"The clues left by Miss Duanmu should point to this house."

Robber Zhi was wearing a black cloak, standing on a big tree, staring at this huge house.

The residence of Zhao Gao, the commander of CRRC.

Thieves Zhi spent a lot of effort on his way here, and finally set his target here. It's just strange in his heart. After several days of observation, it seems that the kidnapping of girl Duanmu has nothing to do with Ying Ziyi.

However, why Zhao Gao kidnapped girl Duanmu is really a bit strange. The only clue is the medicine, which is the object related to Duanmu Rong that Thief Zhi can think of.

Therefore, Thief Zhi deliberately investigated the goods entering and leaving Zhao Gao's house in the past few days, and sure enough he found a large amount of medicinal materials. This made Robber Zhi even more certain that Duan Murong was in this mansion.

Robber Zhi is waiting, waiting for the opportunity to enter the house to find out the specific situation and rescue Duan Murong.

As the sun sets, the opportunity finally comes.

Outside the mansion gate, Zhao Gao left the mansion in a sedan. He was dressed very solemnly, and it looked like he was going somewhere.

As the leader of the Mohist family and a member of the martial arts world, Robber Zhi is not very clear about the affairs of the court. However, he understood that there were not many people in Wancheng who could make Zhao Gao, a powerful person in Qin State, so cautious.

Nine times out of ten, it was Ying Ziyi.

Thief Zhi smiled, exerted force with his feet, tapped the huge branch a few times, and the figure shot out like a rocket. After climbing over the high wall, Thief Zhi easily entered Zhao Gao's house.

"The defense is really lax!"

Robber Zhi stood on the bricks and tiles of the house and looked up. With Thief Zhi's eyesight, both the quality and quantity of the guards in this mansion are not commensurate with the Qin Kingdom's reputation as a powerful person!

Duan Zhi was overjoyed, it seemed that he had a better chance of rescuing Miss Duanmu. In the dark night, Thief Zhi's figure kept flashing under the moonlit sky, avoiding the guards' inspection and exploring Zhao Gao's house.


Ying Ziyi arrived at the palace.

"Do you know why I came to find you, Mr. Zhao Gao, the commander of the CRRC Mansion?"

Ying Ziyi stood in front of Zhao Gao, looked at him respectfully, and said.

"As long as the master gives orders, the servants will obey them." Zhao Gao said knowingly, seeming to be more submissive than a sheep.

But Ying Ziyi knew clearly, what was hidden under the respectful appearance? The person in front of me is the person who single-handedly destroyed the dreams of the Great Qin Empire for generations!

Of course, the help of this guy Hu Hai is naturally indispensable. However, Zhao Gao's own role is still very prominent.

"Very good! Do you know who the most trusted person in this Great Qin is?" Ying Ziyi nodded with satisfaction and motioned for Zhao Gao to lower his body.

Zhao Gao lowered his body to be level with Yingzi Yi.

I saw Ying Ziyi patting Zhao Gao's shoulder with one hand, with a pure smile on his face, and said sincerely: "It's you! Mr. CRRC Fu Ling."

At this moment, Zhao Gao's heart seemed to have thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people! If you want to mess with me, someone above the Great Qin Court will know it. Now you actually say you trust me, what are you doing?

No, there is a conspiracy. As a gloomy villain, Zhao Gao's instinct is that something is wrong.

What exactly is it? For a moment, Zhao Gao thought about some possibilities, but he felt something was wrong.

"Thank you so much for the love of the Fourteenth Young Master. I will definitely be broken into pieces and serve the Qin Dynasty and the Fourteenth Young Master." Zhao Gao couldn't find a clue and said perfunctorily about Ying Ziyi.

"That's good, our country of Great Qin is built on...!"

So, Ying Ziyi found the speech he took out from the system space, revised it, and started reading it to Zhao Gao nonstop.


Zhao Gaofu.

"You little bitch, don't even think about slacking off for us. If you can't make the medicine, we will destroy you right now."

Duan Murong was in front of the alchemy stove, carefully controlling the heat. She was imprisoned here, refining the antidote for the owner here. The person next to her was staring at her every step of the way. Duan Murong tried to escape several times but failed.

Duan Murong knew very well that with the cold-bloodedness of the man in front of him, when the antidote was made, he would probably die.

Therefore, Duan Murong deliberately slowed down the refining speed of the elixir in the furnace in order to wait for rescue.

She has left marks along the way that only Mohist disciples can understand. I hope they can discover them in time!

"I'm telling you little bitch, let's go get some midnight snacks, and don't even think about running away. Be honest, and you'll save yourself some physical pain."

With that said, Zhao Gao's men walked out of the alchemy room.

"Miss Duanmu, I finally found you."

Robber Zhi's figure flashed and quickly entered the alchemy room. Seeing Duan Murong at this moment, Tao Zhi was furious. The normally pretty and elegant Duanmu girl was tortured to a state of disgrace. Duan Murong's body was covered with scars and her face was haggard, like a fallen plum blossom in the winter wind, pitiful and crumbling.

"I'm going to kill that guy!"

Taizhi immediately wanted to get angry, but was stopped by Duan Murong.

She only heard her weakly say: "Thief Zhi, listen to me, this is not the time to be impulsive. The guy who went out just now is very skilled, not like you. You may not be able to go out safely with me. Why don't you go out and meddle with the masters of the Mo family? , find another chance to rescue me."

In a threatening situation, Duan Murong's first thought was not to get herself out of danger, but the safety of her partners.

"No, looking at you like this, how can I keep you here." Pian Zhi was concerned about Duan Murong's safety, but he refused to agree.

While the two were pushing and shoving, a female voice came over. "You don't have to fight, I've already taken care of all the masters outside."


Robber Zhi and Duan Murong said in unison that the person coming was none other than Concubine Yan.

Unlike Duan Murong, Tao Zhi knew that his rich man was injured and had an unclear relationship with the former crown princess of the Yan Kingdom.

Thief Zhi took out the Instant Flying Wheel and was on guard under Duan Murong's puzzled gaze.

"You took refuge in Qin."

"You don't have to look like this. You know, you are no match for me." Concubine Yan said calmly, turned and left. "Dan's injuries are serious, let's go!"

Taizhi took one look and walked out with Duan Murong on his back.


When Zhao Gao walked out of Ying Ziyi's palace, his head was still dizzy and buzzing. Even with his cultivation as a top expert, he was a little unable to withstand it at the moment, and his steps were so wobbly that he couldn't walk.

Of course, anyone who stood motionless and listened to the speech for two hours would look like this.

"grown ups."

After leaving the palace gate with difficulty, Zhao Gao's head finally cleared up when the cold wind blew, but he saw the housekeeper from his mansion running over in a hurry.

"Sir, something happened in the mansion."

The housekeeper was blocked from the palace gate by Ying Ziyi's bodyguards, and there was nothing he could do for the moment. He said a few words in Zhao Gao's ear, and Zhao Gao's expression changed several times.

His uncertain expression returned to calmness. Zhao Gaoyao glanced at the palace and said coldly: "Let's go."

ps. Thank you to Wenfeng Denglin for your support and encouragement since the publication of this book. At the same time, I also wish Wenfeng Denglin to achieve good results in the college entrance examination and travel to Tsinghua and Peking University~~~~

~~Thank you for being carefree and free, no matter how big or small you are, the prison dream in the book is big, loneliness is like a shadow, Li Shuoyang is big, book friend 141124002002417 is big, unscrupulous cheating is big, painting the ancients is a big disaster, painting the ancients is a big sorrow, book friends 160208145850391, n121212 Da Da, Lan Feixue Da Da, a reward from the Emperor of Demon Cult~~

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