Wancheng, the former palace of the King of Chu.

The mottled ancient walls still retain traces of time, and the vermilion paint on the door of the temple has turned dark red. The former glory of the palace also disappeared with the decline of Chu's national power. Most of the attached buildings of the palace were demolished, leaving only the central main building, which existed as a palace for the Qin clan.

Now, this place has become the place where Ying Ziyi stays. Ying Ziyi took over the defense of the palace with hundreds of guards, but it still seemed inadequate.

In the main hall, Ying Ziyi sat on his knees on the couch, drinking from the cup with great interest.

There is a set of porcelain drinking vessels placed on the table. They are different from the bronze vessels circulating in today's world. They are light and elegant in shape.

Concubine Yan knelt down beside Ying Ziyi and cooked tea around the stove.

"Lord Dongjun, are you feeling well these days?"

Concubine Yan had a special status, but she was disguised as a maid beside Ying Ziyi.

"Not bad." Concubine Yan's white lotus-like hands stretched out, holding a copper spoon, taking water from the boiling cauldron and pouring it into the porcelain bowl on the table.

The refreshing aroma fills the air, that is the aroma of tea.

"It's just that there are undercurrents surging in Wancheng, and it has become a dangerous place. Why do you still want to stay here, Master?"

"Could it be that Lord Dongjun also knows how to observe the situation and detect the real situation? He actually saw that Wancheng has become a dangerous place." Ying Ziyi took the tea bowl handed by Concubine Yan and said with a chuckle.

"Observing the situation and detecting the actual situation is the skill of military strategists and political strategists. I come from the Yin Yang family, so I really don't know how to do it." Concubine Yan held up the tea bowl herself and took a sip of tea. The fragrant and hot tea enters the throat, refreshing and soothing the tiredness of the past days.

"But our Yin Yang family knows how to read the stars."

"Astrology?" Ying Ziyi has always been curious about this.

"Only the most talented Yin Yang family disciples can reach this level and find enlightenment from the complex and ever-changing star map. From the birth and death of a country, to the safety, joy and anger of Li Shu. As long as you want to know, Shao There are things that can be hidden from us.”

Who are you lying to? Ying Ziyi didn't believe it. If they were really that powerful, the Yin Yang family would have dominated the world long ago.

"It's just that among the thousands of changes in the stars, only one person is always unclear. Even Donghuang Taiyi can't find out."

"Who is so promising?" Ying Ziyi said with a smile.

"It's you, the Fourteenth Young Master." Concubine Yan looked at Ying Ziyi and said seriously.

"Haha! That means you haven't mastered cultivation yet, haha..." Ying Ziyi laughed awkwardly.

Ignoring Ying Ziyi's joke, Concubine Yan continued: "Not only that, even the originally clear astrological predictions have become blurry. To be honest, I originally wanted to kill you to get rid of future troubles. You are really Too dangerous."

"...!" Ying Ziyi pouted and made a cute expression to show that humans and animals are harmless.

"Haha!" Looking at Ying Ziyi's appearance, Concubine Yan couldn't help but chuckle.


Outside the hall, a sword-wielding man in light clothing walked in and knelt down.

"Did Miss Duanmu get it?"

This is the man sent by Ying Ziyi to pick up Duan Murong. He was originally a dead soldier of Luo Sheng, but now he was recruited by Ying Ziyi as one of Zhao Gao's men.

"When we went there, Miss Duanmu had been kidnapped. Looking at the traces at the scene, three groups of people had been there before and after."

"Oh?" Different from Concubine Yan's nervousness and fear, Ying Ziyi was a little surprised. Who would be so interested in Duan Murong? Could it be someone from the Mo family?

its not right! If they were from the Mo family, would they be able to use it?

"Can you find any clues?"

"This... I suspect it was done by one of my own."

"One of our own?" Ying Ziyi murmured softly, and for a moment he was a little confused as to what he meant. But he immediately realized, wasn't the person the swordsman called his own just a snare?

"Go down!" Ying Ziyi waved his hand, signaling the swordsman to retreat.

"Sir, do you know who kidnapped Miss Duanmu?"

Seeing the change in Ying Ziyi's expression, Concubine Yan asked.

"It's Zhao Gao!" Ying Ziyi was surprised. He didn't expect that after all the elite people in Luo Sheng were transferred away by him, Zhao Gao still had the strength to do such things without telling him.

It really shouldn’t be underestimated!

"Zhao Gao? Why did he take Duan Murong away?"

Concubine Yan couldn't think of any clues for a while, but Ying Ziyi knew what was going on. Zhao Gao must be looking for the antidote to 'give me back the big stick'.


Zhao Gaofu.

"Is this the answer you gave me, a little girl?"

Zhao Gao smiled slightly, but his confidants who had been around him for a long time knew that this was a sign before he became angry.

"This... when our family went to Tiannan Hailing, Nianduan was already dead. We had no choice but to capture her descendants and bring them back."

Duan Murong was still in a coma at the moment, so Zhao Gao's men felt a little uncomfortable having such a little girl come. Therefore, I feel particularly unsure when I say this.

"Forget it, let her try! If it doesn't work, let her disappear." Zhao Gao was a little upset and said casually. Ever since Ying Ziyi transferred his huge team of snare killers away, nothing he did secretly went smoothly. Although he still has several top-notch experts on standby, he is always a little stretched to do things.



"If you want to save Yan Dan, do you have to be Duan Murong?"

In the palace, Ying Ziyi confirmed to Concubine Yan.

"In today's world, there are no more than ten people who are more advanced than Duan Murong in medical attainments, and most of them are either on the side of the Qin State, or they live in seclusion. At the moment, the only one who can save the pill is Duan Murong is alone."

Yan Dan's popularity is really bad! Ying Ziyi couldn't help but complain.

"Zhao Gao is cautious, but at this time he is short of manpower, so he doesn't want to get involved. He wants to refine the antidote, and several medicinal materials are necessary. As long as he grasps the flow of these medicinal materials around Wancheng, That way we can confirm whether Duan Murong is in his house."

Ying Ziyi nodded somewhat proudly. This little IQ makes me feel a little proud when I think about it!

Five days later, Ying Ziyi got a report in his hands, a report from the Linglong Chamber of Commerce.

Long before the attack on Chu, the Linglong Chamber of Commerce's business had penetrated into various fields in Nanyang. Zhao Gao would never have thought that no matter how careful he was, he would always show his weakness in front of Ying Ziyi.

"Sure enough, Duan Murong is in Zhao Gao's house."

"Master, what should we do?" Concubine Yan asked, standing next to Ying Ziyi.

"Zhao Gao has good cultivation. If he is in the palace, it will be difficult to rescue Miss Duanmu Rong. Let's do this! I will invite him to the palace tonight to discuss the attack on Chu. You take action at night and rob Duanmu Rong."


~~Thank you for being carefree and carefree, no matter how big or small it is, how big the wind is, how big the fallen leaves fall into the mortal world, how big the Chinese people are, how confusing and big the road is, how big the dream is in the book, how big the loneliness is like a shadow, how big the snow is, hit baby. Big big, book friend 151010182339949 big big, \u0026 wait \u0026 wait\u0026 big, the people who buy sugar-coated haws are big, the painting of ancient times is big, the peak climbs to the forest, the wind is long, the rural tough man is big, the reward is big~~~

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