
The wind was cold.

The bonfire was blazing, but it couldn't stop the biting cold.

Zhang Nan wore two layers of coarse clothes, with a sword slung across his waist, and walked past the top of the city from time to time.

This was Wang Hao's special order. The bigger the victory, the more cautious you must be, and you must not be blinded by victory.

Therefore, Zhang Nan did not dare to neglect it at all. He stared at the outside of the city with his eyes as big as cow eggs.

Although he was heroic and high-spirited, he was tired after a day of fighting. After patrolling the city for a while, he naturally felt tired and unconsciously slacked off.

At first, he patrolled the city wall once every quarter of an hour; just after midnight, he patrolled the city wall once every two quarters of an hour; and now, he has lost his patience and patrolled the city wall once every half an hour, which is also a hurry.

Zhang Nan subconsciously thought that we are all human beings. After a day of fighting, there is no reason why we are tired but they are not. We need to rest but they don't.

Night attack?

We are exhausted, and we still want to attack at night?

It is because of this kind of thought hypnosis.

Zhang Nan was slacking off.

After his seventh rough inspection of the city wall, he could no longer bear it, and fell asleep with his eyelids drooping.

He didn't know how long it had been.

Suddenly, a sharp and piercing voice sounded:



Wang Hao suddenly woke up as if by reflex.

He picked up the ring-handled sword and looked in the direction of the city wall.

Sure enough, every few meters, there was a triangular iron hook hooked on the city wall.

This is the flying claw used for night attacks!

Damn it!

Fortunately, he had anticipated it and sent people to hang the sword net on the city in advance, otherwise, if the enemy came up, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Enemy Attack~~~~"

Wang Hao roared without hesitation.

At the same time, he glanced at the city wall, but did not see Zhang Nan patrolling the city.

"Damn it!"

Wang Hao cursed inwardly.

As a last resort, he could only approach with his ring-handled sword, and use the cover to look out along the city wall.

As expected, there were torches everywhere and soldiers and armors everywhere!

It was too dangerous!

Fortunately, he found it in time, otherwise he would have died without knowing how.

"Enemy attack?"

The next second, Zhang Nan suddenly woke up.

He immediately realized that something was wrong, raised his weapon, and shouted:

"Quick! Get up quickly, the enemy is attacking!"

"Get up! Get up quickly!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"


Zhang Nan reacted quickly.

He couldn't shout, so he stepped forward and kicked.

After kicking and shouting all the way, most of the soldiers woke up.

Zhang Nan came to Wang Hao, panting:

"Jun Hou, I'm really sorry, I fell asleep!"

Wang Hao glared at Zhang Nan fiercely:

"I'll deal with you at dawn!"

"Now guard the city well. If the enemy comes, I will ask you for your punishment!"

Zhang Nan gritted his teeth, pulled off his hood to keep warm, and his anger rose to his throat:

"Don't worry, General. Even if I, Zhang Nan, die in battle, I will never let a single Yellow Turban come to our aid!"


"The blue sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, the year is Jiazi, and the world is blessed!"

"The three armies obey the order and attack the city!"


Although the night attack was exposed, the city was not prepared after all.

The Yellow Turbans outside the city simply stopped hiding and immediately launched a general attack.

Wang Hao stood up and looked around. The soldiers were indeed afraid and panicked.

He immediately shouted:"Brothers, don't worry. The Yellow Turban bandits have lost the initiative. This attack on the city is just a hasty move. As long as you listen to my orders, it is only natural to repel the bandits!"


Trigger the skill Encouragement.

Morale increased by 20%!

""Wooden spears ready!"

Wang Hao gave an order.

The soldiers on the city raised their wooden spears.

Wang Hao stared at the yellow turbans outside the city.

Although it was difficult to judge the distance under the cover of night, he could tell at a glance whether they were within the effective attack distance!




Wang Hao tried his best to get the Yellow Turbans closer to the city, and finally gave the order:


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

A row of wooden spears whistled out.

Looking around, the Yellow Turbans outside the city fell like wheat being cut.

But the enemy's attack was so fierce that just after the rain of wooden spears passed, the Yellow Turbans' ladders were set up right under their noses.

""Come on!"

Wang Hao took a deep breath and immediately ordered:"Get the wolf-toothed batons ready, let them have a taste of how powerful our new weapons are!"

At that moment, two by two, the soldiers came to the wall with wolf-toothed batons.

They put the ropes on the wall, grabbed the wolf-toothed batons with both hands, pricked up their ears, and waited for orders.

The city was already densely packed with yellow turbans.


Wang Hao did not hesitate and ordered on the spot:"Smash it!"


The wolf-toothed batons as big as door panels fell from the city.

There was a burst of wailing under the city, and three or four yellow turbans were beaten to death on the spot, and the rest who were touched were also covered with scars!

But they had not reacted yet.

Wang Hao's military order started again:"Get up!"

The soldiers grabbed the ropes and pulled up with all their strength.

"Smash it!"


The wailing sound started again


"Smash it!"


The wailing sound started again


This was repeated several times.

Wang Hao was surprised to find that the Yellow Turbans under the city actually began to retreat.

Then, Zhang Nan said in surprise:"Look, General, the Yellow Turbans have been defeated!"

All the soldiers looked up and shouted excitedly:



"We won!"

"The Yellow Turbans were defeated, and we won!"




Reverse the decline and boost morale.

Rewards: Intelligence +1; Command +1;


Thanks to the readers for their support.

I just finished lunch at noon and suddenly saw that there were 4,000 flowers. Although the evaluation votes were less, they were enough for 300. More importantly, there was also a big brother who rewarded 588 points!

The author kept his promise!

At least 3 more chapters will be added today!

Thank you~~~

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