The mansion prepared by Nanyang County Sheriff for Lord Changping was originally a fine house. He knew that Lord Changping liked to study, so the study room of this house faced the garden of the rear mansion, where one could lean on the railing and listen to the wind, which was clean and elegant.

Mr. Changping put his hands behind his back and looked at the exquisite scenery outside the corridor, but there was a feeling of boredom in his heart that he could not express.

"Xiangbang, what should we do now? That Ying Ziyi is really poisonous! Should we take action in advance?"

Behind Lord Changping, the Nanyang County Sheriff said uneasily.

After listening to the words of Nanyang County Sheriff, the annoyance in Lord Changping's heart became more and more intense. He was pacing on the corridor. At this moment, his heart was in a mess. He didn't know what to do.

Looking at the anxious faces of his men, Lord Changping forced himself to calm down, "Ying Ziyi said that Wang Jian led an army of 80,000 people and marched south from Wei. This place is indeed suspicious. How could there be no trace of an army of 80,000 people dispatched? Furthermore, On the battlefield, victory or defeat changes rapidly. When Xiang Yan, Lord of Wu'an, is a veteran on the battlefield, and Wang Jian meets him, the outcome is still uncertain. We don't have to mess up our position."

"Xiangbang said this, and my subordinates are relieved." Nanyang County Sheriff breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "It's just that Ying Ziyi will lead his three thousand people eastward in a short time. Why don't we take advantage of it?" Take this opportunity to kill that Shuzi."

A fierce look flashed in Nanyang County Sheriff's eyes, and he made a killing move.

"If we cannot draw out and annihilate Qin's elite, then our actions will be meaningless. Qin's strength is not damaged, and it can still make a comeback in the future. Ying Ziyi, he is not qualified to let me take action. As long as he does not rebel for a day Qin, I will still be the prime minister of the great Qin state, one person is inferior and ten thousand people are superior."

"My subordinates understand." Nanyang County Sheriff was overjoyed and said with his hand.

"You go down first! Let our people hold him down and don't let Ying Ziyi get the hang of him."


"Tian Guang, do you think Ying Ziyi's words are false or true?"

To Kong Changping, a figure quickly flashed in front of his eyes. The next moment, Tian Guang, the farmer's knight-errant, the famous knight-errant of the Yan Kingdom, appeared behind Lord Changping.

From the time when Lord Changping was asked by Ying Ziyi to go to Wancheng, Tian Guang, the top master of the farmer family, has been following Lord Changping, acting as a slave and secretly protecting him.

"It doesn't matter whether it's false or true. What matters is, what exactly does Ying Ziyi want to do?"

"Yes!" Changping Jun sighed. He could never guess Ying Ziyi's intentions, so he seemed passive no matter what.

"He wants your life."

"who is it?"

The sinister laughter came, and Chang Pingjun was shocked. Looking around, he found that Tian Guang had quietly walked in front, protecting him behind him.

"Lord CRRC Fu Ling, there is no need to pretend to be a ghost anymore, just show up!"

Tian Guang said seriously, he had noticed and locked on Zhao Gao's aura.

"Zhao Gao pays homage to Lord Changping."

Wearing black clothes and red accessories, Zhao Gao appeared outside the corridor majestically. In an instant, Changping Jun's eyes widened with a complicated look on his face, as if he wanted to see clearly the daring person in front of him, but he finally regained his composure and asked, "What did the order of the CRRC just say?"

Didn't ask how Zhao Gao came in? He didn't ask when Zhao Gao came in? Changping Jun looked at Zhao Gao, just wanting to confirm his answer again.

Zhao Gao cooperated very well, lowered his head and said: "Ying Ziyi, what he wants is your life."

"You mean that's what Ying Ziyi wants?"

Chang Pingjun's thinking span was so fast that Tian Guang, who was guarding him, couldn't figure out what Changping Jun was talking about.

However, Zhao Gao stood aside and quickly explained in cooperation: "Yes, what Ying Ziyi wants is the key to the supreme position in the world - the position of the crown prince of Qin."

That's right! As long as I get rid of this old man, Young Master Fusu's greatest support from outside the court will have been eliminated. In this case, will the gentle and elegant Master Fusu still be the opponent of the despicable and cunning Ying Ziyi?

Changping Jun was shocked, but found something was wrong, "How did you know about the order of Zhongche Mansion?"

"Because I am the one sent by Ying Ziyi."

"Oh?" At this moment, Chang Pingjun was completely confused. Everyone knew that Ying Ziyi didn't want to see the Zhongche Mansion Order in front of him. I don’t know how Zhao Gao offended him?

"In that case, why did the CRRC government order tell me?"

"Because you are the pillar of Da Qin, how could Zhao Gao put Da Qin's country in danger just because of a sudden suspicion?"

What Zhao Gao said was high-sounding. Although Chang Pingjun didn't believe it, he had to show his proper attitude.

I saw Lord Changping bowing his head and saying: "In this case, I would like to thank the Zhongche Mansion for the great Qin Dynasty."

"You're welcome!" Zhao Gao smiled slightly and disappeared into the courtyard.

"When did he come?" After Zhao Gao left, Changping Jun immediately changed his appearance and asked coldly.

"It didn't take long, just a sentence or two. However, the cultivation level of this Zhongchefu Ling is indeed extraordinary, and I am not sure of defeating him." Tian Guang said honestly, without any trace of the incompetence between warriors. Traveling together is like a battle of spirits between enemies.

"But what I don't understand is why Zhao Gao came to say this?" Tian Guang shook his head. In terms of intelligence, he was far behind Changping Jun and Zhao Gao.

Lord Changping's eyes flashed, and he said contemptuously: "He wants to kill someone with a borrowed knife."

"Kill someone with a borrowed knife?"

"Borrow me this knife to get rid of Ying Ziyi." Changping Jun suppressed his restless heart and took two steps forward, "I didn't expect that he and I had the same idea, but I turned out to be I want to use his knife to get rid of Ying Ziyi."

"There are many masters around Ying Ziyi, and even the Mohist giant suffered a big loss in his hands. I'm afraid it will be difficult to get rid of Ying Ziyi just by assassination."

"That's right, so we have to take action in advance."

"But didn't your Excellency just say...!"

"Indeed, one Ying Ziyi alone is not enough for me to take action. However, coupled with General Wang Jian and Qin's 110,000 troops, it is enough."

Lord Changping smiled faintly and walked slowly in the courtyard. Step by step, Mr. Changping looked like he was carefully planning something. "Tian Guang, do you think that in Nanyang, the officials who are loyal to me are really monolithic?"

Tian Guang didn't quite understand, but that didn't stop him from continuing to ask with admiration: "Then when will we take action?"

Lord Changping raised his head to look at the moon and stood with his hands behind his back: "Ying Ziyi has three thousand cavalry. When he goes deep into the Chu land and joins Wang Jian, that's when we take action. The only thing to worry about is that Xiang Yan is under Pingyu City. Is it victory or defeat?”

Tian Guang looked at the unpredictable figure of Lord Changping, but he was very impressed in his heart. Lord Changping seemed to have expected everything.

"That's fine! Regardless of victory or defeat, as long as we take action in the rear, the Qin army will be trapped. It will definitely be defeated by then."

There is another sentence that Lord Changping did not say. As long as Wang Jian and Ying Ziyi are excluded, even if all the 200,000 soldiers and horses of the Chu Kingdom are killed in the battle, the deal will be worthwhile.

ps. Please recommend and collect~~~~

~~~Thank you Sui Feng for your great support, Roman Wu Holiday is great, uihgf is great, my heart is wandering so much, my cattle herding class is great, pure pure coffee is great, Chinese people are great, dreams of prisoners in books are great, ancient paintings are great The sorrow of adulthood is great, the snow of Lan Fei is great, the front meter is great, the dream in the book is great, the memory of the lost youth is great, the people buying candied haws are great, little Binbin is 32 great, the loneliness is as big as a shadow, the road is confused, the sky is great Mysterious Dao is great, I have no intention of remembering it, I am very grateful, I am not Sanbusi Temple, the emperor of Demon Cult is great, the road is confusing, I would like to give you a big reward~~~~~

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