The power of the farmers is spread all over the Chu land, and they closely monitor the movements of every place in the Chu land. Even in Shouchun City and in the palace of the King of Chu, every move of Nian Chu could not be hidden from the eyes of Lord Changping.

Ying Ziyi is in Huaiyin.

Regarding this matter, Chang Pingjun has long known about it through multiple channels. What puzzled Tian Guang, who had been guarding him, was that Changping did not immediately issue an order to surround and kill Ying Ziyi.

Mr. Changping stood at the door, pulled on his clogs, slowly took two steps forward, and walked onto the corridor.

The wind blew by, soothing some of the worries in his heart. Chang Pingjun turned around and glanced at Tian Guang, who was standing respectfully below. Then he turned back and looked at the night sky in the distance, as thick as ink.

"Tian Guang, tell me, why does Ying Ziyi appear in Huaiyin in such a high-profile manner? It even feels deliberate."

"This... subordinate... doesn't know." Tian Guang admitted honestly.

"I don't know either." Chang Pingjun smiled, seemingly happily.

Tian Guang suddenly felt that Mr. Changping in front of him was very strange. If we say that the former Changping Lord made Tian Guang think of him as a tall image of someone who served the country and the people and was chivalrous. So, the current Changping Lord is beyond Tian Guang's understanding.

The way he looked down upon everything and seemed to be detached from the world was quite a bit like the Taoist seniors Tian Guang had seen before. However, upon closer inspection, there are still some differences. There was a big difference, but Tian Guang couldn't tell it.

"Even if it's Lu Buwei or Ying Zheng, I can't see through or predict their actions. But an eight-year-old, ah no! He should be nine years old now...!"

Changping Jun calculated it over in silence, struggling with the details about Ying Ziyi. "A nine-year-old kid, but I just can't see through his every move. Tian Guang, do you think this is ridiculous?"

Facing the despondent Changping Lord, Tian Guang thought for a while and persuaded him: "Changping Lord doesn't have to be like this. He is a monster, an anomaly."

"Yes! An anomaly!" Chang Pingjun chewed, his voice becoming hoarse before he tasted it. "An anomaly that caused countless headaches for all the scholars and princes of the country. Back then, I secretly mobilized many courtiers of the Qin State to report that they wanted to kill Ying Ziyi. But in the end he was protected by Ying Zheng. .”

Lord Changping shook his head slightly and said self-deprecatingly: "Now that I think about it, I have been going in the wrong direction these years."

"What direction?"

"Except for Ying Ziyi. Facts have proved that whether it is a marching battle or an assassination in Jianghu. Every time this child is in a desperate situation, he can often turn corruption into magic. All kinds of actions make me amazed. Unknowingly, the people around him are The strength has gradually been able to compete with the old man."

"Then... what should we do?" Chang Pingjun's words gave Tian Guang a chill in his heart.

"Ying Ziyi's power comes from Qin and Ying Zheng. What do you think will happen if one day, Ying Ziyi grows into a behemoth that makes even Ying Zheng jealous or even afraid?"

Father and son turn against each other, brothers kill each other. This seems unimaginable in the homes of ordinary people, but it is common among royal families. The reason lies in two words: rights.

A cruel smile appeared on Lord Changping's face, as if he was happy to see this scene.

"I really want to see a scene like that! It's a pity that I can't see it anymore." When he said this, Mr. Changping showed a sense of sadness. That feeling made Tian Guang next to him feel very ominous.

"Mr. Changping!" Tian Guang wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it. He felt that Lord Changping in front of him seemed to be far away from him.

"Tian Guang, I want to entrust you with something."

"But as you are told, I will accept everything you ask."

The lights in the house were flickering, and the cold wind was howling outside. Chang Pingjun was on the edge of the two, and said the matter with a calm face.

Whispering, Tian Guang's eyes widened for a moment, seeming quite surprised.

Chang Pingjun continued to say something, and Tian Guang finally bowed his head and agreed. Soon, he saluted Mr. Changping, walked out of the house, and disappeared into the dark night.

Shortly after Tian Guang left, among thousands of people, the short figure of the Zhu family, the master of Shennong Hall, appeared in the courtyard and saluted Lord Changping.

"I just received news that Ying Ziyi's men attacked a branch of my Shennong Hall and tied up my brother Liu Ji."

"Liu Ji?" There was a shadow of this person in Chang Pingjun's impression. But he didn't understand why Ying Ziyi tied up such a person?

"Is it getting weirder?" He sighed softly, but Changping Jun doesn't care what Ying Ziyi wants to do now? Even if he dug a huge hole in the Chu land, it would have nothing to do with him, Lord Changping.

"Are everything ready?" Lord Changping stood with his hands behind his back. Unlike in front of Tian Guang, Lord Changping had an aura about him at this moment. He was like a king in the darkness. His fierce aura made even the Zhu family who were highly skilled in martial arts afraid. Look directly.

"He should leave now, right?" Chang Pingjun looked into the distance and said unconsciously.

The king of Chu's decree to bear the cud has been issued, and Lord Changping entered the military camp of Lord Wu'an Xiang Yan to serve as military counselor.

"We should go too!"


Xianyang, the residence of Prince Fusu.

"You've already become like this, why did he send you now?" Young Master Fusu was very indifferent, but this indifference revealed a sense of helplessness and anxiety.

"Sir, you have to believe Mr. Changping. All of this is Ying Ziyi's trick."

Beneath the young master Fusu, kneeling was a man dressed in commoner like a servant in the palace. He was a confidant of Lord Changping, and he was very familiar with Fusu in the past. With a sincere expression, he defended Fusu.

"The matter has come to this, and I don't want to hear any excuses. Why did he ask you to come?"

"For the sake of becoming the crown prince of Qin."

"Shut up!" Fusu shouted, but the big man showed no fear.

"Young master may be thinking that you are the eldest son, and the position of prince is yours. However, the great Qin Dynasty always put military merit first, and Yingzi destroyed the Yan Kingdom and killed the Xiongnu Chanyu. If Chu If the country is also captured by him, will the young master’s position as crown prince still be secure?”

The man's words spoke to Fusu's heart, but Fusu remained calm. "Then what advice does he have?"

"Mr. Changping said that at this juncture, the young master must not act rashly. As long as the young master cultivates literature and virtue, loves people and nourishes the people, the position of the crown prince will one day be yours."

"Is it just that simple?" Young Master Fusu looked at the person in front of him in disbelief. The person in front of me saw serious eyes, without any hint of joking.

"Yes! Moreover, starting from today, the farm family will also fully support you, Master. With this huge power, Master is enough to compete with that Yingzi Yi Nasi in secret."

"Then he..." Fusu was a little moved and wanted to ask something, but he didn't continue.

"Mr. Changping, he is very good." The visitor noticed Fusu's concerns and said, "Mr. Changping told me that if one day the Qin Dynasty unified the world and the young master ascended the throne, I hope that the young master would not forget that half of his body is full of Chu. With the blood of the royal family, I hope that the young master will be kind to the people of Chu and the people of the world."

Fusu was still thinking about the visitor's words when he saw the man took out a pill from his sleeve and quickly drank it.

"You...!" The scene changed in shock, Fusu supported the man, "You...why?"

Black blood flowed from his mouth. The man looked at Young Master Fusu and showed a bright smile.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to leave Xianyang City. Young Master, I hope you will not forget what Changping Lord said."

After saying this, the man died. There was only one person left in the house, Fusu, who felt as if he was missing.

ps. Thank you for the big reward~~~~

ps2. Please recommend and collect ~~~~~

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