"Listen to your meaning......"

After listening to Wang Hao's report on the night attack, the county magistrate was shocked:"The Yellow Turbans want to use the east gate as a breakthrough point and then capture the entire city?"

"That's right!"

Wang Hao nodded and said with certainty:"Looking at the defense of the four gates in the city, only the East Gate suffered the most serious losses. Not only did it have the least troops, but it was also almost breached by bandits during the day."

"Since they decided to attack at night, they had to choose a point that was relatively easy to break through, and then concentrate their forces to use it as a breakthrough point to capture the entire city!"

The county magistrate nodded in agreement:"Yes, that's the truth! Fortunately, you were transferred to the east gate. If it were someone else, I'm afraid the city would have fallen."


The county lieutenant beside him secretly breathed a sigh of relief:"If it weren't for Wang Junhou's foresight and preparing the sword net and wolf tooth pike in advance, perhaps we would have become a dead body long ago. You have made a great contribution in this battle."

"County lieutenant, county lord!"

Wang Hao clasped his hands and said,"I came here not to seek credit or reward, but to report something. If we can't solve it, we may not be able to hold out until the imperial reinforcements arrive."

"Just tell me!"

The county magistrate said without hesitation:"If this county can do it, we will do our best!"

"Thank you, County Magistrate!"

Wang Hao bowed respectfully before speaking:"I think the Yellow Turbans are determined to take over this county, because it is related to whether the official road to Henei County can be opened!"

The county magistrate nodded slowly after hearing this.

If it were not for the fact that the county was in a strategic location, the Yellow Turbans would not have gone crazy, attacking in turns within a day, not giving people a chance to breathe!


Wang Hao then said:"Because of this, their future offensive will only become stronger, not weaker, and the strength in the city will gradually be consumed. If we don't take measures soon, it will be broken sooner or later!" The county magistrate nodded and said:"Wang Junhou's words make sense, but do you have any specific good plans?"

""I don't dare to take the good advice, but I have a stupid plan!"

Wang Hao exhaled a breath of turbid air, and his heart was a little nervous.

He had been thinking about this plan for a whole night, but he couldn't find a way, so he came up with this stupid plan.

"Tell me about it!"

The county magistrate waved his hand.


Wang Hao paused, then bowed and said,"Your Excellency, I think that if we want to fundamentally alleviate the current predicament, we can only release the prisoners and make them serve as soldiers, so that they can make meritorious contributions while serving their sentences!"


The county magistrate was stunned:"Release the prisoners?"

"That's right!"

Wang Hao nodded affirmatively:"This is the only way I can think of. I hope the county lord will consider it carefully!" The county lieutenant frowned and retorted directly:"Marquis Wang, are you crazy? Those prisoners are difficult to manage. Once they are released, if they cooperate with the Yellow Turban bandits from inside and outside, what can we do?"

Wang Hao's eyes were sharp, and he said domineeringly:"Anyone who dares to make trouble, disobeys discipline, or retreats out of fear of death will be killed on the spot to scare the villains!"

"In short!"

Wang Hao said in a loud and resounding voice:"If he cooperates in killing the bandits, he may have a chance to survive, but if he plays tricks and waits for an opportunity to retaliate, he will surely die!"

The county magistrate sighed:"Is this your reason?"

"Of course, this is just one of them!"

"What about the second one?"


Wang Hao bowed again:"According to the current emperor's practice, if the Yellow Turbans are defeated and the world is at peace, he will definitely change the era name to drive out evil and grant amnesty to the world. In this case, they will be released sooner or later, so why can't they be released earlier?"


The county magistrate hesitated.

Although he was not familiar with war, he knew the court very well.

In recent years, the emperor has issued a general amnesty almost every year, one because of frequent disasters, and the other because of constant chaos.

Just as Wang Hao said, according to the character of Emperor Liu Hong, he must issue a general amnesty this year!

In this case, letting the prisoners come out to fight in advance is a good choice.

"County Honor......"

The county lieutenant next to him was about to say something, but was interrupted by the county magistrate:"Lieutenant Li, I know your concerns, but the city is in danger now, the situation is special, and it is understandable to take special measures beyond the rules."

In fact.

We are all grasshoppers on a rope, you can't run away, and neither can I.

The county lieutenant wanted to save the city, he was just worried about the blame from his superiors.

But now, he can't even save his life, how can he care about the blame from his superiors?

"Damn it!"

The county lieutenant cursed directly:"Since the county lord has spoken, I, Li Xiong, cannot back down. I will personally supervise the prisoners' affairs, and the county lord, just wait for my news!" The county magistrate secretly breathed a sigh of relief:"Don't worry, you and I are of the same blood. If the superiors blame you, I will bear it with you!"

The next second, Li Xiong looked at Wang Hao in the hall:"Wang Junhou, you must be prepared. They are not as easy to manage as the local militia."

Wang Hao clasped his fists and bowed, and responded in a sonorous voice:"With a knife in hand, who dares to act rashly!"

Li Xiong nodded slowly:"Very good! You go back, there will be news in less than half a day!"

Wang Hao:"Yes!"


Another big guy gave 588 points in reward.

I can't add 4 more chapters today, but don't worry, I will make it up tomorrow.

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