The news that the Fourteenth Young Master of the Qin Dynasty was in Huaiyin, after a month of fermentation, made the situation in Chu land, which was already full of undercurrents, become even more turbulent.

Overtly or covertly, many powerful people gathered in Huaiyin. The Jiangkou Gang's power is obviously not enough to stabilize the situation in Huaiyin.

"Crazy, crazy."

Deacon Li from the Eguchi Gang paced back and forth and shouted angrily.

"Lao Li, don't leave, it will give me a headache."

Another deacon from the Eguchi Gang, Deacon Huang, leaned on the table, rubbed his head and said annoyedly.

"So many people from all walks of life have poured into our Jiangkou Gang's territory. There have been a lot of troubles, but there is no movement from above. Gang leader, what do you think this is?"

Hu Ertie, with a livid face, sat on the leader's seat and spoke slowly.

"The higher-ups don't seem to care about this matter at all, and the news spread really fast."

"What the gang leader means is that there is someone inside who is adding fuel to the flames, but who is it?" Deacon Li said doubtfully.

"It doesn't matter who it is. What's important is that we can't get involved in this matter." Hu Shishi said very rationally.

"Then what should we do?"

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. Let brothers pay attention these days and don't cause trouble outside." Hu Er ordered.

"Yes!" Deacon Li and Deacon Huang stood up, bowed to Hu Er, and then stepped back to do their work.

"Gang leader, it's not good. The young master took a dozen people to the river!"

"What!" Hu Er was shocked and cursed angrily: "This traitor, quickly bring someone to chase him back. No! I will go there myself."

Hu Er didn't care about anything else. He stood up and left the main room, looking anxious and without any of his usual majesty and demeanor.

"Are you convinced?"


By the river, Ying Ziyi looked helplessly at the little fat man with his hands on his waist, followed by a dozen naughty children.

"Where did this little fat guy come from?" Ying Ziyi asked in confusion.

"He is Hu Duifeng, the son of Hu Er from the Jiangkou Gang." Han Xin, who was fishing by the river, said calmly without turning around.

"Eguchi Gang?"

The arrogant attitude of Ying Ziyi and Han Xin finally angered Hu Duifeng, a little fat guy. He ordered to a group of friends around him: "Hit me!"


At this critical moment, Hu Er, the leader of the Jiangkou Gang, rushed over and grabbed the little fat man Hu Duifeng's ears to go back.

"Father, what are you doing? I want them to know how powerful my Eguchi Gang is."

Hu Er covered Hu Duifeng's mouth, ignored everyone present, and left in a hurry.

Without the little fat boy Hu Duifeng, the rest of the naughty kids quickly dispersed.

This farce ended like this.


From the beginning to the end, Ying Ziyi stood there dumbfounding. Han Xin, on the other hand, was too lazy to look back and sat there fishing with a fishing rod.

"Brother Han, I have to leave."

"Really!" Han Xin replied.

Ying Ziyi hugged Han Xin's arm and said with a smile: "Little brother, why don't you go with big brother?"

Impacted by Ying Ziyi's power, the fishing rod in Han Xin's hand that was originally flat and motionless shook, causing ripples on the water and frightening away many fish.

"I...can't leave this place." Han Xin hesitated for a while and finally said.

"Why?" Ying Ziyi asked somewhat puzzled.

"Because I promised my master."

"That's it!"


On a moonlit night, by the river, there is no wind.

Wei Liaozi was wearing a black and white cloth, standing by the river. In the distance, fishing fires were dotted, like fireflies in summer. They were weak, but they brought a glimmer of light to the gloomy night. A cold mist came over the river, but the old man was indifferent.

"Master!" Han Xin's young body appeared next to Wei Liaozi and bowed.

It was late at night and the weather was heavy. Han Xin was not as advanced as Captain Liaozi. He was already cold and bruised all over after walking from the ruined temple on the mountain. Han Xin held his breath, unwilling to show his vulnerability in front of his master.

The black clouds were rolling and flowing, and a trace of moonlight filtered out, making Wei Liaozi's deep eyes dim and unclear.

These are a pair of eyes that see everything clearly, and they are a pair of eyes that understand the general trend of the world.

At this moment, there was a hint of hesitation in these eyes.

Wei Liaozi turned around and looked at the stubborn child in front of him. The hesitation turned into warmth, a trace of warmth that should not appear in a person of his level.

Wei Liaozi touched Han Xin's head, and a smile appeared on his slender face: "Do you want to leave with Ying Ziyi?"

Han Xin nodded, not intending to hide his true thoughts in front of his teacher.

"You are a pure sword." Han Xin didn't understand what Wei Liaozi said. In fact, although Wei Liaozi said these words to Han Xin, it was more like saying them to himself.

At the end, Wei Liaozi sighed, "Just follow Ying Ziyi!"

"But, master, didn't you mean..."

"Yes, I once said that you could not be born until the ancestor dragon died." At this point, Wei Liaozi sighed again, "The facts are unclear. We want to exhaust the celestial phenomena and explore the secrets of the heavens. Unexpectedly, God’s will plays tricks on people.”

God's will brings trouble!

Wei Liaozi threw a silk book from his sleeve and threw it to Han Xin.

"Take the things above and study them carefully!" Wei Liaozi turned his back and stood with his hands behind his back, revealing his back to Han Xin.

"From now on, the fate between you and me as master and disciple is over."


"get out!"

Han Xin looked at the old man in front of him and said nothing. He knelt down, kowtowed heavily to Wei Liaozi three times, then stood up and left.

"Young Master Fourteenth has been watching for so long, have you seen enough?"

The plain words made it impossible to tell how happy and angry the old man was at this moment.

Ying Ziyi walked to the old man's side and said, "You are a heartless person."

"The world is in flames, and the people are in chaos. Throughout the world, what we seek is Tao, and what we forget is love. Han Xin is a tool for me to prove myself."

"But you have feelings for this thing?" Ying Ziyi asked.

"Who can be ruthless!" Wei Liaozi sighed, seeming to admit it.

Who can be heartless? Even though he is a peerless strong man standing on the top of a lonely mountain, looking down at all living beings.

"Because it is extremely pure, it is extremely sharp. However, this glorious world has never allowed such a peerless weapon to remain in the world for a long time."

Ying Ziyi knew what happened to Han Xin in another time and space, so after hearing what Wei Liaozi said, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Unless this sword can find an owner who can control it." Wei Liaozi looked at Ying Ziyi with burning eyes.

Ying Ziyi suddenly felt his anus tighten, his body trembled, and he almost shouted: "What are you going to do?"

~~Thank you uihgf for being so lonely, so lonely as a shadow, so great for concealment, so great for ancient painting, so great for Yuanji, so great for a demon, so great for clear sky and water without a moon, so great for Dongyang, so great for seeing, and so great for prosperity 556565 , Alaska kuil is big, there is no wind, no intention, no one is big, the fish kissing the water is big, Giratila is giving a big reward~~~

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