Zhao Gao stood alone on the low wall, observing the dense array of Qin troops around him. The young general in silver armor soon came into Zhao Gao's field of vision, with a heroic and upright appearance, unconventional.

Luo Wang is a group of elite assassins that are among the best in the world. No matter what the situation is, they will never let themselves fall into a desperate situation. The army surrounded and formed an array, which would have taken time. This gap was the best moment for Luo Wang to break out of the encirclement.

However, the silver-robed young man did not give Luo Wang any chance from the beginning. The soldiers formed an array in the distance, advancing layer by layer, with strong crossbows and sharp arrows at the seams, and silver spears and long swords. All the gaps are blocked, and the snare cannot find any place that can be exploited. If you forcefully rush out, you will just die. With such sophisticated military tactics, even the so-called famous generals in Xianyang City could not catch up with him.

In Wancheng, in the land of Nanyang, there are such people?

Zhao Gao's gloomy face flashed with a puzzled expression. Whose order is this Qin army in the countryside waiting for? And what does that person want to do?

Mr. Changping! In Nanyang City, the only one Zhao Gao could think of who had enough power and ability to mobilize such a large army was him.

Targeting Luo Sheng, is he really so impatient that he wants to rebel against Qin?


Changping Jun was old and braved the cold wind in the early morning to see off Ying Ziyi. After returning, he felt a little dizzy. Therefore, as soon as he returned to the mansion, he went back to his room and took a nap.

When Changping Jun woke up, there were already people waiting outside.

"What's the matter?"

Standing outside was the housekeeper who had followed Lord Changping for many years. He knew that Lord Changping was most afraid of being disturbed while sleeping, so he stayed outside and did not dare to make any noise.

"Sir, the governor of Nanyang County sent an envoy to ask if it was you who issued the order to dispatch the five thousand garrison in Nanyang?"

"What!" Upon hearing this, Mr. Changping immediately stopped passing the clothes around. There was no time to put on the silk inner skirt, half-drag it, Changping Jun walked out of the house, looked at his housekeeper, and said with a shocked expression.

The housekeeper had never seen Mr. Chang Ping in such a state of embarrassment before, so he repeated what he had just said.

"You, go quickly, go quickly and call all the civil and military personnel in Nanyang City to my house to discuss the matter. Then order people to ask those five thousand sergeants what is going on and why they sent troops privately?... In addition, , ordered people to close the city gate and not allow anyone to enter or exit."

Lord Changping issued an order at once, telling him all the measures he could think of in an instant.


Outside the Luowang station, the Qin army formed an array.

The young general in silver armor could feel the undercurrent under the calm situation in front of him. He knew exactly what he was surrounded by.

Who knows the name of the snare? Inside are a group of people with the best swordsmanship and killing intent in the world. The reputation of being ferocious and cruel makes everyone in the six countries tremble when they hear it. As long as you are caught in the net, it is basically equivalent to being sentenced to death. The endless pursuit, even the most famous swordsman in the world cannot escape.

And today, he wanted to eliminate such existence.

The warm sunshine was shining down, and it was already afternoon. There was a trace of sweat on the white and tender face of the young man in silver armor, and he was panting slightly.

He was not scared, but excited. What could be more exciting than destroying such a powerful organization?

However, these were not the source of his courage to raise troops to surround the Luowang stronghold. In fact, as a general of the Qin army, doing this is no different from rebellion.

It's just that he accepted an order from one person. The fourteenth son of the Qin Dynasty, Ying Ziyi's order.

This is the source of all his confidence.

"Who are you? Who ordered you? How to mobilize the army? What are you doing here?" A loud voice sounded, and Lord Changping's men hurried through the queue and ran over to question.

"I am Zhao Tuo. Who are you? How dare you shout in the army!"

The young general in silver armor was Zhao Tuo, the South Vietnamese Emperor of another era. His life spanned the troubled times of the Warring States Period, when the Qin Emperor ruled the world and the Chu and Han Dynasties fought. He died in the fourth year of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. No matter how the general trend of the world changes, he is a generation of heroes who will always stand firm.

But now, he is just a fledgling youngster. Even though he was very accomplished in the art of war, he was still not that eye-catching in the entire Great Qin.

But today, Zhao Tuo was destined to do something that shocked the entire Qin Dynasty and the entire world.


"I came here to investigate the situation on the order of Lord Changping. If you please retreat quickly and follow me into Wancheng to plead guilty to Lord Changping, you may have a chance of survival. Otherwise..."

Looking at the Changping Lord's men who kept shouting without knowing whether to live or die, a hint of murderous intent flashed in Zhao Tuo's eyes.

The long sword was unsheathed and the sound of the sword was loud. Under the scorching sun, the soldiers behind Zhao Tuo could only see a dark straight line. Then, Zhao Tuo was no longer interested in paying attention to that person. Because if the sword drinks blood, that person is already dead.

"Listen, if anyone dares to speak nonsense and harm the morale of the army, he will suffer the same fate as this person."

drink! drink! drink!

The shields are clanging, and the army is majestic.


Changping Junfu.

A group of civil and military officials from Nanyang were called to the house by Lord Changping to discuss the rebellion outside the city. At this time, everyone's face was full of anxiety.

The gates of Wancheng have been closed. I heard that the rebels outside the city only number five thousand, so there is no need to worry that they can break the city. This is the only thing that can give all the officials present a sense of comfort in this changing situation.

Mr. Changping sat at the head of the table, eyes closed, waiting for the news.

"grown ups!"

Lord Changping's housekeeper ran in from outside and was about to report the news to Lord Changping.

"how's it going?"

Chang Pingjun opened his eyes, his voice was calm and there was no trace of confusion.

"Sir, the people we sent out have been killed. My subordinates risked their lives and went down from the city wall. They inquired from the surrounding refugees that the rebels outside the city seemed to be encircling and suppressing someone?"

"Who is the leader of this rebel army?"

"My name is Zhao Tuo."

"Zhao Tuo?" Changping Jun thought about this unfamiliar name, but there was no impression of this person in his memory. He looked at Nanyang County Sheriff and asked, "Who is this Zhao Tuo?"

"This...!" Nanyang County Sheriff looked confused and looked at his subordinates. The man whispered a few words, and the Nanyang County Sheriff reported: "Zhao Tuo is a commander in the Wancheng City Defense Army. I don't know anything else."

"Since he is an unknown person and his official position is no more than a military captain, what ability does he have to mobilize these five thousand troops?"

Ren Xiao took away 30,000 troops. Most of the remaining people in Wancheng are people who secretly serve Lord Changping. But now, the generals at all levels of these 5,000 troops did not reveal a trace, and they followed an unknown person to cause chaos. Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

Ying Ziyi!

It's him! Behind all this is Ying Ziyi. This is the only answer Changpingjun can think of.

But what exactly does he want to do? Everything was weird. Changping Jun looked at the setting sun outside the corridor and felt that a storm was coming.

~~Thank you for the lost road, the loneliness is like a shadow, the small people in China are big, there are not many wooden buildings left, the frontage is big, the ancient paintings are ruined, the emperor of the devil is big, 1*759.qdcn is a big reward ~~~

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