From the time he received the news that the Qin army was attacking Chu, to when Wang Jian led his army into Chu, Xiang Yan had more than 300,000 troops and horses, and this number was still increasing.

The Chu army was unparalleled in strength, and Xiang Yan planned to fight Wang Jian in one go and have a quick victory. But Xiang Yan was disappointed. The 50,000 forwards he sent retreated as soon as they came into contact with the Qin army.

The 350,000 Qin army led by Wang Jian did not launch a devastating offensive as the world imagined. Instead, they stationed themselves according to the terrain and fought a protracted war. With deep ditches and high fortresses, Wang Jian's army ate food shipped from all over the Qin Dynasty every day, but did not fight.

Xiang Yan knew that in response to this situation, officials from all over the Qin State and courtiers in the DPRK had not impeached Wang Jian. After all, the daily consumption of 350,000 troops was a sky-high figure. After a long time, no one can bear it. But these were all suppressed by Ying Zheng. The trust that Ying Zheng gave to Wang Jian was really rare!

On his own side, the King of Chu had urged him over and over again to find a fighting opportunity and fight Wang Jian decisively. Otherwise, return to your hometown and wait patiently.

retreat? Can I withdraw?

As soon as the Chu army retreated, their vigor was lost. When the time comes, what else can I use to fight against Wang Jian?

"Wang Jian is really amazing!"

In the military tent, Xiang Yan sighed helplessly. Wang Jian didn't take any action, but it was more effective than any action he took.

The Chu State is far less powerful than the world imagines. Xiang Yan knew that as time went by, Chu State was getting closer and closer to the edge of collapse.


Opening the tent door, a scribe came slowly and bowed to Xiang Yan.

"Get up! I want you to serve as an envoy to the Qin camp. This is the gift I prepared for Wang Jian. You should take it with you." Xiang Yan pointed to a lacquer box on the table and said slowly.

"I obey."

"There may be no return this time." When the scribe was about to leave the tent, Xiang Yan's voice floated over.

The scribe was stunned and then returned to his normal state without any reply. "I know."


There are endless tents, close to the mountains and rivers.

When Wang Jian opened the lacquer box brought by the Chu envoy, the contents inside made the generals present furious. Li Xin drew his sword on the spot and wanted to kill the Chu envoy, but was stopped by Wang Jian.

Inside, is a woman's clothing.

The cyan silk clothing is light and flexible, and is decorated with gold silk decorations. The workmanship is very exquisite. Even if this dress is placed in Xianyang City, it is still a valuable item that ladies and ladies compete for.

But in this chilling military camp, especially the gifts brought by Xiang Yan. Then there is no doubt that the other party's meaning is expressed.

Wang Jian, the first general of the Qin State, was as timid as a woman.

It’s no different than now when there are still titles like transvestite. In ancient times, calling a man like a woman was a huge insult.

When the Chu envoy saw the gift in the box, he immediately understood what Xiang Yan meant. Then he smiled, determined to fight to the death, and said sarcastically: "Wang Jian, you are in vain to be the first general of Qin, but you act like a woman." They came with an army of more than 300,000 people in fear. They did not dare to fight or retreat. They just huddled in the camp and ate food. My three-year-old child in the Chu land now knows that there is no one in the Qin State, and there is no one in the Qin State. It’s human!”

The Chu envoy cursed, which aroused the anger of the Qin generals in the tent. They all drew their swords and pointed them at the Chu envoy. The other party was in the sword, but he was not afraid, and there was a hint of disdainful sneer on the corner of his mouth.


Wang Jian's calm voice sounded, and he was still looking at the woman's clothes.

"General, let's go to battle! How can our Great Qin army be afraid of those Chu barbarians?"

"General, go to war!"

"General, go to war!"


The generals asked for battle one by one, but Wang Jian was there, stroking the clothes in the box carefully with his hands without saying a word.

"Have you finished talking?" A very calm voice resounded through the entire camp. Wang Jian looked around at the generals in the tent, and his power was so overwhelming that all the generals bowed their heads and did not dare to say any more.

Wang Jian looked at Ambassador Chu, with a smile on his indifferent face, like a spring breeze, "Tell Xiang Yan that I like the gift he gave me very much. It just so happened that I recently took in a new concubine. This time Chu Di I’m worried about not being able to find any gifts to take back during my trip!”


What the Chu envoy did not expect was that Wang Jian, a dignified general, would be so lazy.

"Send Chu envoy back."

The generals took a breath and retreated. The only ones left in the tent were Wang Jian and his deputy Meng Wu.

Just now the generals asked for battle, but Meng Wu was the only one who never spoke.

Now, after the generals had retreated, Meng Wu finally spoke.

"What are you waiting for, man?"

"Did you see it?"

"My brother once asked for an army of 600,000 before he was willing to attack Chu. This time, the king only gave 350,000, and he agreed. There must be something wrong with it. Besides, this camp looks like a deep ditch and a high fortress, but in fact, it contains hidden murderous intentions. , It doesn’t look like an elephant that has been here for a long time. Who is the person worthy of your brother Wang Jian?”

"The best way to use troops is to gather and scatter like sand. That person has actually been in Chu land all along."

"Young Master Fourteenth!"


On a moonlit night, Chu Dao.

On the long road, a group of Chu soldiers were marching. This is a convoy escorting grain and grass. When the army is mobilized, grain and grass go first. This place is less than a hundred miles away from Shouchun City. The purpose of this team was to deliver these dozens of carts of food to the small town ahead. Now it has become the hub of the Chu army's food road movement by land and water.

The fire was blazing, and it seemed to be particularly cold tonight. Even though the soldiers of the Chu army were wrapped in winter cotton clothes, they could not withstand the bone-chilling chill.

Above the official road, there is silence. When everything is desolate, there are no chirping insects or birds. Occasionally, there was a strange howl, which was the roar of some ferocious beast in the forest.

This was originally the hinterland of Chu State, and they performed the most common escort missions. Everything was dull. It was late at night, and the soldiers of the Chu army had reduced their defensive awareness to the lowest level, both psychologically and physically.

But what the soldiers of the Chu army didn't notice was that there were black shadows lurking in the forest, with bloodthirsty eyes staring at these Chu soldiers, like wild beasts dormant, choosing people to eat.

Zhang Han stood among them. Months of training had polished off the childish look on his face and added a few more edges and corners. He stared at Chu Jun and waited.

The Chu army's march has reached a critical point. In a moment, Zhang Han will miss the best place to ambush.

Zhang Han waved his hand gently, and these beasts dormant in the mountains and forests seemed to have broken free from the shackles of their cages, becoming violent and unrestrained.

The quiet and peaceful mountain road instantly turned into a worldly purgatory. Zhang Han stood there, watching all this without any emotion.

War is always cruel. As a soldier, you will never hesitate because of the loss of life on the battlefield. Whether it's the other person's life or your own life.

The laws of military strategists are so cold yet extremely true!

~~Thank you to the people who bought Tanghulu, xiaoteng07, painting ancient paintings, Xiao Ai, Huan 0 Bing, Pangu Ye, Xiang Ni, Dark Sword Kuang, Mengzui Xiaoxiao, tatacoo, Confused on the road, big reward~~~

ps. This week’s sperm has been used up and cannot be re-ejaculated~~~

ps2. Please recommend and collect~~~~

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