This is a messy picture.

"A member of the Yin Yang family?"

Zhao Gao's mansion.

Hurrying back from Ying Ziyi's palace, Zhao Gao only saw the three men he had left behind on guard in the mansion, all of whom died violently and in horrific circumstances. Judging from the signs of fighting around them, they were all killed in one move and had no power to fight back. And Zhao Gao recognized that the person who took action should be a master of the Yin Yang family.

The cultivation level of Zhao Gao's three men has entered the realm of first-class masters, which makes them unable to even fight back. One can imagine the cultivation level of the other party.

"Is it the Moon God?"

Zhao Gao thought about it carefully and felt something was wrong. The Moon God should be in Xianyang City at the moment, preparing sacrifices for Qin King Ying Zheng. It is impossible for him to rush to Wancheng to do things for Ying Ziyi.

But besides Moon God, are there any such masters in the Yin Yang family? Zhao Gao paced in front of the corpses of his men, thinking slowly, excluding the mysterious Donghuang Taiyi, who else is there in the Yin Yang family?

The moonlight was hazy, and the night sky outside the corridor was particularly gloomy. Zhao Gao took one step at a time, and his light and silent footsteps suddenly stopped.


Zhao Gao remembered this name. Zhao Gao didn't know much about the rumors about Dong Jun. The Yin Yang family had strictly sealed off any information about this person. Even with a snare, we can't find out the specific situation.

However, Zhao Gao found out through some extremely secret channels that Dong Jun had already left the Yin Yang family.

"I don't know, how would the Yin and Yang family feel if they knew that Dong Jun was under Ying Ziyi's command?"

Zhao Gao smiled sadly, clenched his fists, cracked his knuckles, and spoke softly.


Ying Ziyi arrived at the palace.

After drinking a bucket of water, Ying Ziyi felt that his smoking throat felt better.

Although this was based on the speech script, speaking for two hours at a stretch was really unbearable! This is really a great move that kills eight hundred enemies and injures one thousand and both sides!

Ying Ziyi was lying on his couch, and three beautiful girls, Xiaohe, Xiaohu, and Xiaodie, were beside them, pouring tea, beating their legs, and pinching their backs.

Concubine Yan slowly walked into the palace and bowed to Ying Ziyi Yingying.

"How does that go?"

Concubine Yan walked forward and approached Ying Ziyi: "Duan Murong has left the city safely and joined the Mohist disciples. I have also eliminated all the masters in Zhao Gao's house."

"I have done what I promised you. If so, are you willing to join me?"

Ying Ziyi sat up and asked Concubine Yan.

Concubine Yan hesitated for a moment before speaking out the question in her heart, "Young Master Fourteenth, do you know that I am a traitor to the Yin Yang family?"

"of course I know."

"Then do you know that the Yin Yang family is bound to win over me?"

"Of course I know."

"Allowing me to serve means offending the entire Yin Yang family. Master, have you really decided?"

Ying Ziyi smiled and didn't care about Concubine Yan's words, "Although the Yin Yang family is powerful, can it really be used by our Great Qin?"

Concubine Yan was shocked. She was once a high-ranking member of the Yin Yang family, her status was even higher than that of the Moon God, and she still knew a lot about the highest secrets of the Yin Yang family. Concubine Yan didn't know what Ying Ziyi meant at the moment, but what Ying Ziyi said next shocked her.

"At the end of the storm, the Yin Yang family has seen an opportunity and wants to take advantage of the great Qin's expansion of territory to continue to strengthen itself. Can such an organization really be used by our great Qin?"

Ying Ziyi smiled scornfully, not knowing at all what kind of uproar his words would cause if they were spread outside.

"Whether it is the Taoist family or the Yin Yang family, it has been determined that after the Qin Dynasty unifies the world, the troubled times will not end. However, unlike the Taoist family, which is aloof from the world, the Yin Yang family plans to leave after using the Great Qin! "

She had no idea that Ying Ziyi was a freak with cheats. When she first heard this, even with Concubine Yan's cultivation, she was a little shocked and couldn't stand.

Concubine Yan calmed herself down and asked something she shouldn't have asked: "Does King Qin know about this matter?"

Ying Ziyi sneered: "With King Qin's temper, do you think the Yin Yang family can continue to exist in this world after knowing this?"

Seeing that Concubine Yan made a mistake, Ying Ziyi felt happy. Finally, you were fooled.

Taking in Ying Ziyi's expression in her eyes, Concubine Yan quickly understood that Ying Ziyi was deceiving her. Concubine Yan is indeed one of the few masters in the world. Apart from being a nymphomaniac in front of Yan Dan, she is also a rare figure in the world in terms of intelligence and martial arts. She quickly calmed down and returned to the scheming and farsighted Concubine Yan she once was.

"The King of Qin, Ying Zheng, is one of the few kings in history. He is very powerful, so powerful that he has no weaknesses. Even the Yin and Yang family have to be cautious under him and walk on thin ice. Can anyone really deceive such a person?"

"People have weaknesses after all, and even King Qin is no exception." After discovering the changes in Concubine Yan, Ying Ziyi secretly said that he was still immature and far different from these monsters who had become spirits. "This weakness is actually very simple. , and the Yin Yang family has already found it."




Xianyang, Qin Palace.

On the seven-story altar, there are seven or forty-nine boys and girls, with ice flesh and jade bones, who look like heavenly beings. The Moon God is alone on the top of the stage, praying to the sky using the secret method of the Yin Yang family.

The sacrifice took a long time, it has lasted for three days and three nights, and tonight it will finally bear fruit. King Qin Yingzheng stood in the audience holding his sword, silently waiting for the result.

Nothing could make King Qin so anxious, and nothing could make King Qin so concerned about waiting here in the cold midnight wind.

A stream of light flashed across the sky, and the sacrifice finally came to fruition.

The Moon God slowly came down, came to Ying Zheng, and bowed. Even though she had not eaten for three days and three nights, her complexion was still bright red and her skin was crystal clear and moist due to her deep internal strength.

"Is there any result?"

"God has made a prediction: Penglai, Abbot, and Yingzhou are three fairy mountains on the sea. There, there is the result that the king wants."

Ying Zheng thought for a while and said: "The waves are thousands of miles away and the fairy mountains are misty. How can we find these three fairy mountains?"

"The Yin Yang family has a treasure map passed down from ancient times, which records the way to find the fairy mountain. However... it is difficult to reach the sky."

Seeing the look of the Moon God, Ying Zheng said curiously: "What could make you so hesitant? Tell me."



"The emperor's fear of death is innate, and is even much stronger than that of ordinary people. The Yin Yang family uses this to achieve their own goals."

Concubine Yan thought she had placed Ying Ziyi in a very high position - an opponent she might not be able to defeat even if she tried her best. But she now finds that this position is still too low. Facing Ying Ziyi, Concubine Yan felt helpless when facing Donghuang Taiyi.

Of course, Concubine Yan didn't know that there were cheats in this world.

"The King of Qin is a rare emperor throughout the ages. Power is just a plaything in his hands, and women are just a spice in his long life. What he longs for is fame and great achievements, to establish an eternal foundation and to be famous throughout the ages. Therefore, his love for death is The fear is dozens or even hundreds of times greater than that of ordinary kings.”

"The people of the Yin Yang family are very smart. The more powerful a person is, the more ridiculous his weaknesses may be. Immortality, a legend among myths, may ruin a great country."

"Now that Young Master knows, what are you going to do?"

Concubine Yan had forgotten that Ying Ziyi asked her to serve. As the conversation progressed, a special emotion surged in her heart. It was the impulse of a peerless master who wanted to make a name for himself in the world with his superb cultivation and was unwilling to be left alone.

That is the meaning that countless talented people of the Yin Yang family have spent their whole lives pursuing - to break through the boundaries of the unity of nature and man. This is also the meaning of the existence of the disciples of the Yin Yang family and the Taoists in the world.

Because of his love for Yan Dan, this rivalry has been buried deep in his heart for a long time.

But at this moment, the competitive spirit in her heart was brought out by Ying Ziyi.

This hateful boy, in his understatement, seems to have foreshadowed the fate of the behemoths in the world. (Of course, not everyone can cheat except the protagonist)

Concubine Yan's heart beat like a young woman who had been living in a boudoir for a long time, unwilling to be lonely and eager to get Ying Ziyi's answer. You know, King Qin's weakness may be ridiculous, but it is the dragon's reverse scale that no one can touch. As the fourteenth son of Qin, what do you want to do?

Concubine Yan desperately wanted to see Ying Ziyi in a dilemma, but she got an unforgettable answer.

"None of my business!"

~~~~~~ Thanks to Netherworld Beheading Da Da Da, the prisoner dream in the book Da Da Da Da, Xing Yu Qian Zhi Xia Da Da Da Da, Feng Lin Xiao Wu Da Da Da Da, and Heizi Swanda Da Da Da in recalling the lost youth. I am neither San nor Temple Da Da. A stick goes to the end of the world, the emperor of the devil's religion, painting the ancient ruins, n121212, Yin Bujue, the god of death, Shana, book friend 140620170032199, lonely like a shadow, the road is confused, a big reward~~~~ ~~~

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