Palace of the King of Chu.

Three sneaky figures were moving through the dark night, quietly avoiding several groups of patrolling guards, and stopped near a rockery.

"Huh!" The black bear breathed a sigh of relief, its huge body rising and falling slightly. He has been by Ying Ziyi's side for a long time, and his own cultivation has also been greatly improved. After several years of practice, he has reached the level of a master. Especially in Qinggong, Black Bear has put a lot of effort into it.

However, compared with monkeys, the gap between black bears and monkeys is still very large.

"Sir, why do we need to take this big black bear with us? We have only walked a few steps, and this guy has already rested several times." The monkey looked at the black bear and said dissatisfied.

Black Bear yelled, "You guy, when you passed by the harem just now, you were peeking at the maids and concubines taking a bath, and you were almost discovered. You still have the nerve to accuse me."

"You're a drag!" Monkey said unconvinced.

"You pervert!" Black Bear shot back.






"Stop making noise!" Ying Ziyi whispered, as a group of people passed by outside.

The two fell silent instantly. When the group of soldiers passed by, Black Bear asked, "Sir, how far is the sword pool?"

"It's not far, just go through the palace wall in front."

"Sir, this sword pool is a forbidden area for the royal family of the King of Chu. How can we solve it if there are no masters involved?"

"I've been prepared for a long time. I found out that the masters guarding the sword pool will have midnight snacks at this time." Ying Ziyi took out a small bottle from his arms.


Black Bear and Monkey looked at Ying Ziyi in surprise. Neither of them were stupid. How could no one check the toxicity of food in such an important place?

"This is a powerful laxative. Even a tiger can't stand it with just one drop. It's guaranteed to be sour." Ying Ziyi chuckled and handed the bottle in front of the two of them.

Black Bear and Monkey looked at their young master, they couldn't think of such a harmful idea. As expected of a young master! In the hearts of these two people who regard being obscene as their duty, their admiration for Ying Ziyi is like a torrential river, endless.

It was almost midnight, and the food delivery team had already appeared in the sight of the three of them.

Phew, a strong wind blew, and the team transporting food came to a standstill. In this moment, the monkey's figure flashed in front of many food boxes and poured laxative into each food box, as fast as the wind and as ghostly.

After that, the three of them jumped onto the wall and saw the so-called 'Sword Pond'.

An octagonal pavilion made of stones. Surrounded by groups of guards.

There are rumors that there are many famous swords in the sword pool, and they are too murderous. Therefore, when the previous kings of Chu built the Chu Palace, they deliberately dug a huge stone chamber underground to suppress the sword intent, and built a fire-proof and waterproof attic at the entrance of the stone chamber to prevent people with ulterior motives. Take a peek at the many famous swords in the sword pool.

At present, people with ulterior motives are passing through the guards and approaching the attic.

The guards outside had mediocre martial arts skills, and the patrolling team would easily have blind spots and gaps in the eyes of experts. The real master is in that stone pavilion.

However, when Ying Ziyi took the time to enter the attic, between the winding and indistinguishable corridors, the masters inside were running to the toilet one after another, clutching their stomachs.

At this moment, most of them were exhausted, their faces were pale, and they were impatient. They didn't even have the strength to pick up the weapons in their hands, and they were killed one by one by the black bears.

But, after all, there are still people who don’t eat midnight snacks.

Regarding this situation, these people initially thought that there was something wrong with the food and didn't take it to heart. But as the situation escalated, especially when Ying Ziyi and three others appeared in front of them, they realized that something was wrong.

"Who are you?"

"Monkey, I leave it to you."

At this moment, the wretched expression on the monkey's face was no longer there, only murderous intent was present. The cold killing intent was like a terrifying beast. The aura of the top master shocked everyone.

The Nine Transformations of the Ancient Witch's Golden Body Technique is a peerless skill passed down from ancient times. In today's world, there is probably only one monkey who has reached the eighth level of practice.

Magnificent as the sun, shining with golden light, and with its internal energy running, the monkey used overwhelming power to force the masters in the sword pool.

The figure turns sharply, the blood is everywhere, and the battle is often over in an instant. Those masters had just come face to face with the monkey, and the next thing they could do was face death.

Ying Ziyi and the other three continued to move forward, with the monkey clearing all obstacles on the road.

Until in front of a bronze door. The gluttonous giant beast, the ancient god of fire. Above the bronze door is an exquisite mechanism. Even if you have the key, if the operation sequence is not correct, you still cannot open the door, or even trigger the alarm, and the entire room will be completely closed, leading to a dead end.

Ying Ziyi took out the key he got from Lord Qu and opened the door according to the operating instructions he had already memorized. Then there's the aisle that winds down.

Ying Ziyi and the other three walked down the aisle. The sword pool that collects famous swords is under this aisle.

The road is narrow, and the green light shines on every corner of the passage. The lighting here is not like candles, but natural fluorescent crystals.

The further you go, the wider the terrain becomes, and at the end of the road is a huge stone room.

The Eight Swords of the King of Yue, Pure Jun, Chaos Shen... There are hundreds of sharp swords placed inside, many of which are famous swords ranked in the sword manual.

Ying Ziyi saw that even Halazi almost stayed.

Wall bang! At this moment, the system's friendly voice sounded in Ying Ziyi's ears.

The side mission ‘Supporting the Tiger’ begins. The sword is the master and people are slaves, so they are called sword slaves. It is the fate of most swordsmen to succumb to strong power and gradually lose themselves. Use the sword to lure them, use force to bend them, and then use them. People are like minions, and I am like a tiger.

The conditions for completing the mission are to have sword slaves with more than 100 masters. (undone)

As a reward for completing the mission, you will get the title 'Sword Master'.

What the hell. Ying Ziyi originally wanted to just take away a few famous swords. But judging from the system's intention, it is encouraging him to vacate this place!

Ying Ziyi looked at the huge figure of the black bear, with its thick arms and thick legs. It could carry at least ten handfuls at a time. I can barely manage five or six, and the monkey is about the same.

It would take more than ten trips to move this place completely!

It would take a few hours for people outside to realize that something was wrong, and there was still time. Ying Ziyi thought for a while, took out a bottle, and told the monkey: "Give this to the fainting master above."

Free human resources are not used in vain.

In the dark night, a drama of conspiracy between masters and thieves, and cooperation between inside and outside is gradually unfolding...

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