In the 22nd year of King Qin's reign, Qin's generals appointed 30,000 generals, and the Chu state was at peace.

Ying Ziyi arrived at the palace.

"This is a glorious victory, this is a great victory, this is another demonstration of our invincible military spirit of Great Qin in the world, and we are arrogant in the world."

The same old rhetoric, the same opening remarks. In the splendid palace, Ying Ziyi's young body stood on a special small high platform, holding a small trumpet and preaching to the Changping Lord, Zhao Gao and the civil and military officials in Nanyang.

Ren Xiao said it took one month to capture Pingyu, but in fact it only took twenty days. With the Chu State in peace, the way for the Qin army to march eastward to the Chu State has been opened.

But then another problem comes. Chu general Wu'an Jun Xiang Yan came with an army of 200,000, ready to crush the Qin soldiers who entered the Chu territory.

The other side has 200,000 troops and is approaching menacingly, while the Qin State has only 30,000 troops and is advancing alone.

To withdraw or to stay? This was the purpose of Ying Ziyi's meeting in the palace this time.

After the lively opening remarks, the scene fell into silence for a time.

Everyone present knew that Ying Ziyi had said in the main hall of the Qin Palace that he would use three thousand men to conquer the Chu Kingdom in front of the three princes and nine ministers, as well as the civil and military officials of the court.

The State of Chu is a big country, and if it uses the power of the whole country, it will be more than enough to dispatch 400,000 troops. Three thousand people? I want to see how your kid ends up next?

Lord Changping sneered in his heart, wanting to see Ying Ziyi's joke.

"Fourteenth Young Master, the enemy general Xiang Yan has brought 200,000 troops and is coming with great force. My subordinates think that Pingyu City cannot be defended, so it is better to withdraw as soon as possible."

To Ying Ziyi's surprise, the first person to speak was Zhao Gao, a young man in his fifth year.

After that, there was another period of silence. Seeing this funny scene, Ying Ziyi was amused. Could it be that Zhao Gao actually has the highest loyalty to Da Qin in Wancheng right now?

"Mr. Changping, what do you think?" Mr. Changping didn't speak, so Ying Ziyi asked.

Seeing Ying Ziyi speak, Lord Changping couldn't pretend he hadn't heard. In addition, he wanted to find out what Ying Ziyi's next plan was, so he said, "I think what Zhongche Fu Ling said is right. Although Pingyu is It’s a big city, but General Ren Xiao’s 30,000-man army has penetrated deep into the city alone, with no reinforcements behind it, so it’s impossible to defend it for a long time, so it’s better to withdraw as soon as possible.”

Saying it is the same as not saying it, Ying Ziyi said with contempt in his heart.

Ying Ziyi smiled: "Who said there are no reinforcements?"

Lord Changping exclaimed and said: "There are only 20,000 troops left in Nanyang. It is difficult to defeat the Chu army if they march into Nanyang. Even if the reinforcements from Guanzhong are assembled now and march to Nanyang, it will take a month at the fastest. I wonder where the reinforcements are?"

"Just outside the city."

"Young Master is talking about the three thousand troops outside the city."

"That's right, I will attack Chu with three thousand cavalry."

"Young master, you must not do this!" At this time, Zhao Gao, a young boy, jumped out again. I could only hear him saying: "Young Master has a noble status, how can you go into danger lightly? If something unexpected happens, how can we explain it to the king?"

At this point, in addition to Lord Changping, all the Nanyang officials in the palace also knelt down to prevent Ying Ziyi from sending troops.

"I see your loyalty to our Great Qin, but we must send out troops. Don't worry, I have my own strategy to defeat the enemy."

"I wonder what your master's plan is to defeat the enemy?" Lord Changping asked.

"General Wang Jian has led an army of 80,000 people southward from Wei to Chu. At this moment, he may have captured three small cities on the border of Chu."

"What? Wang Jian led an army of 80,000 people. Why didn't we know about such a big event?" Lord Changping was shocked and asked urgently.

Wang Jian, the general of Qin! He is the strongest general in Qin after Bai Qi, and he is also the person Changping Lord has always been afraid of. With him here, even if there are only 80,000 troops, Lord Changping would not dare to look down upon him. More importantly, 80,000 troops were dispatched, and the amount of food, grass and weapons they consumed was staggering. How could he not receive any news?

joke! Just to hide it from you, can I let you know?

Ying Ziyi was disdainful in his heart and said with a smile: "The men and horses led by General Wang are lightly dressed and simple, and they march quickly. At this moment, Xiang Yan's 200,000 troops have approached Pingyu, which is only three days away. I have already informed you. Let General Ren Xiao hold out for half a month. When Xiang Yan cannot be defeated for a long time and his morale is low, General Wang will attack with surprise troops and join forces with Ren Xiao to annihilate the Chu army."

"It's really a scam!" Mr. Changping's heart seemed to be bleeding. If this childish man really succeeds, the Chu army will be greatly depleted, and if the Qin army comes again, will the Chu army be able to recover?

"What a good plan! But if this happens, won't the young master's prestige be lost?" Lord Changping held his breath and said with a smile.

"Haha, Mr. Changping, you are worrying too much. I am just a child. How can I take what I say seriously?"

Ying Ziyi looked at Lord Changping with a smile, as if to say, bite me if you don't accept it!

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Mr. Changping said three good words in a row and bowed his hands, "With that, I wish the Fourteenth Young Master a great victory and new achievements for our Great Qin."

Lord Changping's words were so loud that they could be heard outside the palace. But Ying Ziyi sounded like he was grinding his teeth no matter what.


After this meeting, only Ying Ziyi and Zhao Gao were left in the empty hall.

"Zhongche Mansion Order, do you know why I left you alone?"

"This slave doesn't know."

"The time has come for Great Qin to demand your loyalty."

"This slave doesn't understand what the young master means?"

"I have three thousand men riding east into the Chu region. You and Lord Changping are the only two people left in Wancheng. Do you think Lord Changping is reliable?"

"Young master, you are joking. Lord Changping is the pillar of the country and the pillar of the Qin Dynasty. How can he be unreliable?" Zhao Gao said with a slight smile.

"I admire the CRRC Commander's loyalty to the country very much! If everyone in our Qin Dynasty can be like the CRRC Commander, why worry about long-term peace and stability?" Ying Ziyi said against his will.

"Thank you, sir."

"It's just that Lord Changping may not think so. He is from the royal family of the Chu Kingdom. Although he serves the Qin Kingdom, he is afraid that his heart is still towards the Chu Kingdom. In this critical autumn, if there is a change in the rear, there will be hundreds of thousands of troops on the front line. I’m afraid I can’t protect it alone.”

"My slave understands! I just don't know what the master wants my slave to do?" Zhao Gao asked.

"I have secretly transferred back the elites in the net. If there is an incident in Wancheng while I am on the front line against the enemy, you can adapt to the situation and kill the rebels."

"My slave, I understand." Ying Ziyi waved his hand, Zhao Gao bowed and retreated.

In the main hall, Ying Ziyi looked at Zhao Gaoyuan's retreating figure, wondering what he was thinking?

"Do you really trust him?"

Concubine Yan slowly walked out of the back hall and asked.

"Why do you say that? Zhao Gao is a minister of the Qin State. Wouldn't I distrust such a loyal minister?" Ying Ziyi said with a smile. But there was something more in this smile that Concubine Yan couldn't explain.

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