It was a perfectly normal night.

In the evening of Shouchun, the capital of Chu, people flowed to and fro on the brightly lit streets, and warblers and laughter continued. In the brothel and pavilion, men's smiles and women's charm complement each other. Shouchun is located at a hub of water and land transportation and has developed commerce. In this declining state of the country, nobles of all levels in the Chu State maintained their luxurious lives by relying on the streets full of shops and the commercial taxes collected from land and water merchants. A large part of this comes from this female clan.

There are few things in this world that are easier to earn than this kind of money. Of course, this is not an original creation of the Chu nobles. The first one was Guan Zhong of Qi State, so some people jokingly said that Duke Huan of Qi relied on this flesh and blood to dominate the princes.

Of course, there is still a big difference between the two. Guan Zi assisted Qi, Qi Huan united the nine princes, and brought peace to the world. But today's nobles of the Chu State just want to find a place of comfort in this tumultuous and apocalyptic world, where they can live in a state of intoxication.

There are many smart people in Chu State, and there are many who can clearly see the general trend of the world. Because I can see clearly, I feel despair. However, some people wake up from their dreams, just like many of the Chu nobles who are nostalgic in brothels, singing and dancing every day, regardless of the turmoil outside. One day when the Qin soldiers arrive, the worst thing they can do is kneel down and bow down. Even if all the gold is lost, the best result is to be able to survive. Some people have not yet awakened from their dreams, just like Xiang Yan, who took on the great cause of Chu's resistance to Qin alone. He fought to the last soldier and vowed not to surrender to Qin. Xiang Yan passed on this determination from generation to generation. There is a saying that even though Chu has three households, if Qin is destroyed, Chu will definitely die. The heroic adverbials speak of the decisive will.

However, that distant future has still not happened yet. What is going to happen in this world? Most people in Shouchun cannot feel it. Some of them are just singing and dancing, enjoying life and enjoying life.

"Hey, why are these two young men coming to see a girl with a child!"

The madam was a little surprised. He had seen a lot of prostitutes, but this was the first time she saw a prostitute with a child in a brothel.

"Blinded your dog's eyes!" Ying Ziyi said angrily. Damn it, I am very interested, come and have a look... ah! No, how easy is it to save a woman who has stumbled?

"Ouch! I'm blind. I don't know this little... ah, elegant... noble man." The madam was also helpless. She had seen many lecherous people, but this was the first time she had seen such a lecherous person. For a moment, her words were a little confused.

"My lord, please!" Ying Ziyi threw a pound of gold to the madam, who immediately beamed with joy. Don't care whether the kid's hair grows all the way or not, as long as he has money, he is the uncle.

"Yes!" Ying Ziyi nodded, "Where is Mr. Qu?"

"Which Mr. Qu?" the madam asked in confusion from the elegant seat.

"Who else do you think is Mr. Qu?" Ying Ziyi glared at him. The madam was a little shocked now. This country bumpkin-like young man could actually know a noble person in the palace. This status is not simple!

"Give this to Lord Qu." Ying Ziyi threw a jade pendant to the madam. The madam immediately took it and walked out of the private room.

After a while, a young man with a tall figure and fair face walked in. There was still a deep smell of makeup on his body, followed by four guards. The madam wanted to follow him in, but was blocked by the guards.

"It is you!"

Master Qu said with a smile, and then told the madam: "I have something to discuss with this little friend, you go down first!"

"Hey, yes, sir!"

The madam was very attentive. Although she could not guess the relationship between the two people, it did not hinder her enthusiasm for making money.

After the madam left, the private room was heavily surrounded by Master Qu's men.

"Who are you? What do you want? Do you know what you are doing now? This is asking for death." Mr. Qu looked at the young man in front of him, with an unkind look on his face, and kept threatening him.

"Don't worry, the reason I'm here is just to ask you to help me with something." Ying Ziyi said calmly without feeling embarrassed at all.

"What's the deal!"

Although I don't know the identity of the young man in front of me, there is no doubt that he is from the Qin State and a man from Luo Yu. That jade pendant is the nightmare in Mr. Qu's heart, a nightmare that can't go away.

"Master Qu is young and holds a high position. He holds the key to the Shouchun Sword Pool. I have admired the famous sword in the sword pool for a long time, and I would like to borrow it to take a look."

"Impossible!" Mr. Qu shouted without thinking. After shouting, he felt that his voice was too loud, so he deliberately lowered his voice and threatened.

"Do you know that with your status, I can have someone arrest you at any time and hand you over to Ling Yin.

"Really?" Ying Ziyi smiled, "Of course you can hand me over to Ling Yin, but I will have to deal with it for the rest of my life. For other crimes, the King of Chu may forgive you. But for the crimes that the Lord commits, the King of Chu will not care about you. I will never forgive you. Do you still remember Miss Rong by the lotus pond that year?"

"No! Stop talking!"

Mr. Qu regrets his mistake. On that beautiful night, the beauty was fragrant, the laughter was sweet, the lingering feeling was lingering, and it made people nostalgic. However, this became an unforgettable stain in his life that could not be wiped away no matter how hard he rubbed it.

"I...I promise you." Mr. Qu gave up a brocade silk bag that he carried with him and handed it to Ying Ziyi. Then, he firmly grabbed the silk bag that was already in Ying Ziyi's hand. Bag, "You...when will you give it back to me?"

"Do you think you can stay in Chu State in the future?" Ying Ziyi told without mercy.

The young official still had illusions in his heart, but after hearing Ying Ziyi's words, he seemed to be ten years older and lifeless.

Ying Ziyi stood up and patted Mr. Qu on the shoulder, "If I were you, I would rush home immediately, pack up my belongings, and run as far away as possible. Just in time, I can meet your Miss Rong. Stay together for life."

"Yes, yes!" Master Naqu said, and ran away in a panic.


Black Bear looked at Master Qu's back as if he was running away, and said jokingly: "This kid is probably scared out of his wits. No wonder he actually hooked up with King Chu's concubine."

"Isn't it easy for this pretty face with tender skin and tender flesh to seduce a lot of women?" Monkey said rather jealously. Compared with men who are more handsome than themselves, especially men who are handsome, rich and tall, Monkey has always had little sympathy.

"Let's go! I'm still busy tonight!" Ying Ziyi said.

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