"Trash, trash, a bunch of trash!"

In the palace of the King of Chu, the officials were enduring the thunderous wrath of the King of Chu.

The grain and grass team transporting hundreds of thousands of troops to the front line was attacked, and all the grain and grass were burned to the ground. That night, the fire was raging and could be seen clearly even from miles away. As for the team transporting grain and grass, no one survived.

who is it?

The answer is self-evident.

"Ying Ziyi!"

The King of Chu bit the name bitterly and vented his anger without any reservation.

"A mere three thousand people are running rampant in my Chu land. What do you people do for food?"

"I am guilty." As usual, he confessed, and all the courtiers and nobles knelt down in the main hall.

Headache, quite a headache.

Although the supply of food and fodder for these ten trucks is important, it is not a big deal. There is still a reserve of food and grass on the front line, so there is no need to worry about running out of food and morale collapsing for the time being.

What really worried King Chu was that there was no one in the civil and military dynasty who could share his worries.

Ying Ziyi could burn the food and grass once, but couldn't he burn it a second time?

The most important thing now is to find and eliminate Ying Ziyi's three thousand people.

The King of Chu looked down from the throne with his cud in his hands. In the hall, everyone knelt down and looked respectful.

But what lies beneath this respectful exterior? It's dissatisfaction, resentment, timidity...

But no one could stand up and come up with a decent and feasible strategy.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to lead the army to fight and relieve the country's worries."

The speaker was a middle-aged general with a short beard and a broad face. King Chu Chu had some impressions of him. He was the general Long Guang who led the Long Teng Army to battle last time but returned without success.

The King of Chu was unhappy because Long Guang was a member of the Xiang family. Not long after he had demoted him to a commoner, he was 'carried' into the court again.

Ji Chu deliberately didn't want to use Long Guang, but looking at the lifeless civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, he finally nodded.

"Long Guang, I ordered you to lead the Tenglong Army to fight. If you still can't get rid of Ying Ziyi this time, you don't have to come back."

"I will obey your orders!"


Amid the puzzled and mocking looks of many people, Long Guang returned to his mansion. Compared to the ministers in the court, the mansion was not too big.

Long Guang's two sons, Long Xiu and Long Qie, were already waiting in front of the gate to greet them.

As a general, Long Guang's wife died young, but he never relaxed his discipline on his son.


The two sons saluted, and Long Guang waved his hand, signaling the two sons to stand up, and asked, "Where is the young master?"

"Young Master is preparing horse gear in the stable." Among the two, Long Qie, who was closer to Xiang Shaoyu, said.

Long Guang frowned and rushed to the stable in the backyard.

The whole mansion is very dilapidated. At least, compared with ordinary Chu officials at this level, Long Guang's house can only be regarded as simple.

But this stable is a bit out of place compared to the houses in the entire mansion. Because everything from the shed to the tiles is new, it looks like it has just been repaired. The most noteworthy thing is that the four war horses raised in this stable are all fed with fine feed.

This pot of feed is probably worth what ordinary people spend in a month.

"See Young Master."

Long Guang stepped forward and saluted Xiang Shaoyu.

"Uncle Long, there is no need to be polite."

"Young Master, why are you packing the harness?"

"Of course I will go to the battlefield with you!" Xiang Shaoyu replied matter-of-factly.

Xiang Yan kept his grandson in his own home as a kind of protection. How could this kid who has been clamoring to go to the battlefield all day know how dangerous the battlefield is?

"Young Master, this...!"

"Uncle Long, you also know that I am much stronger than ordinary soldiers. I can do what they can do, and I can do it better than them. This time on the battlefield, I don't ask for anything else. Yes, just be a soldier."

Before Long Guang finished speaking, Xiang Shaoyu spoke out first and blocked Long Guang's mouth.

Long Guang wanted to refuse, but he remembered what Changping Jun said to him when he left, and decided to take Xiang Shaoyu with him.

"In this case, young master, please be a personal guard by my side!"

"Okay! I'll see you, General." Xiang Shaoyu saluted Long Guang in a decent manner.

"Young Master, it doesn't have to be like this." Looking at the energetic and smiling Xiang Shaoyu, the gloom in Long Guang's heart suddenly disappeared.

The king of Chu ascended the throne by killing his younger brother, which was unpopular. This can be seen from the silent attitude of the civil and military officials in the court today. At the beginning, Xiang Yan, Lord of Wu'an, gave his full support for the stability of Chu State, but in the end, this was just patching up a piece of equipment that was full of cracks.

But this instrument is not only a place where the nobles of the dynasty compete for power, but also a home for the people of the Chu region to survive. The Qin army passes by, who can survive? It is not the people of Chu who are suffering.

Therefore, Long Guang came forward not to prove anything. I just want to do my part for Chu State.

Just do it, no one will blame you!

This is what Changping Jun said to Long Guang before he left.

Long Guang couldn't fully understand the meaning. However, Long Guang could feel some of the ominousness hidden in these words. This is also the reason why Long Guang brought Xiang Shaoyu with him.

"Long Xiu, dragon, please listen to your orders."

"The general is here!"

Long Guang's two sons knelt down to obey the order.

"With my general's orders, you will immediately go to the Tenglong Legion's station and accept the camp. After that, Long Xiu will command three thousand cavalry to search for Ying Ziyi's traces."

"I will obey my orders."

"Remember, if you encounter an enemy, you cannot fight."

Long Xiu didn't quite understand. He lowered his head and said, "I will obey your orders."


Three thousand Chu cavalry dispersed across the vast grassland, gradually pursuing from the place where the grain and grass were burned, searching for the traces left by the Qin army.

The falcon was hovering in the sky, its sharp eyes exuding cold air, and its green eyes reflected the leaping figure of its leader. The horse was roaring and the dust was flying. Long Xiu had a strong spirit in him. In order to become famous, he also wanted to defeat the legendary Ying Ziyi.

Dressed in light clothes and with an unparalleled appearance, Concubine Yan stood on a raised rock, observing everything. The rocks are covered by dense forests and are at high altitudes, making them difficult to detect.

Concubine Yan's watery eyes were empty. She looked calm on the outside, but her thoughts were racing, comparable to the billowing clouds in the sky.

"Have you decided?"

A clear sound brought Concubine Yan's thoughts back to reality, and Ying Ziyi appeared beside her.

Concubine Yan turned around, and there were clusters of figures behind Ying Ziyi, faintly moving.

"Yes, I have decided! Dan and I will eventually have a result."

"Then go!"

"Thank you, sir."

The relationship between the two is actually very strange, like an enemy, like a friend, like a teacher, like a servant. However, when parting, there was still a trace of reluctance in Ying Ziyi's heart.


Concubine Yan paused slightly as she walked away, but did not answer. Then, she slowly moved forward without stopping.

"Monkey, I don't trust her. Bring a few people with you to support her!"

The smoke and dust went away, leaving only a beautiful figure under the setting sun. Ying Ziyi stood with his hands behind his hands and ordered.

"Yes, sir."

~~~Thank you for banishing the immortal Yijian Dada, l26000814qd Dada, Huagu Chengshang Dada, The road is confused and confused, Mengzui Xiaoxiao Dada, Xinyang Ke Zhendong Dada, Demon Lord Tianxueshen, xiaoteng07 Dada for the reward~~~

ps. There were cotton robes in the pre-Qin period, but they were not filled with cotton wool~~~~~~~~

ps. Please recommend and collect~~~~~~~~

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