Deep in the mountains, the greenery is lush and beautiful. This is an abandoned courtyard. It is usually a place where tigers and wolves roam, but now it is full of beasts and no trace of birds.

Hundreds of elite warriors, Mohist disciples wearing black and white shirts patrol here. Robber Zhi, Old Man Ban, Gao Jianli and other leaders of the Mo family were all waiting outside the courtyard without saying a word.

With such elites of the Mohist family gathering together in one place, one can imagine the identity of the person in the courtyard - Yan Dan, the giant of the Mohist family.

In the room, Yan Dan was lying on the bed, and Duan Murong was treating him beside him.

To Duan Murong, every patient is the same, there is no difference in her eyes, but right now, the patient in front of her is a little restless.

Because sitting in front of him was an even more restless person.

"Brother Yan Dan, it's been a long time since we said goodbye to each other. Now that we meet again, things have changed."

"Yes! Brother Tian Guang, things have changed now. I have also changed from the prince of the Yan Kingdom to what I am now."

Yan Dan was half lying on the couch, seeming to be thinking, and let out a long sigh. "I don't know that Brother Tian Guang came here because of the situation in Nanyang."

Tian Guang came to the Mo family to ask for help, but when he saw Yan Dan lingering on the sickbed, he was a little speechless. But he still had to open his mouth if he couldn't, because the power of the farmers was scattered, and the children of the farmers near Nanyang could not be easily mobilized in order to protect Lord Changping. At present, only the Moh family can gather a force to go to Wancheng to rescue Lord Changping.

"Right now, Nanyang is in chaos and wars are raging, and Lord Changping is still trapped in Wancheng. Brother Yu has no choice but to come to Brother Yan Dan for help."

Yan Dan nodded and asked, "How is Mr. Changping?"

"Mr. Changping is fine, but the situation in Nanyang is already very bad. Hearing that there was chaos in Wancheng, the generals loyal to Lord Changping in each city all took the city and rebelled against Qin. Lord Changping has become known as a treasonous person, and in Qin it is I can’t stay any longer.”

"Ying Ziyi!" Chewing the name, Yan Dan's plain words revealed a hint of helplessness.

"Yes, Yingzi and Yi were despicable and shameless. They framed Lord Changping in Wancheng and forced the generals in various cities in Nanyang to rebel. After that, the guards in each city were worried about Lord Changping's safety and led their troops to Wancheng to rescue him. But Yingzi However, when Yi Nasi took advantage of the city guards to rush to Wancheng, the troops dispersed, using the fast to defeat the slow, and defeated the reinforcements one by one. At the foot of Pingyu City, after Wang Jian defeated General Xiang Yan, he led an army of 50,000 and headed for Nanyang Rush back. If we wait until Wang Jian's army returns, Lord Changping will undoubtedly die. So Brother Yu shamelessly pleads here, and Brother Yan Dan comes to help."

"Brother Tian Guang, there is no need to be like this. Since Mr. Changping is in trouble, we, the Moh family, are duty-bound." Yan Dan was so proud that he readily agreed. But Duan Murong was standing aside, frowning lightly. With Yan Dan's current condition, it was not appropriate to worry about it. She wanted to stop him, but because of Yan Dan's identity, she couldn't say it.

"In that case, thank you very much, Brother Yan Dan." Tian Guang cupped his fists and thanked him.


Xianyang, Qin Palace.

Ying Zheng received the news of the Nanyang rebellion two days ago, but he has never made a decision on this matter.

To be precise, Ying Zheng didn't know what to do? Judging from the deeds of the rebel generals in various cities in Nanyang, it seems that Lord Changping was indeed harboring evil intentions.

But wanting to rebel and being forced to rebel are two different things.

Ying Zheng was able to get detailed reports on everything that happened in Nanyang, whether it was overt or covert. Whether it is from official channels or information from secret agents such as Shadow Guards and Wolf Eagle Ruins, there is something fishy about the Nanyang Rebellion.

The driving force behind this was his son, Ying Ziyi.

Have you finally taken action? Ying Zheng was not surprised by this incident, he just felt it was a bit tricky.

It is not an easy task to deal with Chang Pingjun. Because behind Lord Changping is the young master Fusu who is connected to him.

The eldest son inheritance system means that if nothing unexpected happens, a hundred years after Ying Zheng, Fusu should be the one to inherit the throne of Qin. The first heir to the throne of the King of Qin, how many people have interests behind this name. How many people are eyeing it and plotting to overthrow it.

If the matter of Lord Changping is not handled properly, it will inevitably lead to palace battles and chaos in the Qin State.

His Highness, Fu Su, Li Si, Meng Wu and others were silent, waiting for Ying Zheng to speak. Compared with the incident of Lord Changping's rebellion, Wang Jian's great victory in defeating Xiang Yan's 200,000 Chu army at Pingyu City was not so eye-catching to the Qin officials.

"Your Majesty, Zhao Gao, the commander of CRRC, is back." The servant outside the palace reported.


Ying Zheng's thoughts changed, and Ying Ziyi's excuse for dealing with Lord Changping was that Lord Changping falsely conveyed the king's order and ordered the Wancheng defenders to destroy the snare.

Zhao Gao described it as dilapidated and disheveled. As soon as he entered the hall, he knelt down and begged King Qin.

"My slave was trusted by the king and had a sharp weapon, the snare, but I didn't expect that Chang Ping Jun's men conspired to rebel, causing the snare's entire army to be wiped out. I'm guilty, please punish the king."

Zhao Gao's words made Master Fusu Mo, who was standing aside, tremble in fear. Feeling the touch of Ying Zheng's eyes, he became even more frightened and stood still, not daring to say a word.

Ying Zheng sighed secretly, Fusu was good at everything, but he was just too weak. The battles between palaces have always been no less than the flash of swords on the battlefield, or even worse. Fusu didn't understand, or he understood but couldn't do it. Even if a gentleman understands the dirty tricks of villains, he doesn't bother to do them.

A qualified prince must have both gentlemen and villains under his command. From this perspective, Fusu is really unqualified.

"Come here, lock Zhao Gao into the Tingwei Mansion and wait for disposal."

Regarding King Qin's treatment, Zhao Gao looked sad, but he was happy in his heart. This is neither a light nor a severe punishment, which means that Ying Zheng does not intend to operate on him, Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao was dragged out, and Prime Minister Li Si walked out from the court.

Although Li Si is named Prime Minister, he is actually just a acting prime minister.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the most important thing right now is to put down the Nanyang rebellion. The rest can be discussed later."

Ying Zheng nodded. Li Si is a person who always makes the right suggestions at the right time and place.

"Do you have a strategy to quell the chaos in Nanyang?" Ying Zheng asked.

"I thought that I should order General Meng Tian to command the 10,000 cavalry troops stationed near Xianyang to gallop to Nanyang at starry night to assist the Fourteenth Young Master in suppressing the rebellion."

"Just follow your opinion!"

"I obey the order."

"Battle report from the front!"

A loud voice sounded outside the palace, adding another episode to the court meeting. Not long after, Nanyang's battle report was passed to Ying Zheng's imperial case.

Ying Zheng opened it, smiled, picked it up and said to the officials in the palace: "This is not a battle report, but a memorandum of apology."


Everyone in the hall was shocked. Could it be that Nanyang was lost?

"It says that Ying Ziyi led an army of three thousand to put down the rebellion in Nanyang. But he was careless, and Lord Changping was rescued by the Mohist rebellion."

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and soon there were roars of praise, praise for Ying Ziyi. Compared with the great achievement of pacifying Nanyang, the 'small' fact of Lord Changping's escape is really not worth mentioning.

The ministers retreated, and the intrigue and intrigue came to an end. Ying Zheng sat alone on the throne. It was dark outside the palace, and the bright firelight in the palace illuminated it. However, there was an elusive expression on his angular face.

There is another thing written in Ying Ziyi's memorial, but Ying Zheng did not say it out. Wang Jian led an army of fifty thousand and was returning to Nanyang. Ying Ziyi said that after Wang Jian guarded Nanyang, he would lead his army to Chu and conquer Shouchun.

"By causing such a huge disaster, are you trying to lose your merit?"

In the empty palace, only Ying Zheng's incomprehensible voice remained.

ps. Please recommend and collect~~~~

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