Deep in the mountains, the night is lonely.

"You came."

Yan Dan is still Yan Dan. There was no trace of emotion in the words of the Mohist giant, and he looked calm at every turn, as if no one in the world could make him feel any emotion. Even if the person opposite is his once beloved wife.


Slowly emerging from the darkness, under the moonlight, a beautiful figure appeared in the forest clearing. Concubine Yan looked at Yan Dan and hesitated to speak.

Love was like a raging fire, burning fiercely in Concubine Yan's body, never going out for a moment. The person in front of him is the person he thinks about day and night. However, when Concubine Yan really stood in front of her lover, she was speechless.

"I'm here." After a while, Concubine Yan uttered this sentence.

"Yes!" Yan Dan nodded, as if he had nothing to say.

"Feiyan, come back!"

The scene was a bit cold. Yan Dan looked at Concubine Yan for a long time and suddenly said.

Yan Dan has a chivalrous heart and aims to inherit the Mohist ideals throughout his life. Concubine Yan knew him well, so she understood even more the value behind Yan Dan's words.

The complex mood formed by the mixture of grievances, anger, love, loneliness and other emotions, when hearing Yan Dan's words, disappeared in an instant like fierce ice and morning dew.

With a blush on her face, Concubine Yan quickly took two steps forward, getting closer and closer to Yan Dan, so close that she was only two steps away from bumping into Yan Dan.

Concubine Yan was like a teenage girl who was in love for the first time, feeling uneasy in front of Yan Dan.

Yan Dan seemed to notice Concubine Yan's embarrassment, so she walked forward and hugged her.


Standing quietly at this moment, Concubine Yan suddenly felt that the whole world no longer existed. She rubbed her head slightly on the somewhat dirty cloth of the man in front of her, feeling the breath of this man. The masculine and muscular body reminded Concubine Yan of that year when they were boating on the lake on the bank of the willow tree. They enjoyed the joy of escaping from Qin and the Yin and Yang family. Concubine Yan felt that long-lost sense of security in her heart.

I don’t know how much time has passed. , the wind blew gently, and the branches squeaked. It was so cold in the mountains, but even with Concubine Yan's cultivation, she felt a bit of chill. However, this coolness came from my heart.

"Dan, why...why?"

Concubine Yan took two small steps back. Her abdomen was purple and black blood slowly left from the wound. Looking at Yan Dan again, he was holding a blood-stained dagger in his hand.

Yan Dan remained expressionless, terrifyingly calm. Concubine Yan had never noticed that the man in front of her was so strange.

The wound hurt, but it was not as painful as the pain in my heart.


Concubine Yan was unwilling to give in. She wanted to get an answer from Yan Dan. Even if it means death.

"You shouldn't help Ying Ziyi!"

When this sentence came out of Yan Dan's mouth, the meaning behind it made Concubine Yan feel confused.


Suddenly, Ji Ru's young figure ran out of the forest, followed by Duan Murong.

Ji Ru quickly ran to Concubine Yan's side, while Duan Murong felt Concubine Yan's pulse and checked her injuries.

"Poisonous? It's still so poisonous that blood seals the throat." Duan Murong thought to herself, looking at Yan Dan with a complicated expression.

"Mother...what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

Ji Ru looked at her mother, tears streaming from her pupils, very sad.

"Gao Yue, mother is fine." Bloody hands touched Ji Ru's face, and Concubine Yan reluctantly showed a smile on her face.

Whoa, a strong wind flew away and hit Gao Yue's body. Yan Dan said to Duan Murong: "Take Yue'er back."


Duan Murong hesitated, but Yan Dan's words were very firm, revealing a meaning that could not be refused. But Yan Dan's eyes showed panic for the first time. .

"This is an order. An order from the Mohist giant."


Duan Murong stood up. Although she was unwilling in her heart, she could only execute it because she was the leader of the Mo family. Before leaving, Duan Murong glanced at Concubine Yan, her former savior.

She is Qin's lackey, I shouldn't sympathize with her!

Duan Murong's heart was in tangle, and she tried hard to persuade herself to let go of her sense of mission as a doctor. But I felt something was wrong. What is it? She can't tell now.

While Duan Murong struggled, she took Ji Ru away.

You shouldn't help Ying Ziyi! Concubine Yan was always thinking about this sentence.

"So that's it." Concubine Yan, as smart as she was, finally understood the meaning of Yan Dan's words.

"It turns out that everything that happened when we were together is nothing compared to a child who has made you ashamed in your heart."

Hatred occupied Yan Dan's entire heart. Hatred for Qin, hatred for Ying Zheng, and hatred for Ying Ziyi drove Yan Dan to do all this.

The wind has not passed away, the love has ceased.

Concubine Yan looked at Yan Dan, the love in her heart gone. However, along with the lost love, her life became weaker and weaker.

Concubine Yan had strong cultivation. Even if she was poisoned by a fatal poison, she was still holding on and thinking clearly.

Because she doesn't want to fall down yet. Concubine Yan couldn’t explain why? Maybe it was just because of the remaining self-esteem of being a strong person in her chest.

Is it just because of this? Concubine Yan laughed at herself.

"You are so cruel to such a delicate little lady."

With a sigh, the monkey's figure sprang out of the forest. He still looks that vulgar and behaves so frivolously, but after all, it is different from before.

With scorching heat and golden light coming out of his body, Monkey used all his strength from the beginning. Because the opponent in front of him is very powerful.

Faced with a martial arts move that he had never seen before, Yan Dan did not dare to raise his eyebrows and dodged to the side to avoid the monkey's attack.

The monkey came to Concubine Yan and said to her: "Follow me."

"Did the young master ask you to come?" Concubine Yan said vaguely, her will already very blurred.

"Young Master is worried about you, so you asked me to follow you. Unexpectedly, it's still a step too late."

"Take Concubine Yan and leave." Houhou said to the men behind him. One of them stepped forward to meet Yan Dan, who was holding Mo Mei in his hand.

"Is it you?" Yan Dan had no good impressions of this wretched person who once attacked him.

However, just because Yan Dan didn't speak, it didn't mean that this bitch, Monkey, wouldn't make fun of him.

"You even killed your own wife, which is exactly what my young master said." The monkey smiled, not as if he was facing a powerful enemy.

"What?" Even though he understood that the other party had nothing nice to say, Yan Dan still wanted to know what Ying Ziyi said?

"My young master said that he is a true husband without mercy!"

Yan Dan's face turned red with anger. However, the monkey was not proud for long, only to see human figures moving behind the dense forest.

The Mo family's reinforcements have arrived!

The monkey retreated sharply. His attainments in Qinggong and Shenfa are rarely matched by others.

Yan Dan did not chase, watching the monkey's figure disappear into the distance.

Behind him, four or five people leapt out of the forest. Judging from the clothes, he is from a peasant family!

~~~Thank you for banishing the immortal Yi Jian Dada, Xingyu Qianzhi Xia Dada, the boy author Dada, Mengzui Xiaoxiao Dada, the road is confused and Dada, black201 Heida Dada, the Holy Emperor of Shura Dada, Liangliang1997 Dada, I forgot you Dada , the fish that kisses the water is big, the ancient painting is a great sorrow, ☆※The night is windy and rainy※☆ is big, the loneliness is like a shadow, the rain and eleven o'clock are big, the sun and the moon are shining together, the rise and fall of the world of mercenaries is a big reward~ ~~~

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