?

What happened outside the city soon reached the ears of Lord Changping.

But at that time, he was still lying on the bed.

Lord Changping said he was sick, but he couldn't tell whether it was a real illness or a fake one. Ever since he got the news that the Mohist giant failed to attack Ying Ziyi at night and escaped with serious injuries, Changping Jun became ill and has been resting in his mansion.

Changping Jun did not know the specific details of the Mo family's assassination of Ying Ziyi, but Yan Dan was one of the few masters in the world, and he had three hundred elite Mo Xia with him. Logically speaking, this is absolutely impossible to miss.

However, the reality is cruel.

What kind of terrifying power is gathered around Ying Ziyi? Lord Changping was hesitant.

Then, there was this scene outside the city today.

Lord Changping naturally knew that many officials at all levels in Nanyang County were secretly loyal to him. This is the chess piece he has secretly cultivated for so many years, since the death of King Xiaowen, without telling the Queen Mother Huayang, without telling Lu Buwei, without telling Ying Zheng.

But today, Ying Ziyi's ominous words outside the city really frightened him, and he almost wanted to take action in advance.

Unfathomable, even if he doesn't want to say it, Lord Changping has to admit in his heart that this Ying Ziyi is becoming more and more like Ying Zheng.

That's what he absolutely doesn't want to see! There must not be two Ying Zhengs in this world. Even if the Qin Dynasty finally unified the world, there would only be one person who ascended to the supreme position, and that was the prince Fusu, who had the royal blood of the Chu Kingdom.

So, let me get rid of this little tiger!

Lord Changping's eyes flashed with a stern look, and his face flushed. In an instant, the body that had been lying on the bed for a long time was filled with strength again.

ps. This week’s essence has been used up and cannot be replenished.

ps2. Please recommend and collect~~~

~~~~Thanks to Netherworld Killing for the big reward, the first helmsman in this book was born~~~~

~~~Thank you for the baby, the Roman holiday is great, the loneliness is like a shadow, the road is confused, the road is confusing, the Tangtang is big, the peak is climbing, the little Binbin is 32, the paper tribute is great, Xingyu Qian Great Xia, DestroyGod gives you a big reward~~~~

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