Qin Palace.

Ying Zheng stayed up for several nights, without it, he was just worried and tired.

Worrying about the attack on Chu.

Chu State is a big country and it is difficult to swallow it up. The Qin kings in the past dynasties have implemented strategies to weaken the Chu state. To this day, although Ying Zheng has the intention to destroy Chu, he is still not sure of victory. Especially after the rebellion of Lord Changping, Ying Zheng became even more cautious.

For days. The civil and military generals and ministers of Great Qin gathered in the Qin Palace and stayed up all night, planning the specific matters for the attack on Chu.

After finishing the matters at hand and sending away the ministers, Ying Zheng closed his eyes for a moment. After staying awake for several nights, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. Even with the tonics cherished by the palace and the elixirs provided by the Yin and Yang family, Ying Zheng still felt tired, very tired.

Black shadows flickered, and a bamboo slip was placed in front of King Qin. King Qin opened his eyes and looked at the content above, feeling angry and funny.

It is recorded on it that Ying Ziyi, the fourteenth son of Ying Zheng, stayed in Huaiyin for more than a month, stirring up the situation in Chu, and then disappeared again.

Disappeared! No one knows where Ying Ziyi went? Including Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng originally thought that Ying Ziyi's boast of attacking Shouchun with three thousand soldiers must be hiding some ingenious plan. He also wanted to see what Ying Ziyi was capable of? But what I didn't expect was that Ying Ziyi's ingenious plan was just one word - drag!

Anyway, the military order didn't say when Shouchun would be conquered. It didn't matter if it was ten or eight years. When Ying Ziyi's three thousand troops entered the Chu land, they were like a drop of water blending into the sea, disappearing without a trace.

Why is this kid so good at taking advantage of loopholes? Ying Zheng felt a little depressed when he thought of this.

However, Ying Ziyi could delay it, but his brother Zheng couldn't wait any longer.

The nobles of the six countries all regarded Ying Zheng as a tyrant and believed that Ying Zheng was extremely greedy.

It's just that they all got it wrong, because in Ying Zheng's heart, what do the Six Kingdoms mean? Brother Zheng wants the whole world.

The vast grasslands in the north, the rolling mountains in the south, the rough sea in the east, and the mysterious and rich oasis in the west. To aspire to the whole world means to make enemies in the whole world.

Although Brother Zheng is still in his prime, he feels that the sun and the moon are passing away, and the years are with him.

"Your Majesty, the Moon God, the right protector of the Yin Yang Family, wants to see you."

"Xuan!" Ying Zheng said softly.

Niao Na's figure slowly entered the palace. As her skill increased, the temperament of the Moon God became more and more elegant. Step by step, she becomes graceful, like a fairy under the moon, mysterious and fascinating.

"The moon god meets the king."

"The Moon God is here just because of the mirage?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The pink lip gloss was shining, Sakura's mouth was slightly opened, and the Moon God said: "With the help of Mr. Gongshu Qiu, the basic structure of the mirage has been designed. However, some strange things needed for the mirage There are so many rare treasures that we cannot gather together at the moment.”

"Really? After the Qin Dynasty unified the world, I will let people start collecting them."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty. There is just one more thing."

"What's the matter?"

"Mirage clan!"

"Mirage clan?" Ying Zheng Jian frowned slightly and said, "Where did this mirage clan come from?"

"The Mirage clan has been passed down since ancient times. Its clan is very mysterious and little is known to outsiders. The Yin Yang family has a close relationship with it. The body magic and illusion skills mastered by their clan are very important to Mirage."

"Oh? Where is the mirage clan now?" Ying Zheng asked.

"In the past, King You died and the world was in chaos. The Mirage clan dispersed and moved to the Kingdom of Jin to serve the Jin royal family. When the three families were divided into Jin Dynasties, the Mirage clan was to protect the heirs of Jin and fought against the two princes of Zhao and Han. Their vitality was great. Injured. After that, the Mirage clan gradually declined and disappeared without a trace. The Yin Yang family last discovered its traces in the Wei Kingdom."

"However, the Kingdom of Wei has fallen, and the land of Wei has become the land of Qin." A majestic voice sounded, and the Moon God could tell that Ying Zheng's words contained a hint that the Yin Yang family was not doing things well.

"Your Majesty, forgive me. Even though the Yin Yang Family searched with all their strength, they still couldn't find a single trace of the Mirage Clan." Moon God bowed his knees slightly and apologized.

"The Mirage clan is very special. It is passed down from female to male. There are only three people in each generation. These three people respectively master the three secret arts of wind, thunder and fire. They will choose suitable people from the royal families of various countries to help them ascend to the throne."

"Only choose people from the royal family?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"I know, you go down first!"

"I'll take my leave."

The moon god left, and Ying Zheng covered his head. Even though his head was a little dizzy, his heart was still clear.

The Yin Yang family tried their best to search but still couldn't find...

Mirage will choose one person from the royal family to be the leader...

What Luna said was very obscure, but Ying Zheng could still hear the underlying meaning.

In the Great Qin, there are not many people who can hide the secrets from the Yin Yang family, but not many either. And there is probably only one person who needs to do such a thing.

It is said that Concubine Dongjun Yan, who had already betrayed the Yin Yang family, once appeared in Nanyang and participated in the plan to kill Luo Wang.

Ha ha! What fun.

Contrary to Luna's expectations, Ying Zheng was not angry, but rather interested in all this. After a long time, the joy faded, and Ying Zheng suddenly felt tired. However, looking at the mountain of government affairs in front of him, he drank a bowl of tonic soup and braced himself to continue handling it.


"So I say, eating and sleeping are important."

Riding on his little pony, Ying Ziyi held a bag of food and talked about his fallacies to a few people around him.

Beside him were monkeys, black bears, Han Xin and others.

On the mountain trails, you can ride several bicycles on the mountain roads.

"Brother, the King of Qin ordered you to attack Chu State. You issued the military order. Aren't you worried?"

Han Xin didn't quite understand that his eldest brother was not at all anxious about such a major event as conquering the Chu State. Instead, he took them on a sightseeing tour among the Chu lands.

"What's the big deal about destroying Chu Shenma?" Ying Ziyi said matter-of-factly, not taking this earth-shattering event to heart at all.


"In the Qin State, there are many people who want to destroy Chu, just like the crucian carp crossing the river. Besides, in this military order, I didn't write how much time it would take to conquer Chu. It can take ten or eight years. Moreover, Chu can't be destroyed. , the one who is most worried is not me, but King Qin."

"As the saying goes, if the sky falls, there will be a tall man to hold it up, so we don't have to worry at all. We should eat and drink when we should. The most important thing is that we are full."

"Master, what you said is good! Master, you are absolutely right!" Regarding these remarks, the foodie Black Bear was the first to stand up and support him.

Black Bear supports the times and proves it with actions. He took out a bag of delicious dried meat for five people from his horse bag, and ate it like Ying Ziyi while admiring the scenery along the way.

"Black Bear, please leave some for us." The one who spoke was not the monkey who was close to the Black Bear, but Han Xin. Everyone was a little angry when they saw Black Bear, a foodie, almost finishing up the dried meat for five people.

This man from the deep mountains and old forests ate up everything that was carried on his horse. They can only go pick wild fruits and hunt game.


After saying this, Han Xin suddenly felt as if he had been led astray by these foodies.

~~~~~Thank you for the great Ming Mingmin, the great Emperor Yun Tian, ​​the great GP 03D stone, no matter how great it is, ydhgf great, I am not a big person, the Dongyang sky is big, the ancient painting is a great loss , Xingyu Qian’s summer is great, the night is great, the journey is confused and great, the sky is dark and autumn is great, ☆※The night is windy and rainy※☆Big reward~~~~

ps. Once you enter, your mother is as deep as the sea, and from now on, your moral integrity will be a passer-by. Please recommend, please collect~~~~~~

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