Lord Changping dragged his sick body to the city wall of Wancheng.

Lord Changping squinted his eyes, the morning light shone brightly, and thousands of rebel troops were arrayed outside the city.

Lord Changping was not worried that these thousands of rebel troops could attack the city. First, they do not have siege equipment. If they want to attack the city, they should build it now instead of forming an array in the city. The second is Ying Ziyi. These thousands of rebel troops were ordered by him not to break Wancheng and cause the chaos in Nanyang.

Ying Ziyi's real purpose was to trap him in Wancheng. Let him lose contact with his subordinates in various cities in Nanyang, and coupled with the rumors and confusion, he forced these people to rebel.

When Nanyang was in chaos, he couldn't tell how many times he opened his mouth.

The person commanding the army outside the city was a silver-robed general, who was Zhao Tuo in the intelligence. He stood at the forefront of the array, looking across a long distance to look at Changping-kun.

So young! This was Changpingjun's first feeling when he saw Zhao Tuo.

Zhao Tuo knelt down and said, "Mr. Changping, our officers and soldiers are under your command to wipe out the trap of rebellion in the empire. Now that the trap has been removed, why doesn't Lord Changping let us enter the city? Is it just like the rumors outside the city that in order to back Qin and return to Chu? You want to use us to remove the empire’s weapon and its trap.”

Zhao Tuo's voice was so rich that even Lord Changping, who was standing on the wall of Wancheng, could hear his words clearly.

This righteous and awe-inspiring look, this innocent look, they really look alike! Changping Jun somewhat understood why Ying Ziyi wanted to use this person. This level of shamelessness is comparable to that of Ying Ziyi.

drink! drink! drink!

A group of soldiers below followed him and shouted loudly, the momentum was astonishing.

Chang Pingjun was thinking about how to break the situation.

Time passed by minute by minute, and in a blink of an eye, it was already noon.

"Sir, please go and rest first!" Tian Guang stood aside and consoled him as he watched Lord Changping standing silently on the wall of Wancheng for several hours.

Lord Changping waved his hand gently, his pale face dripping with sweat under the sunlight.

what to do? what to do?

Mr. Changping was more anxious than anyone else in his heart, but his mind was calmer than anyone else's.

Lord Changping wanted to put these thousands of rebels into the city, so that the lies they told would be self-defeating.

But he couldn't do that. The Nanyang officials around him would never agree to letting thousands of rebels enter the city. Furthermore, no one can predict what will happen when thousands of rebels rush into the city?

Mr. Changping didn't like this feeling, this feeling of being forced into a desperate situation. It feels like when Ying Zheng was not yet in charge, he was struggling to survive under the glory of Marquis Wenxin Lu Buwei. The feeling of no end in sight made Changping-kun almost feel suffocated.

What Changping Jun longed for was to make great achievements and be famous throughout the ages, but how unfortunate was his life?

During the reign of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, Lord Changping was born in Qin. Facing this talented and strategic king, Lord Changping could only look up to him at that time. Later, King Zhaoxiang died and King Xiaowen succeeded to the throne. Lord Changping thought he could get ahead, because King Xiaowen's favorite Mrs. Huayang was a native of Chu and a close relative of Lord Changping. However, King Xiaowen only reigned for three days before he passed away. After the death of King Xiaowen, King Zhuang Xiang succeeded to the throne, and Mrs. Huayang also became the Queen Mother of Huayang. Although the Queen Mother still has great influence on King Zhuang Xiang, and he, Lord Changping, can still sit in the position of Qin State's top minister, the one whom King Zhuang Xiang obviously trusts more and is more important is the guard who rescued him from Zhao State. Chinese businessman Lu Buwei.

At that time, Lu Buwei began to develop his power in Qin. With the unreserved support of King Zhuang Xiang, in just three years, Lu Buwei already had a political force that could compete with the Queen Mother Huayang.

King Zhuang Xiang died three years later. King Qin Yingzheng succeeded to the throne. From then on, Lord Changping lived in the shadow of Lu Buwei. Especially after the death of Queen Mother Huayang, the world of Changping Lord was completely without sunshine.

The Prime Minister of the Qin Dynasty, the King of Qin Zhongfu, and the Marquis of Wenxin Lu Buwei.

Break the alliance of all the countries, attack and destroy the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and welcome Jiuding. He built the Zheng Guo Canal and wrote about Lu's Spring and Autumn Period. His literary and martial arts skills spread throughout the world. During Lu Buwei's reign, the State of Qin indeed became stronger and richer, and gradually gained the ability to dominate the world.

Even Chang Pingjun cannot deny this. But it was precisely because of this that Lord Changping became even more resentful. Changping Jun believed that as long as he was given a chance, he might not be able to do better than Lu Buwei.

Therefore, he has been waiting for the day when King Qin Yingzheng grows up. Taking advantage of King Qin's fear of Lu Buwei, Lord Changping successfully eradicated Lu Xiangbang, whom he had feared and resented for a long time.

But then, Lord Changping discovered that he had made a serious mistake.

No matter how powerful Lu Buwei is, how wise he is, inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, he is still just a minister. Being a minister means that no matter how much power you have, you still cannot do whatever you want.

But King Yingzheng of Qin is different. He is the king of Qin, and he controls the largest country in the world - Qin. Whatever he wants to do, no one in the world can stop him.

King Qin Yingzheng was a more formidable opponent than Lu Buwei. He could only follow King Qin's will and obey King Qin's orders like a puppet.

Therefore, Lord Changping wanted to rebel against Qin and the country he had served his whole life. The purpose is to let the world see that he, Lord Changping, a descendant of the noble Chu royal family, has abilities that are not inferior to anyone else. No matter he is a talented and strategic king or a prime minister with overwhelming power in the world, he, Lord Changping, is not afraid, fearless, and even has the ability to defeat them all.

But Lord Changping still lost, at the hands of a childish boy. His plan was doomed to failure before it even started.

There is no way, no way!

At this moment, Lord Changping looked up to the sky and sighed, feeling so desolate and desperate in his heart.

In Tian Guang's eyes from the side, Chang Pingjun's half-black and half-white hair turned into snow-white. For a moment, he seemed to have aged by more than ten years.

In the distance, people and horses surged.

"It's Ying Ziyi's three thousand cavalry. They are all back."

Tian Guang pointed at the men and horses in the distance and said.

"Tian Guang."

"My subordinate is here!"

"Get ready, let's get out of here!"

"What?" Tian Guang looked at Mr. Changping in surprise. There was no trace of passion in this old man's words, but only fatigue. The current scene made Tian Guang feel like he was in a forest of lost trees in late autumn, desolate and desolate.

"I know very well what Ying Ziyi wants to do. I can no longer save all the generals from Chu in Nanyang. Let's pack up and leave here!"

Qin, maybe I shouldn't have come here in the first place. When fallen leaves return to their roots, perhaps Chu is the only place I should return to.

Chang Pingjun thought so in his heart. He no longer wanted to see the scene outside the city. Step by step, Chang Pingjun walked down the city wall with a somewhat stooped body.

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