The sky is dim and the morning light is faint.

The gate of Wancheng was slowly opened. A team slowly came out of the city gate, and at the front was Ying Ziyi riding a pony.

Ying Ziyi covered his mouth with his hand and hit Ha Qie. The early morning cold snap hit him, and he felt a chill and tightened his clothes.

The team of more than a hundred guards was not long, and soon they all left the city gate and formed an array outside the city.

Following behind were Lord Changping, Zhao Gao and a group of military officers from Nanyang. As an official of Da Qin, working from five to nine is a necessary accomplishment. However, Wancheng is not Xianyang. It is said that the sky is high and the king of Qin is far away. They don't have to do this in normal times.

The civil and military personnel in Nanyang looked depressed. Looking at Ying Ziyi at the front, they all wished that this guy would leave quickly so that they could go back and catch up on their sleep.


Ying Ziyi shouted loudly, and a hundred guards separated on both sides, forming a corridor in the middle. Ying Ziyi rode his horse away.

"I would like to send you the Fourteenth Young Master!"

Outside Wancheng, all the officials bowed and saluted, and shouted in unison.

Except for Chang Pingjun, he looked at Ying Ziyi's retreating figure and slowly stroked his beard. He didn't know what he was thinking.

In the countryside, horses' hooves rumbled. The three thousand cavalrymen who were originally stationed in the military stronghold on one side of Wancheng now all rode their horses to join Ying Ziyi's queue.

The rangers were scattered but marched like the wind, and a force of three thousand people quickly gathered in the wilderness.

There is a different smell among the chaos. Changping Jun doesn't know how to fight, but he can get a strange feeling from these three thousand riders.

What is it? Mr. Changping didn't have to think about it for a long time before someone interrupted his thoughts.

"Mr. Changping, it's cold outside the city. It's better to go back early and take a rest!"

Zhao Gao slowly straightened his back, his gloomy face still expressionless.

"Thank you very much for the order from CRRC."

Lord Changping nodded in thanks and turned around. The Nanyang officials behind him retreated to both sides, making way for Lord Changping.

Zhao Gao smiled coldly and looked at the respectful way the Nanyang officials treated Lord Changping, as if they regarded Lord Changping as the lord of Nanyang.


Ying Ziyi left, and the court meeting in front of Wancheng gate dispersed.

Zhao Gao stayed at the end. When all the officials were gone, he left the official road alone and walked towards the path leading to the suburban houses in Wancheng.

Wancheng is a large city in Nanyang with a large population and developed agriculture and commerce. Standing on the city wall, you can see that there are fertile fields in all directions. The streets are criss-crossed, and chickens and dogs come and go. In the era of farming wars, farmers were soldiers. The more developed the agriculture, the larger the number of soldiers.

The houses are staggered and hidden by dense forests. After getting rid of several waves of surveillance people, Zhao Gao entered a small courtyard.

This small courtyard is not big and looks very ordinary at first glance. However, upon closer inspection, you can find that this courtyard is very exquisitely designed and is located between three staggered courtyards. From the outside, this small courtyard seems like it doesn't exist.

This is Luo Wang's stronghold in Wancheng, and the elite Luo Wang who was transferred back by Ying Ziyi are also in this small courtyard at the moment. The small courtyard is not big, but there are many people inside. Murderous intent was rampant and blood was flying into the sky. The killers kept a certain distance from each other, but they could not hide the suspicion and hostility between them. Even the small courtyard seemed a bit cold. Before they joined Luo Wang, they were all world-famous masters. Except for the peerless weapon of Qin, no country in the world has the ability and resources to recruit so many masters and let them do their bidding.

Zhao Gao walked in slowly. In the past, he had absolute authority over the killers in the net.

Now, it seems, it is no different.

"See you, sir!" When all the killers saw Zhao Gao, they all knelt down and worshiped.

"Get up!"

Zhao Gao looked at the assassins in the trap and secretly thought that what Ying Ziyi said was true. They were all the elites in the trap and the backbone of Zhao Gao's men.

"Remember, in the net, my orders take precedence over anyone else's."

Zhao Gao's gloomy voice gently passed through the small courtyard.

"This subordinate is willing to be loyal to your lord."

"As for the poison on your body, I have already developed an antidote. After this operation, I will send them to you to detoxify you."

The antidote Duanmu Rong developed was actually not much, and it was far from enough to cure the poison in everyone present. But Zhao Gao can't say that. Once they know that there are not many antidotes, their morale will definitely collapse.

Fortunately, before Duan Murong was rescued, Zhao Gao ordered someone to record the entire pharmaceutical process. After the matter in Wancheng is over, he can ask his subordinates who are proficient in refining medicine to make it according to this process.

"Thank you, sir."

Four of Zhao Gao's confidants distributed silk bags containing bamboo slips to each killer. In the network, orders have never been given to so many members at once. This action must be very important.

This is something that everyone here can see. But important means danger, extremely dangerous.

"You can open it now, and after looking at it, you can plunge into the furnace."

As a killer, it is normal to lick blood from the knife and walk between life and death.

This was an era of war. Since King You was killed and King Ping moved eastward, the world has been in turmoil for hundreds of years. Countries are conquering, and there is never a day of peace.

Therefore, learned scholars among hundreds of schools of thought defined this era as a time of great contention.

What is a time of great strife? To put it simply, it is honorable to dare to fight with a knife, kill people and drink blood. The idea of ​​staying at home, planning to farm honestly, and live peacefully in the world is an idea that is not in line with the mainstream of society.

The weak die and the strong live. The killers of the snare are the strong men produced in the age of great strife. They are accustomed to a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife, and they study all day long on how to accomplish their goals quickly and effectively. If one day, the world is peaceful and they put down their knives and swords, they will be at a loss what to do.

There are still many such powerful people in the world, and the net only collects a small number of the top ones.

The killers in the net took out the bamboo slips from the silk bags. Even though they were prepared, they did not expect that it contained such content.

The contents on all the bamboo slips are the same. They left Wancheng and were scattered in all directions.

This really made the killers present feel a bit anticlimactic.

But for Zhao Gao, this is the best choice. The snare was the foundation of his establishment in the Qin State, and these killers had been collected and trained by him over the years. Wancheng was a huge whirlpool at the moment. It was impossible for him to obey Ying Ziyi's order and spend all his years of hard work against Changping Lord.

Therefore, taking advantage of Ying Ziyi's departure, it is in Zhao Gao's best interest to remove these killers as soon as possible.

As for Zhao Gao himself, with his cultivation, is there anyone in Wancheng who can trap him?

"Now that you know your mission, go and carry it out!" Zhao Gao said coldly.

"Yes, sir."

"Quickly, surround this place." A rough voice came from outside, and Zhao Gao's eyes flashed with surprise.

who is it?

"Sir, this is the garrison of Wancheng. There are five thousand people. They have surrounded this place."

Zhao Gao soon got the answer. The snare killer who went to investigate hurriedly withdrew from the eaves and came back to report.

"Changping-kun, are you taking action so soon?"


"Array up!" Two thousand shield-armored troops surrounded the courtyard where the net was located, layer after layer, densely packed and orderly distributed. A handsome young man stood behind the first line of defense wearing silver armor.

"Send the order, if anyone in the hospital dares to leave the hospital, he will be killed without mercy."

The young general in silver armor looked at the murderous courtyard and was still very nervous. After all, this was his first time to lead an army independently.

"General Zhao, the three thousand crossbow troops have been arrayed. Are we going to take action?" said the captain under General Shinjia.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait for the order from the Fourteenth Young Master."

ps. Please recommend and collect~~

~~~~Thank you for being carefree and carefree, no matter how big or small it is, Roman Wu Holiday is big, private room is big, the autumn wind is soft around your fingers, Xiang hide is big, loneliness is like a shadow, GP 103D stone is big orchid, Fallen Heaven, Lucifer is big, painting Gu Chengshang is so sad, the road is so confusing, Xingyu Qianzhixia is so great, Catching a knife in the wind is so great, The Mysterious Way of Heaven is so great, Xiao Binbin 32 is so great, The emperor of the demon sect is so great, Fengmi is so great, Xiangni is so great, Yin Bujue is so great , a big reward for the prison dream in the book~~~~~

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