Qin sent an army of 350,000 to attack Chu again, led by the general Wang Jian who guarded Nanyang, and was assisted by generals Meng Wu, Meng Tian, ​​Li Xin and other generals who were dazzling in the whole world.

The situation in the world suddenly changed.

On the Chu side, General Xiang Yan, with 200,000 troops, was stationed in Qiyi, and more Chu troops were still coming here.

A life and death showdown is inevitable.

If Qin wins, the situation of Chu State is over, and Qin's rhythm of unifying the world will no longer be stopped by anyone or any country. If Qin is defeated, Chu can use the power of victory to counterattack Qin's territory, and even become the commander-in-chief of the alliance, calling on the nobles of the world to raise troops against Qin.

Sleeping town.

Standing on the tall and thick city wall, Lord Changping stood stroking his beard. In the distance, there are crisscrossing roads. A few days ago, there were continuous fertile fields. In the past few days, under Xiang Yan's urging, people have been sent to step up harvesting. Now, only a golden patch is left, and most of the food has been collected into the city.

The piles of grain and grain in the city are where the morale of the soldiers lies, and where the confidence of the people in the city lies in resisting Qin.

Lord Changping stood alone without any guards around him. Xiang Yan quietly came behind Lord Changping, looked at the Chu army still busy in the distance, and sighed.

Changping Jun noticed Xiang Yan's arrival and said with a smile: "It seems that the matter has not been completed?"

"You win, Lord Changping, but King Jian of Qi still refuses to send troops to fight against Qin." Xiang Yan didn't understand. The general trend of the world was already clear.

"If the Chu State dies, the Qi State will inevitably not survive. Qi Wangjian has been in charge of the Qi State for nearly forty years. Can't he even see this?"

Not long ago, Xiang Yan suggested sending an envoy to Qi to ask for help from the King of Qi. Lord Changping made a bet with Xiang Yan that Qi would not rescue Chu.

Changping Jun glanced at Xiang Yan, who was waiting for his answer.

Lord Changping sighed and said with a wry smile: "How can it be so easy to forget the hatred between the country and the family?"

This national feud naturally not only refers to the contradiction between Qin and the Six Kingdoms, but also the blood feud between the Six Kingdoms.

"In the Battle of Jixi that year, Yan general Le Yi defeated the Qi army and captured more than 70 cities. The armies of the six countries rushed into Qi's territory, looting, burning and killing. Qi also changed from a first-class power to be as powerful as Qin. Now they are shutting their doors and defending themselves, struggling to survive, and they have not regained their strength for decades. The people of Qi hate Yan, Chu, Han, Wei, and Zhao as much as Qin, or even more."

"As a king of a generation, can I still be blinded by this?"

Xiang Yan also knew that what Changping Jun said was true, but he was still puzzled. During the Warring States Period, all countries fought together, and their interests outweighed everything else. Which is more important, hatred or country?

Lord Changping's eyes darkened, and he said faintly: "Either King Jian of Qi is so stupid that he can't clearly see the situation in the world. Or, he is calmer than anyone else. From the beginning, King Qi was not optimistic about Chu. can win this war.”

Hiss, Xiang Yan took a breath of cold air, and the vigorous fighting spirit in her heart suddenly stagnated. After a long time, he looked at Lord Changping, who was becoming more and more gentle and calm, and asked: "Lord Changping, are you not optimistic that we can defeat the Qin army?"

Xiang Yan looked at the continuous fields in the distance. The joy of the harvest was no longer there, but the autumn wind was blowing and everything was desolate and desolate.

"God's will tricks people! Under the general trend, no matter how much resourcefulness is useless. With the strength of you and me, even if we can go against the trend for a while, we cannot go against the trend for the whole life."

After hearing Lord Changping's heartfelt words, at this moment, Xiang Yan felt hesitant and confused like never before.

Lord Changping took two steps forward and was getting closer and closer to the wall. If he took another step, he would probably fall off the wall.


Amid Xiang Yan's exclamation, Lord Changping stopped. Lord Changping turned his back and spoke slowly under Xiang Yan's puzzled gaze. His tone was firmer than ever before: "Life and death are just between this step. We know that the situation is irreversible, but we, Just die!"

We, all of us, are mortal!

Xiang Yan laughed heartily, and by the time she finished laughing, her old eyes were filled with tears.


"Leave these things to me."

On the official road, a strong and powerful man shouted loudly, looking very arrogant. He led a dozen strongmen in tattered clothes and stopped a caravan of dozens of people in a grand manner, pointing at their belongings and saying.

"Where did the thieves come from, and they are all dying?" The leader of the caravan measured the number of people on both sides, and it was true.

"Damn it, if you don't cooperate, I'll take it from you."

The fight begins from here. As the caravan leader expected, the result was crushing. It's just different from what the caravan leader expected, the two have just changed.

The sword fell and a wail arose.

Dozens of people were knocked down by the opponent in an instant. The leader of the caravan didn't know where this strong man came from to be so powerful. Not only are they highly skilled in martial arts, but the weapons they hold are also extremely sharp.

"Sir, have mercy on me, please have mercy on me..." The leader of the caravan knelt down and begged for mercy, but the other party was obviously more interested in the caravan's goods.

"What a good business!"

A slightly joking voice sounded, and a swordsman in civilian clothes slowly walked out of the forest.

"Who are you?"

Two strong men holding long swords blocked the swordsman's path.

Snap, a bronze token flew out from the swordsman's hand, spanning a long distance, and flew straight towards the strong and mighty man.

The big man's thick, calloused palm caught the token. The token is engraved with the character Ying on the front and the character Anxi Jun on the back.

"Young master, I have an order. All the men and horses under your command must immediately assemble and wait for orders in the village thirty miles ahead. There must be no mistake."

"I will obey the orders of the young master."

Dozens of people immediately prostrated themselves, acting respectfully. After the salute, the big man led a group of people, left several carts of goods, and ran into the mountains and forests.

The caravan leader trembled as he watched the civilian swordsman pull out the long sword in his hand. The sound of the sword and scabbard rubbing against each other was crisp and clear, but to the caravan leader's ears, it was extremely terrifying.

"You...you, with your skills, why do you do such a despicable job? Follow me, and I will protect your glory and wealth."

The swordsman remained unmoved, but his pace was getting closer and closer.

"All these cars and belongings belong to you, all I ask is to spare my life...ah..."

A cruel smile appeared, and the sword harvested life. Blood dyed the land red, and the note of death resounded through the mountains and forests. The bald bird chirped, as if it smelled the delicious meal. The beast roared, excited by the smell of blood. The swordsman was so full of murderous intent that even the overlord of the mountain did not dare to approach him, so he had no choice but to hibernate in the forest and wait quietly.

The swordsman wiped the blood on the sword with the merchant's brocade clothes. He looked disdainfully at the carts of goods and gently stroked the edge of the long sword with his fingers. His eyes were fanatical, as if he were treating a woman with sex, tenderly. without losing patience.

Carefully putting away the sword, the swordsman slowly turned his back and left.

On Chu Di, small streams of people are slowly gathering. The sky was filled with beacon smoke, and just when the eyes of everyone in the world were attracted by the imminent war between Qin and Chu. No one thought that Ying Ziyi's three thousand cavalry would soon perform a chaotic song in this apocalyptic world!

~~~~ Thanks to Xiao Ai Dada who loves reading. I am not a Sanbusi Dada, and my painting is ancient. I am a cool and handsome brother Dada, a young author Dada, xiaoteng07 Dada, 0 reading angel 0 Dada for the reward~~ ~~

~~~~Please recommend and collect~~~~

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