The villain system of Mingyue in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 99: Talking again and again

In the same night, some people are confused, some are confused, and some are emotionally exhausted...

However, among these people, Liu Ji is the least thoughtful one.

In the dark room, Liu Ji was blindfolded, his hands tied with cowhide rope, and he was thrown into the corner.

When ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, they either tremble with fear or feel uneasy and anxious all day long.

But what about Liu Ji? He is sleeping.

Yes, he was sleeping mindlessly. There was a whirring sound, and he threw his arms and legs, without any manners at all.

The door opened gently, and Ying Ziyi walked in slowly.

The great ancestor of the Han Dynasty in another time and space, the legendary figure who defeated all the heroes in the world and founded the Han Dynasty for four hundred years, was right in front of Ying Ziyi.

In terms of temperament and appearance, Liu Ji is the best choice. His maturity reveals a irreverent temperament. Such a temperament can attract a woman's attention.

"Is he the Fourteenth Young Master?"

Liu Ji seemed to wake up and asked.

"How did you know it was mine?"

"If I tell you that when I fell asleep, I felt a mighty dragon energy coming and woke me up from my dream, would you believe me?"

Liu Ji raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.


Ying Ziyi didn't believe Liu Ji's specious words. However, this does not prevent Ying Ziyi from laughing.

"What a great Liu Ji." Ying Ziyi waved his hand, and the men on the side untied the cloth and rope that blindfolded Liu Ji.

Liu Ji stood up, relaxed his muscles and bones, and under the candlelight, what came into view was a young man, to be precise, a child who was still childish.

But it was this child who caused chaos in the world and turmoil in all countries. The Monong family, the two most powerful gangs in the world, also suffered heavy losses because of it.

What a monster! Liu Ji sighed in his heart.

Although this seemingly weak child was right in front of him, Liu Ji did not think of any strategy to capture the thief first, nor did he have any determination to eliminate harm for the world.

In the darkness, a few vague murderous intentions were locked on Liu Ji. Liu Ji glanced at the civilian swordsman carrying an ancient sword next to Ying Ziyi. Just based on the aura revealed in his every move, Liu Ji was sure that he would not be this man's opponent.

"I wonder how my brother is doing now?" Liu Ji lowered his head, looking respectful and humble.

"They are so good. I have to say, your brothers are all talents!"

Liu Ji breathed a sigh of relief. It could be seen that he was still very concerned about his brother's safety.

"I have a question, sir, can you answer it for me?"

"Say it!" Ying Ziyi found a place and sat down.

"I am a leader of Nongjia Shennongtang. Although I am somewhat famous in the world, I am completely different from a big shot like Young Master. Why did Young Master spend so much effort to bring me here? "

This is what Liu Ji can't figure out the most. What on earth did he create...ah! No, he did something amazing to attract the attention of the 14th Young Master of Qin Dynasty. (Author: Of course it’s because the protagonist cheated)

"This is a desperate time!"

Ying Ziyi said slowly, but it made Liu Ji feel a little confused.

After a long time, seeing that Ying Ziyi had nothing to say, Liu Ji asked, "Why did the young master say that?"

"Princes, generals and prime ministers, would you rather have the seed?"

Ying Ziyi smiled and said something that shocked Liu Ji.

"Young Master, why should you take your words seriously?"

Such a slogan is really impressive. It's just like a drunk talking nonsense or a madman talking nonsense, no one will take it seriously.

"In this era, the gap between the nobles and the common people is simply despairing. The nobles can stay away from production all day long, have fine clothes and fine food, and have beautiful wives and concubines. But the common people work all day long, but they can't even have two meals of food and clothing. What's even more terrifying is Yes, nobles will always be nobles, and commoners will always be commoners, and this relationship has lasted for thousands of years. All this is because of two words, enfeoffment."

Ying Ziyi told a fact word by word, a fact that made Liu Jimeng feel desperate.

"Anyone who wants to change all this will not get a good end in the end. Wu Zi is like this, Shang Jun is like this, and even Han Fei is like this."

Ying Ziyi slowed down and looked at Liu Ji. The other party has obviously fallen into some kind of emotion and is no longer as calm and calm as before.

"These people are all outstanding talents from ancient times to the present. Wu Zi assisted Wei, and Qin had little chance of success. Lord Shang followed Qin, and the six countries did not dare to look westward at Han Valley. A "Han Feizi" was enough to make Han Zi Their fame will be passed down through the ages. However, these powerful people all failed in the end. Do you know why?"

Liu Ji shook his head, feeling a little at a loss.

"Because no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot be an enemy of the entire world."

That's right, in this era, those who can represent the entire world are not the vast majority of civilian slaves working in the fields, but the nobles who stand high above them.

"So, Wu Qi was dismembered, Shang Yang's chariot was broken apart, and Han Fei died inexplicably in Qin's prison."

Liu Ji was agitated, but he was a calm person after all. After hearing what Ying Ziyi said, he felt something was wrong. The other party was so confused that he still didn't answer the question he just asked? What's more, Ying Ziyi himself is also a member of the nobility!

"Let's talk about you! You obviously have great ambitions, but because you are just the son of a farmer in Peixian County, you are born shorter than those of noble origin. In fact, no matter how talented you are, you will never get ahead. .”

"What do you want to say, Master?"

"Don't you want to change all this?"

Tu Qiong saw that Ying Ziyi's words were like a knife in Liu Ji's heart, and the smile that had been hanging on his face finally disappeared.

"Didn't Young Master say that if you want to change all this, it will be difficult to reach the sky?"

"Yes! You can't do it, and neither can I, but there is one person who can do it."


"King Qin Yingzheng!"

"How can I see it?"

"Because he is crazier than any of the above."

Ying Ziyi seemed to be joking and taunting. At this moment, Liu Ji couldn't understand it at all.

"Sweep across the Liuhe and unify the world. Kill the Di and destroy the barbarians, and shine the glory of China. Civilization and martial arts will be passed down for thousands of years. The foundation of all ages begins with oneself. What do you think?"

"Unrealistic." Liu Ji thought for a while and finally came to such an evaluation.

"If I said, this is what King Qin said, what would you think?"

Seeing the frightened change in Liu Ji's face, Ying Ziyi smiled: "The person who wants to do all this is undoubtedly a madman in the eyes of outsiders. But the madman who has the ability to do all this, the look on everyone's face , it will no longer be ridicule, but fear. How many nobles from the six countries have always wanted to kill the King of Qin? The gate of the Qin Palace is almost stained with blood, but who has succeeded? "

"Hahahaha!" When he said this, Ying Ziyi smiled freely: "There are people in the world who hate King Qin Yingzheng to the core, some who curse and curse, and some who pay for murder and assassination... Ming He did it secretly and tried countless methods, but they couldn't do anything about him."

This is the reason why King Qin Yingzheng’s reputation for tyranny and greed spread throughout the world! Because apart from the pleasure of words, the nobles of the six countries have no other options.

~~Thanks to Roman Wu Holiday, Xiaomu Yiyang, Ye Shawu, uihgf, Liangliang 1997, Exiled Immortal Sword, Idea 2014, I don’t go to temples, I drink wine as if I’m singing. The painting of ancient times brings great sorrow, the dream of drunkenness is great, the return of the king is great, the journey is confused and great, the invisible memories are great, ☆※The night is windy and rainy※☆It is great, the mini version of the bicycle is great, xiaoteng07 gives a great reward~~~~~

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