Since the publication of "The Art of War" written by the military sage Sun Wu, this unprecedented military book has been regarded as a holy book by military strategists.

Fenglinhuoshan, the four-character road gives the soldiers every opportunity to use their troops.

Over the past hundreds of years, there have been more than a thousand military strategists in various countries, but there are only a few people who can achieve these four words.

Without him, it would be easier to know than to do.

Xiang Yan stood on the tower, looking at the dark sky in the distance, feeling melancholy in her heart.

In the last days of the storm, fame will wither. In this era when the military god Li Mu passed away, the only two most famous generals in the world were Yu Wang Jian and Xiang Yan.

It is as fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as plundering as the fire, and as motionless as the mountain. There is no general who does not know these sixteen characters.

However, under Pingyu City, Wang Jian led more than 80,000 desperadoes to surprise Xiang Yan's 200,000 troops, but he once again witnessed Wang Jian's madness.

Generally speaking, generals seek stability. Because the general has hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, if he is not careful, the consequences may be devastating - the army will destroy the country.

But this Wang Jian, with 80,000 desperadoes, dared to attack thousands of miles with only civilian clothes and swords. The risks involved are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

No general dared to ruin his wealth, life and reputation so much, but Wang Jian did just that.


"This madman!" Xiang Yan said sincerely.

In the bloody battle that night, 200,000 Chu troops were dispersed by Wang Jian's 80,000 dead men. Xiang Yan only led more than 8,000 of his troops to retreat to Qiyi, gathering the defeated troops along the way. By this time, he had gained 50,000 troops, enough to protect himself. Moreover, the rest of the scattered soldiers are also gathering here. The number is roughly estimated at eighty or ninety thousand.

The sky was overcast and it started to rain lightly.

Xiang Yan actually didn't care that much about this failure. Although Wang Jian had relieved Pingyu's siege, his army was at the end of its strength and there was nothing to worry about in a short time. Moreover, this is the capital of Chu, with a large amount of food, grass and weapons. Xiang Yan can summon another 200,000 troops at any time to fight against him.

What Xiang Yan is worried about is the situation in Nanyang and the current situation of Lord Changping.

At Xiang Yan's level, winning or losing a battle is not enough to shake his mind. The growth and decline in power between Qin and Chu is what Xiang Yan is really concerned about.

Qin is strong and Chu is weak. To change this situation, the ideal situation is to capture Nanyang and trap and kill the main force of the Qin army. Then he incited the nobles in the old lands of Zhao, Yan, Han, and Wei to rebel, making Ying Zheng worry about his head rather than his tail. In this way, Chu could get a chance to breathe and advance slowly.

Therefore, the importance of Lord Changping to Chu is self-evident.

The sudden arrival of Wang Jian's army interrupted the communication channel between Xiang Yan and Lord Changping. The last news Xiang Yan received about Lord Changping was that Yingzi Yi commanded three thousand horses to rush to Pingyu. Wang Jian led his army south, and Lord Changping reminded him to be careful.

However, this news came a step later, and he only got it after he lost the army.

"Jun Wu'an, young master, he ran over from Xiangdi." The report from his subordinates interrupted Xiang Yan's meditation.

"Yu'er? What a joke!"

Xiang Yan received the report from his men, shouted angrily, and hurriedly walked down the city.

Under the city wall, a child was packing his horses next to the stables with the Chu army's cavalry.

At this time, Xiang Shaoyu was only a seven-year-old child, and his tall and straight posture revealed a heroic attitude. Although Xiang Shaoyu was born with supernatural powers and was much taller than the average person of his age, he still looked very immature in appearance and looked out of place compared to the cavalry sergeants of the Chu army under the city.

When Xiang Shaoyu saw his grandfather Xiang Yan, he ran over happily. However, when Xiang Yan saw his grandson, his face darkened, "How can you be allowed to act so nonsense in this important place of military camp? Why don't you return to Xiang land quickly?"

"Grandpa, why can't I join the army? I can do what the sergeants of the Chu army can do, and I can do it better than them." Xiang Shaoyu argued unconvinced.

"The country is not so weak that it needs children like you to go into battle. What you have to do now is not to join the army, but to go home and study."

"Hmph! Grandfather's prejudice. The fourteenth son of Qin State, Ying Ziyi, was also a child. Why was he able to lead his army into battle? He even defeated Hu's army outside Wuchecheng. What he could do, I, Xiang Shaoyu, can also do. Do it.”

Xiang Shaoyu turned away and said rather childishly.

"It's not good for you to imitate anyone, but you actually imitate that thief Ying Ziyi!"

Xiang Yan's tone was still full of resentment towards Ying Ziyi. Hearing that his grandson compared his deeds to himself, he became even more furious.

"General Xiang, there is someone outside the city who wants to see you. He calls himself Lord Changping."

During the dispute between the grandfather and grandson, the patrol captain from outside the city came to report the matter and handed over a token from Lord Changping.

Xiang Yan looked at the token in her hand and was not in the mood to argue with Xiang Shaoyu anymore. She straightened her clothes and armor and ordered her men: "Hurry up and meet me outside the city."

Xiang Yan hurriedly led his generals, and Xiang Shaoyu was the only one left in the empty space that was originally crowded with people.

Xiang Shaoyu curled his lips and said angrily: "Hmph! I don't know who this Changping Lord is, but he can make my grandfather pay so much attention to him?"

However, Xiang Shaoyu had a childish mentality after all, and Xiang Yan left in a hurry before Xiang Yan could deal with him, which meant that he could continue to stay in the military camp. The feeling of being left out by his grandfather was instantly replaced by joy. Xiang Shaoyu jumped up to his horse, picked up a brush and brushed the fur of his tall horse.

outside the city.

The white-haired Lord Changping stood with his hands behind his back, but there were no guards such as Tian Guang beside him.

Xiang Yan and other generals rushed to the outside of the city and saluted: "The last general, Xiang Yan, is here to see the young master!"

"See you, Young Master." Behind Xiang Yan, all the generals knelt down and worshiped.

Lord Changping was the title of the Qin State. As a general of Chu, Xiang Yan could not call him Lord Changping outside the Chu city.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Xiang Yan was helped up by Lord Changping halfway through his obeisance.

"You all get up!"

Xiang Yan and Lord Changping entered the city side by side and welcomed him back to his mansion.

Lord Changping wanted to sit in the guest seat, but Xiang Yan refused. There is no way to shirk it, but Lord Changping is the guest of honor.

The two sat down and Xiang Yan asked: "Master, I didn't know you were here, but there has been a change in Nanyang?"

"The situation in Nanyang has changed drastically. I have worked hard for many years, but it was destroyed in one day. I am ashamed of the people of Chu!"

Changping Jun sighed leisurely, full of sorrow. As a general of the defeated army, Xiang Yan could understand a little bit about Lord Changping's mood at this time.

"Young master, there is no need to worry. Our country of Chu is vast and rich in resources. Even if we set up a battle array and fight head-on, we may not lose to Qin."

Xiang Yan's comforting words made Mr. Changping feel better.

"That's right. With the power of Chu State, we will devote all the efforts of the whole country to work hard. Even Qin State may not be able to take advantage. But I am still a little worried?"

"I wonder what Mr. Changping is worried about?" Xiang Yan asked.

"Ying Ziyi!"

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